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dronesnoun1pl. of drone a lazy personthose drones just lie around while we do all the work couch potatoes, deadbeats, do-nothings, idlers, layabouts, lazybones, loafers, lotus-eaters, slouches, slugabeds, sluggards, slugs bums, good-for-nothings, ne'er-do-wellscrawlers, creepers, dawdlers, laggards, putterers, slowpokes, snails, stick-in-the-muds, stragglersclock-watchers, goldbricks, malingerers, shirkers, slackersdalliers, lingerers, loiterers, lollers, loungers, saunterersdelayers, procrastinatorsdropouts, quitters doers, go-aheads, go-getters, hummers, hustlers, rustlers, self-starters achievers, comers, highfliers(or highflyers)live wires, powerhouses a person who does very hard or dull workafter lunch my fellow drones and I shuffle back to our cubicles dogsbodies(chiefly British), drudgers, drudges, fags, foot soldiers, grubbers, grubs, grunts, laborers, peons(or peones), pluggers, slaves, slaveys, sloggers, toilers, workers workhorsesserfs goldbricks, shirkersidlers, lazybones, loafers, slouches, sluggards, slugs dronesnoun2pl. of dronea monotonous sound like that of an insect in motionheard the drone of an airplane overhead burrs, buzzes, chirrs, churrs, hums, purrs, thrums, whirs(also whirrs), whizzes, zooms babbles, coos, gasps, gurgles, hisses, moans, murmurs, rustles, sighs, suspirations, susurrations, susurruses, whisperswhishes, zings, zips bawls, howls, roars, screams, screeches, shrieks, squalls, squeals, yells, yelps dronesverbpresent tense third-person singular of droneto fly, turn, or move rapidly with a fluttering or vibratory soundthe sound of droning bees all around us bumbles, burrs, buzzes, hums, whirs(also whirrs), whishes, whizzes, zips, zooms chirrs, churrsthrumsfizzes, hisses, murmurs, purrs, rustles, sighs, sizzles, swishes, whisperscoos, currswheezes, whistles, whooshes to spend time doing nothinginstead of getting a job, he preferred to drone and live off his parents bums, chills, dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, footles, goofs (off), hacks (around), hangs about(British), hangs (around or out), idles, kicks around, kicks back, lazes, lazies, loafs, lolls, lounges, vegges out(or veges out) fiddles (around), fools, messes, monkeys, mucks, piddles, plays, potters (around), putters (around), triflesdozes, estivates(also aestivates), hibernateslags, lingers, loiters, pokes, relaxes, rests, tarriesambles, moseys, saunters, strolls, swansfurloughs, goldbricks, malingers, truants kills time, twiddles one's thumbs drudges, grinds, grubs, humps, hustles, labors, moils, pegs, plods, plows, plugs, slaves, sweats, toils, travails, worksapplies, buckles (down)exerts, puts out |