

单词 took issue
例句 took issuephrasepast tense of take issue

to have a different opinionShe took issue with the way the department was run.

differed, disagreed, dissented, nonconcurred

clashed, collided, conflicted, contrastedcountered, debated, objected, opposed, protested, resistedcontested, disputedargued, bickered, fell out, quarreled(or quarrelled)

agreed, assented, concurred

acceded, accepted, acquiesced, complied, consented, deferred, subscribedaffiliated, allied, associated, came round, collaborated, colluded, compromised, cooperated, got along, sided

to present an opposing opinion or argumentHe took issue with their explanation of what happened in his report.

demurred, excepted, expostulated, kicked, objected, protested, remonstrated

caviled(or cavilled), quibbledchallenged, dared, defied, foughtconflicted, debated, disputed, hassled, quarreled(or quarrelled), squabbled, wrangledbeefed, bellyached, bitched, bleated, carped, caterwauled, complained, crabbed, croaked, fussed, griped, grizzled, grouched, groused, growled, grumbled, grumped, hollered, keened, maundered(chiefly British), moaned, murmured, muttered, nagged, repined, screamed, squawked, squealed, wailed, whimpered, whined, whinged(British), yammered, yawped(or yauped), yowledbalked, gagged, stuckcensured, criticized, denounceddisobeyed, rebelled, withstooddemonstrated

took exception

approved, sanctionedacceptedacceded, acquiesced, agreed, assentedadhered, complied, conformed, followed, minded, obeyed, observedadvocated, championed, defended, maintained, supported, sustained, upheldapplauded, cheered, commended





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