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realitynoun something that actually existsthe ambition to make his dreams a reality actuality, case, fact, materiality certainty, inevitabilitycircumstance, event, occurrence, phenomenonelement, item, particular, thing fantasy(also phantasy), fiction, illusion eventuality, possibility, potentiality, probability the fact of being or of being realno one denies the reality of electricity, though few people understand it fully actuality, corporality, corporeality, existence, subsistence, thingness genuineness, realnessactivity, animation, lifecurrency, presence, prevalence inexistence, nonbeing, nonexistence, nothingness, unreality absence, dearth, lack, wantpotentiality, virtuality the quality of being actualthe reality of the situation finally dawned on her and she sat down in stunned silence actuality, fact, factuality, materiality authenticity, genuineness, truth, verity irreality, unreality fancy, fantasy(also phantasy), fiction, fictitiousnessdreaminess, surreality one that has a real and independent existenceyou'll need to cope with a whole new set of realities once you've become a parent being, commodity, entity, existent, individual, individuality, integer, object, something, substance, thing body, subjectmaterial, matter, quantity, stuff nonentity in 1550 |