例句 |
emplacesverbpresent tense third-person singular of emplace to arrange something in a certain spot or positionthe plan is to emplace more guns on the ridge north of the camp deposes, deposits, disposes, fixes, lays, places, positions, puts, sets, sets up, situates, sticks moves, rearranges, reorders, shiftsorientsestablishes, locates, plants, settlesclaps, flops, planks, plops, plumps, plunks(or plonks), plunks down, slapsensconces, nichesassembles, collectscarriesberths, parksaffixes, anchors, locks, lodges, wedgesarrays, lays out, lines up, queues, rankssets down relocates, removes, takesbanishesdislodges, displaces, replaces, supersedes, supplants |