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tipsnoun1pl. of tip a piece of advice or useful information especially from an expertgot some tips from a horticulturist on how to get my violets to bloom hints, leads, pointers advice, advisements, assistances, counsel, guidance, recommendations, suggestionscautions, signals, signs, telltales, tip-offs, warningsbriefs, directions, feedback, instructions, observationsprompts, reminders, urgingsanswers, clues, solutions tipsnoun2pl. of tipa small sum of money given for a service over and above what is duegave our waiter an extra large tip for such fantastic service gratuities, perquisites donations, gifts, lagniappes, largesses, presentsbonuses, favors, rewardscontributions, offerings something given in addition to what is ordinarily expected or oweda customer who always gives his paper carrier a very generous tip at Christmastime bonuses, cumshaws, dividends, donatives, extras, gratuities, gravies, gravy trains, lagniappes, perks, perquisites, throw-ins pensionsbestowals, presentationsbenefactions, beneficences, benevolences, bounties, charities, generosities, largesses, philanthropiescontributions, donations, gifts, offerings, presentsgrants, subsidiesboons, mannas, windfallsfavors, freebies(or freebees), giveaways, premiumsawards, prizes, rewardsfringe benefits, icings tipsnoun3pl. of tipthe act of positioning or an instance of being positioned at an angleshe didn't say anything but just acknowledged our presence with a tip of her head anglings, bends, cocks, inclinations, lists, tilts turns, twists, veersbows, dips, nods chiefly Britisha place where discarded materials (as trash) are dumpedyou simply cannot dispose of leftover petrol at the tip tipsnoun4pl. of tipthe last and usually sharp or tapering part of something long and narrowthe tip of a knitting needle apexes(or apices), cusps, ends, nibs, noses, pike(or pikes), points pinpointsprongs, tinesbarbs, jags, prickles, snags, spikes, stickers tipsverbpresent tense third-person singular of tipto set or cause to be at an anglebe careful because if you tip your cup any more, you'll spill your tea angles, cants, cocks, heels, inclines, leans, lists, pitches, slants, slopes, tilts banksbends, deviates, swerves, veersdeclines, descends, reclines, retreats evens, flattens, levels, straightens |