例句 |
anywiseadverb in any way or respectnor is it anywise important what you wear to the party without definite aim, direction, rule, or methodjust stuffed his newly cleaned clothes anywise back into the drawers aimlessly, anyhow, anyway, desultorily, erratically, haphazard, haphazardly, helter-skelter, hit or miss, irregularly, randomly, willy-nilly arbitrarily, capriciously, carelessly, casually, indiscriminately, informally, offhand, offhandedly, promiscuously, whimsicallyaccidentally, fortuitously, inadvertently, unconsciously, unintentionally, unwittinglydisconnectedly, disjointedly, fitfully, intermittently, spottily, unpredictablyhiggledy-piggledy, topsy-turvy at random methodically, systematically carefully, formally, gingerly, meticulously, orderly, punctiliouslydeliberately, intentionally, purposefully, purposely in the 13th century |