例句 |
racesnounpl. of race a group of persons who come from the same ancestorthe last descendent of a race of kings blood, clans, families, folks, houses, kindreds, kinfolks, kins, kinsfolk, lineages, lines, people, stocks, tribes blended families, nuclear familiesextended families, households, kithsbroodsdescendants(also descendents), issues, offspring(also offsprings), progenies, scions, seed(or seeds)clansmen, kinsmen, kinswomen, relativesdynasties ancestries, births, descents, extractions, origins, pedigrees a people having a common language, culture, and body of traditionsWinston Churchill's famous hope and prediction that World War II would be remembered by future generations as the finest hour of the Britannic race ethnicities, nationalities, nations minoritiesclans, families, folk(or folks), houses, kindreds, tribes racesverbpresent tense third-person singular of raceto engage in a contestjust how many candidates are racing for the senatorial seat this year? battles, competes, contends, faces off, fights, rivals, vies challenges, engages, playsjockeys, jostles, maneuversgoes out, tries outtrains, works to proceed or move quicklywas racing around trying to get everything done before her big trip to India barrels, belts, blasts, blazes, blows, bolts, bombs(slang), bowls, breezes, bundles, bustles, buzzes, cannonballs, careens, careers, chases, courses, cracks (on), dashes, drives, flies, hares, hastens, hies, highballs, hotfoots (it), humps, hurls, hurries, hurtles, hustles, jets, jumps, motors, nips, pelts, rams, rips, rockets, runs, rushes, rustles, scoots, scurries, scuttles, shoots, speeds, steps, tears, travels, trots, whirls, whisks, zips, zooms beetles, darts, flits, scampers, scuds, scufflesstampedes, streaks, whizzesgallops, jogs, sprintsaccelerates, quickens, steps outcatches up, fast-forwards, outpaces, outruns, outstrips, overtakesarrows, beelines beats it, gets a move on, makes tracks, shakes a leg, steps on it crawls, creeps, pokes dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, drags, hangs (around or out), lags, lingers, loiters, pokes, tarriesambles, lumbers, plods, saunters, shuffles, strollsdecelerates, slows (down or up) |