

单词 olect_agreement_0


sign an agreement with sb 与某人签订协议be in agreement with sb 与某人看法一致 See also the entry for contract 另见contract条agreement ♦︎ deal ♦︎ settlement ♦︎ arrangement ♦︎ pact ♦︎ bargain ♦︎ understandingThese are all words for sth which two or more people or groups agree or promise. 这些词均表示双方或多方达成的约定或承诺。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an agreement / a deal / a settlement / an arrangement / a pact / a bargain / an understanding with sban agreement / a deal / an arrangement / a pact / a bargain / an understanding between sb and sban agreement / a deal / a settlement / an arrangement / a pact / an understanding on sthan agreement / a deal / a settlement / an arrangement / an understanding over sthunder an agreement / a deal / an arrangement / a pactan agreement / an arrangement / a pact / an understanding that...an agreement / an arrangement / a pact to do sthan informal agreement / arrangement / understandinga political agreement / deal / settlement / arrangement / pact / bargaina financial agreement / deal / settlement / arrangement / bargainto have an agreement / an arrangement / a pact / an understandingto enter into an agreement / a deal / an arrangement / a pactto negotiate an agreement / a deal / a settlement / an arrangement / a pactto reach an agreement / a deal / a settlement / an arrangement / an understandingto make / sign an agreement / a deal / a pactto conclude an agreement / a deal / a settlement / a pact agreement [countable] something that two or more people or groups agree should happen or be done (双方或多方的)协议,协定,契约An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。We are working towards a formal ceasefire agreement.我们正努力达成正式停火协定。The agreement will be legally binding.该协议将具有法律约束力。They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们已达成口头销售协议。They had an agreement never to talk about work at home.他们约定在家绝不谈工作。 deal [countable] an agreement, especially in business, on particular conditions for doing or buying sth (尤指商业)协议;交易The unions were ready to do a deal over pay.工会急于在工资问题上达成协议。The company expects to close the deal (= finish making it) in the first quarter of next year.公司指望能在明年第一季度达成这笔交易。The deal fell through (= no agreement was reached).这笔买卖没有谈成。I got a good deal on the car (= a good price).我这辆汽车买得很便宜。 (spoken) It's a deal!(= I agree to your terms).就这么说定了!This is the deal (= this is what we have agreed and are going to do).这是我们达成的协议。 see also do a deal negotiate settlement [countable] an official agreement that ends an argument between two people or groups; the conditions, or a legal document stating the conditions, on which money or property is given to sb (解决纷争的)协议;(关于钱财转让的)协议(书)There have been efforts to broker a peace settlement with the militia groups.为了与民兵组织达成和平协议已经作出很多努力了。Lawyers are seeking an out-of-court settlement.律师正寻求庭外和解。The house was put on the market as part of a divorce settlement.按照离婚协议,房子被出售。 see also settle resolve arrangement [countable, uncountable] an agreement that you make with sb that you can both accept, especially concerning the practical details of sth (尤指细节的)商定,约定The company has a special arrangement with the bank.该公司与银行有一项特殊约定。We can come to an arrangement over the price.我们可以就价格问题达成一项协议。Viewing of the property is only possible by arrangement with the owner.与房主约好才能看房。You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank.你事先与银行商妥,就可以在这里兑现支票。 see also arrange organize pact [countable] a formal agreement between two or more people, groups or countries, especially one in which they agree to help each other (双方或多方的)条约;(尤指)互惠协定He helped to negotiate a non-aggression pact between the two countries.他协助两国达成了互不侵犯条约。The two parties agreed on an electoral pact.两党达成了选举协定。She died with her lover in a suicide pact (= an agreement by two or more people to kill themselves at the same time).她和情人按照约定同时自杀身亡。 bargain /ˈbɑːgən; NAmE ˈbɑːrgən/ [countable] an agreement between two or more people or groups to do sth for each other 协议;交易Finally the two sides struck a bargain.双方最终达成了协议。I've done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain.我已履约,希望你也能遵守协议。 see also bargain negotiate verb NOTE 辨析 Pact or bargain?People make a pact when they both want the same thing and agree to help each other achieve it. People make a bargain when they want different things, but each agrees to do what the other wants in exchange for the other doing what they want. * pact指双方有相同目标,同意相互帮助以实现目标。bargain指双方目标不同,但是同意帮助对方实现目标以换取对方的帮助a non-aggression/suicide bargain I expect you to keep your side of the pact. understanding [countable, usually singular] an informal agreement between two people or groups (非正式的双方)协议We finally came to an understanding about what hours we would work.我们最终就工作时间达成了一致意见。I thought you gave me the book on the understanding that I could keep it.我以为你给我那本书就是答应送给我了。




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