例句 |
limitationsnounpl. of limitation a real or imaginary point beyond which a person or thing cannot gothe bridge has a weight limitation that bars heavy trucks from crossing it boundaries, bounds, caps, ceilings, confines, ends, extents, limits, lines, terminations extremities, fag ends, termini(or terminuses)borders, brims, edges, margins, rims, vergesoutsidesbarriers, bars, fences, hedges, restraints, stops, walls something that limits one's freedom of action or choicethe state has some fairly strict limitations on the sale and use of alcoholic beverages checks, circumscriptions, conditions, constraints, curbs, fetters, restraints, restrictions, strictures exceptions, provisos(also provisoes), qualifications, reservations, stipulations, stringsbans, prohibitions, proscriptions freedoms, latitudes the act or practice of keeping something (as an activity) within certain boundariesthe limitation on the number of vehicles allowed on the island does not sit well with year-round residents |