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academicadjectivealso academical of or relating to schooling or learning especially at an advanced level"If you spent more time in academic pursuits and less time in social ones, you could easily make good grades," the dean told Valerie educational, intellectual, scholarly, scholastic bookish, donnish, geeky, nerdish, nerdy, pedagogical(also pedagogic), pedantic, professorial, tweedycurriculareducative, instructivecollegiate, graduate, postgraduate nonacademic, noneducational, unacademic, unscholarly cocurricular, extracurricularnoncollegiate very learned or educated but inexperienced in practical mattersacademic thinkers who have no understanding of realpolitik ivory-tower, ivory-towered, ivory-towerish cerebral, eggheaded, highbrow, intellectual astute, canny, clear-sighted, hardheaded, hard-nosed, knowing, sharp, sharp-witted, shrewd, tough-minded existing only as an assumption or speculationyour arguments are merely academic—such a worst-case scenario is unlikely to ever occur conjectural, hypothetical, speculative, suppositional, theoretical(also theoretic) alleged, assumed, presumed, presupposed, proposed, supposed, unproved, unproven, untesteddebatable, mootabstract, conceptual, intellectual, metaphysicalnonclinical, nonpracticalnonempirical actual, factual, real clinical, practicalconcrete, defined, definite, distinctattested, authenticated, confirmed, demonstrated, established, proven, substantiated, tested, time-tested, validated, verifiedempirical(also empiric), nonspeculative, nontheoretical, observational in 1581 |