

单词 often
often adv.
often (as often as possible) usually (Old houses are often damp.) every so often sometimes more often than not/as often as not usually


often ♦︎ frequently ♦︎ a lot ♦︎ routinely ♦︎ habituallyThese words all describe things that are done or happen many times. 这些词均表示时常、常常、经常。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配often / routinely availablefrequently / routinely / habitually usedto happen often / frequently / a lotto occur often / frequentlyto wear sth often / frequently / a lot / habituallyhow often / frequently?quite often / frequently / a lotfairly / very often / frequently often many times 时常;常常I've often wondered what he looked like.我时常纳闷他是长什么样的。The dog often went missing for days.这只狗常常一走失就是好几天。How often does it happen?这多长时间发生一次?You should come and see us more often.你应该多来看看我们。She likes to get out of the city as often as possible.她巴不得三天两头就出城一次。It's not often that I receive fan letters.收到仰慕者的来信对我来说并非常有的事。 OPP rarely , seldom rarely see also often usually frequently (rather formal) often 频繁地;常常It was a word he used frequently.那个词他经常用。Passengers complained that trains were frequently cancelled.乘客抱怨火车车次频频被取消。It's the most frequently asked question these days.那是这些天来问得最多的问题。OPP infrequently rarely see also frequent frequent NOTE 辨析 Often or frequently?In many cases you can use either word. Frequently is more formal than often and is used especially to talk about things that affect or are done by people in general; often is more often used to talk about things that you do or that affect you personally. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。frequently较often正式,尤用以谈论对大众产生影响的事或人们通常会做的事;often多用以谈论你自己做的事或只对你个人产生影响的事。 a lot (informal, especially spoken) often 时常;常常We used to go out quite a lot.我们过去经常外出参加社交活动。They worry about it a lot.他们常为这事忧虑。OPP not much The opposite is not much. * a lot的反义词是not muchWe didn't go out much.当时我们不常外出交际。 routinely / /ruːˈtiːnli/ / as part of a routine; very often; (of doing sth bad) so often that it is considered normal 常规地;例行地;经常;(做坏事)屡见不鲜A red blood cell count and blood pressure were routinely recorded.对红细胞总数和血压做了常规记录。He is routinely cited as one of America's best businessmen.他经常被誉为美国最杰出的商人之一。The regime was accused of routinely torturing prisoners.那政权被指控经常对囚犯施虐。 see also routine process noun , routine usual adj. habitually / /həˈbɪtʃuəli/ / as a habit; very often 习惯性地;惯常地;经常She was without the steel-framed glasses she habitually wore.她没戴那副常戴的钢框眼镜。The rules were habitually broken.这些规定一贯不被遵守。 see also habitual frequent , habitual usual


usually ♦︎ often ♦︎ normally ♦︎ generally ♦︎ commonly ♦︎ mostly ♦︎ most of the time ♦︎ in general ♦︎ as a rule ♦︎ more often than not/as often as notThese words are all used when sth is done or happens in most cases. 这些词均表示通常、一般地、大体上。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配usually / often / generally / commonly / mostly known as...usually / often / normally / generally / commonly / mostly called / found...usually / often / normally / generally / commonly / mostly usedusually / normally / generally / commonly acceptedto usually / often / normally / generally / commonly happennot usually / often / normally / generally / commonly / in general / as a (general) rulemost usually / often / generally / commonlyquite often / generally / commonly usually in the way that is usual or normal; in most cases 通常地;正常地;一般地The journey usually takes an hour.这段旅程通常要花一个小时。Usually, there's no extra charge for delivery.送货一般不额外收费。Planning permission is not usually needed.通常不需要规划许可。Describe what usually happens.描述一下经常发生的事。 often in many cases 往往;大多Old houses are often damp.老房子大多潮湿。People often find it difficult to say goodbye.人们往往觉得很难开口说再见。She's mean. Rich people very often are.她很吝啬,富人大多如此。Traffic has increased and the roads are all too often inadequate.交通流量增加了,道路不敷使用是司空见惯的事。 see also often often normally in normal circumstances 通常;正常情况下The journey to work normally takes an hour.上班路上一般要花一个小时。The Prime Minister would not normally be expected to attend the meeting.通常情况下,首相预计不会出席会议。Normally it takes three or four years to complete the training.完成培训一般要花三四年的时间。NOTE 辨析 Usually or normally? Usually gives general information about what happens in most cases; normally is used especially in the context of a particular case that is not normal. * usually用于给出通常情况下一般性的信息,normally尤用于不太正常的特殊情况的语境It's normally much warmer than this in July (= but this July is unusually cold).通常7月要比现在热得多。He normally stayed in luxury hotels (= but this time he could not afford to do so).他往常都住豪华旅馆。 generally in most cases; usually 一般地;通常;大体上Payments are generally made on an annual basis.通常按年付款。Repairs are occasionally needed but generally the machine is quite reliable.这机器偶尔需要维修,但总体上十分可靠。Generally is often slightly more formal than usually; it is used slightly more in written English, with passive structures, and when talking about general conditions rather than personal habits. * generally常较usually略正式,略多用于书面语和被动结构,描述一般的情况而非个人的习惯。 commonly very often; by most people 通常;常常;普遍To receive satellite TV you need an antenna (commonly known as a dish).要想接收卫星电视,得有天线(俗称“锅”)。These companies are commonly thought of as models of efficiency.这些公司通常被视为效率的典范。 see also common general 1 mostly in most cases; usually 一般地;通常;大体上People mostly grew their own vegetables.人们大多自己种菜吃。She mostly calls me by my last name.她一般称呼我的姓。Mostly he eats in a restaurant.他通常在餐馆吃饭。 Mostly is often slightly more informal than usually, used especially in spoken English and more informal written contexts. It describes what people in general do, or what a particular person usually does; it does not usually describe what usually happens. * mostly常较usually略非正式,尤用于口语和较非正式的书面语境,描述大多数人做的事或特定的个人通常做的事,一般不描述通常发生的事The journey mostly takes an hour. Describe what mostly happens. ˈmost of the time


