例句 |
illumeverb to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understandinga favorite line of an Eastern Church hymn reads, "through fast-closed doors Thou camest Thy Disciples to illume" edify, educate, enlighten, illuminate, illumine, inspire, nurture elevate, ennoble, enrich, ensoul, lift, upliftbetter, improve, regenerate, renew, transformexalt, glorify, transfigure confuse, perplex, puzzlebecloud, cloud, darken, obscure to supply with lightduring the vigil service the church's Gothic interior was illumed by the light of hundreds of tapers bathe, beacon, emblaze, illuminate, illumine, irradiate, light, lighten brightenbeam, beat (down), radiate, shineenhalo, halofloodlighthighlight, spotlightblaze, burn, fire, flame, glare, glow, ignite, incinerate, kindlebedazzle, blind, daze, dazzlegleam, glisten, glitter blacken, darken, obfuscate dim, dull, obscurecover, shroud, veildouse(also dowse), extinguish, put out, quench, snuff (out) in 1602 |