almost always 几乎总是;很多时候Most of the time I quite liked being on my own.大多数时候我很喜欢独处。The weather was cold and it rained most of the time.天气很冷,老是下雨。
in ˈgeneral


(rather formal, especially written) in most cases; usually 一般地;通常;大体上In general the instruments are extremely reliable.这些仪器通常极为可靠。The attacks were in general not reported in the media.这些袭击事件在当时一般没有媒体报道。In general is a slightly more formal way of saying generally. * in general是generally略正式的说法。
ˌas a ˈrule


in most cases; usually 一般地;通常;大体上As a rule students have one piano lesson a week.学生通常每周有一节钢琴课。As a general rule the softer cheeses are less fattening.一般来说,较软的奶酪不那么容易使人发胖。 As a general rule is used more often to mean 'as a guideline', to give advice about what you should do, rather than to say what usually happens. * as a general rule较常表示“作为参考”之意,用于建议应当怎么做,而非描述通常发生的事As a general rule, mild mustards should be served with spicy food.一般来说,味重的食物应当配淡味芥末酱。 see also rule habit , rule principle 2
more ˌoften than ˈnot as ˌoften as ˈnot


usually; in a way that is typical of sb/sth 通常;往往;一贯More often than not, the victims have serious medical problems.患者往往都有严重的病症。As a teenager he was in trouble at school as often as not.他年少时在学校总是麻烦缠身。


sometimes ♦︎ occasionally ♦︎ at times ♦︎ from time to time ♦︎ now and again/then ♦︎ on occasion(s) ♦︎ once in a while ♦︎ every so often ♦︎ off and on/on and offThese words and expressions are all used when sth is done or happens more than once or twice but not very often. 这些词均表示有时、偶尔。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to appear sometimes / occasionally / at times / from time to timeto seem sometimes / occasionally / at times / on occasionto happen sometimes / occasionally / at times / from time to time / now and againto crop up occasionally / from time to timeto wonder sometimes / occasionally / at times / from time to timeto think sometimes / at times / from time to time that...to stop sometimes / from time to time / now and again / every so oftenonly sometimes / occasionally / from time to time / now and then / on occasionevery now and again / once in a while / so often sometimes more often than once or twice, but not very often; in some cases 有时;间或;在某些情况下They played tennis and golf and sometimes went swimming.他们打网球和高尔夫球,有时则去游泳。Sometimes I look at him and wonder what is going on in his mind.有时我看着他,不知道他心里在想些什么。It is sometimes difficult to know where to begin.有时很难知道该从哪里入手。 occasionally more often than once or twice but not regularly; in some but not many cases 偶然;偶尔;有时候We occasionally meet for a drink after work.我们下班后偶尔相聚小酌。Only occasionally was there any doubt that they would succeed.极少人会怀疑他们能否成功。This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal.这类过敏症在极个别情况下会致命。 see also occasional occasional at ˈtimes


some of the time; in some cases 有时;间或The work is difficult and at times dangerous.这项工作很难做,有时还有危险。He could be quite maddening at times.他有时会很气人。At times (= in places) the road is little better than a forest track.这条路有的地方比森林小径强不了多少。
from ˌtime to ˈtime


sometimes but not necessarily regularly 不时;有时;偶尔;间或The payment will be reviewed from time to time in the light of inflation.不时会根据通货膨胀的情况核查付款。
now and aˈgain now and ˈthen


sometimes but not necessarily regularly 不时;有时;偶尔;间或He still rings me now and again.他偶尔还会给我打电话。Every now and then things happen to you in life that put everything else into perspective.有时人生中所发生的某些事会有助于正确看待所有其他事情。
on ocˈcasion(s)


sometimes but not normally 偶尔;偶然;有时He has been known on occasion to lose his temper.大家都知道他偶尔会发脾气。On occasions hospital doctors have to manage with little or no sleep.有时医院的医生睡眠时间很少,甚至没得睡。
ˌonce in a ˈwhile


occasionally 偶然;偶尔;有时候I feel I need to get away every once in a while.我觉得自己得时不时地去度个假。
ˌevery so ˌoften


at fairly regular intervals 不时;时常He paced up and down, pausing every so often to look at his watch.他来回踱步,不时停下看看手表。
ˌoff and ˈon ˌon and ˈoff


for some but not all of the time; stopping and starting 不时地;经常;断断续续地It rained on and off all day.雨断断续续下了一整天。She'd been learning Italian for about ten years, off and on.她断断续续地差不多学了10年意大利语。




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