

单词 block
block verb
block1 (block the drain) block2 (block sb's exit) block3 (block plans) fend sb/sth off (Zola's shot was blocked by the goalie.)
block noun
building (a block of flats) piece (a block of ice)


block plans 阻碍计划的实施block the drain 堵塞下水道block sb's exit 挡住某人的去路 See also the entries for disrupt and hold sb/sth up 另见disrupt条和hold sb/sth up条block ♦︎ interfere with sth ♦︎ handicap ♦︎ inhibit ♦︎ hamper ♦︎ hinder ♦︎ obstruct ♦︎ hold sb/sth backThese words all mean to prevent sth from happening, developing or making progress. 这些词均表示妨碍、阻挠、阻碍。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hamper sb / hinder sb / hold sb back from (doing) sthto block / interfere with / inhibit / hamper / hinder / obstruct / hold back progressto block / interfere with / handicap / inhibit / hamper / hinder / hold back growthto block / interfere with / inhibit / hamper / hinder / obstruct developmentto block / interfere with / inhibit / hinder / obstruct a processto interfere with / inhibit / hamper / hinder / obstruct sb's workto block / interfere with / inhibit / hamper / hinder sb's ability (to do sth)to inhibit / hamper / hinder / hold back the recovery of sb / sthto block / hamper / hinder / obstruct an investigationto block / hamper / hinder sb's effortsto seriously interfere with / handicap / inhibit / hamper / hinder sb / sthto deliberately block / hinder / obstruct sthto greatly / significantly / severely handicap / hamper / hinder block [transitive] to prevent sth from happening, developing or making progress, especially by using official rules or procedures (尤指以官方的规章或程序)妨碍,阻碍The proposed merger has been blocked by the government.建议中的合并计划已经遭政府叫停。The new rules would effectively block protesters' attempts to assert their rights.这些新规章将大大妨碍抗议者的维权努力。 interˈfere with sth

phrasal verb

to prevent sth from succeeding or happening as planned 妨碍;干扰She never allows her personal feelings to interfere with her work.她从不让自己的个人感情妨碍工作。Poor language skills can seriously interfere with communication.语言能力不佳会严重妨碍交流。 interference


[uncountable] We will not allow any interference with the normal democratic processes.我们绝不允许对正常的民主进程有任何干扰。
NOTE 辨析 Block or interfere with sth?People usually block things such as plans or efforts deliberately. Things usually interfere with sth without anyone particularly intending them to. * block通常跟plan、effort等词搭配,指蓄意妨碍、阻碍。interfere with sth通常指并非有意妨碍、干扰。
handicap / /ˈhændikæp/ / (-pp-) [transitive, usually passive] to be a disadvantage which makes it more difficult for sb to do or achieve sth 妨碍;阻碍British exports have been handicapped by the strong pound.英镑坚挺,影响了英国的出口。The team was handicapped by the loss of their key striker early in the game.开场没多久就失去了主力前锋使球队处于不利的地位。 see also handicap obstacle inhibit / /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/ / [transitive] (formal) to prevent sth from happening or developing as quickly or as much as it would normally do 阻止,阻碍,抑制(正常的发展或进度)A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.缺氧可能阻碍胎儿大脑的发育。Alcohol significantly inhibits the action of the drug.酒精大大地抑制了药效。 hamper [transitive] to make it more difficult for sb to do sth or achieve sth 妨碍;阻止;阻碍High winds hampered the rescue attempt.大风阻碍了救援行动。Our efforts were severely hampered by a lack of money.资金不足使我们的努力大打折扣。OPP help help verb 2 hinder [transitive] to make it more difficult for sb to do sth or achieve sth, often by delaying progress 阻碍,妨碍,阻挡(从而拖慢进度)These killings have seriously hindered progress towards peace.这些杀戮事件严重阻碍了和平进程。Some teachers felt hindered by a lack of resources.有些教师因资源不足而感到困难重重。OPP help help verb 2 see also hindrance obstacle NOTE 辨析 Handicap, hamper or hinder?If a person, project or process is handicapped, it is difficult for them to make progress or to achieve sth because of a weakness or disadvantage, such as lack of money or equipment, rules and regulations, etc. If sb is hindered or hampered in doing sth, making progress may also be difficult because of a weakness or disadvantage, or there might be some outside person or factor which actively makes progress difficult, for example bad weather or people who do not cooperate with them. * handicap指人、项目或进程因为某个缺点或不利条件而受阻,如资金或设备不足、规章制度的限制等。hinder和hamper既可以指因某个缺点或不利条件而受阻,也可以指因局外人或外在因素而使进展困难,如天气不好或有人不合作。 obstruct / /əbˈstrʌkt/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to deliberately prevent sb from doing sth or from making progress 故意妨碍;刻意阻挠They were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty.他们被指控妨碍警察执行公务。He accused terrorists of attempting to obstruct the peace process.他谴责恐怖分子企图阻碍和平进程。 hold sb/sth back

phrasal verb

to prevent or slow down the progress or development of sb/sth 妨碍进展;拖慢进度Do you think that mixed ability classes hold back better students?你认为把能力参差的学生混在一班会妨碍高水平学生的进步吗?They are determined that nothing should hold back the negotiations.他们决意什么也不能阻挡谈判的进行。OPP encourage encourage 3


block plans 阻碍计划的实施block the drain 堵塞下水道block sb's exit 挡住某人的去路block ♦︎ seal ♦︎ clog ♦︎ stop ♦︎ dam ♦︎ plug ♦︎ choke ♦︎ block sth upThese words all mean to stop sth from moving or flowing through a road, pipe or hole by putting sth in or across it. 这些词均表示堵塞、阻塞。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to block / seal / clog / stop / dam / plug / choke sth upto block / seal / clog / stop / choke sth with sthto block / seal / plug / block up a holeto block / seal / plug a gapa road is blocked / clogged / choked (with sth)to completely block / seal / clog sth block [transitive] to stop sth from moving or flowing through a pipe, passage, road, etc. by putting sth in it or across it 堵塞;阻塞After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked.今天下过大雪,很多道路仍然堵塞。The exit was blocked with beer crates.出口处堵着几只啤酒箱。Fat that is poured down the sink will block the drain.从洗涤槽倒下的油脂会堵塞下水道。OPP unblock To unblock a pipe or drain is to clean it by removing sth that is blocking it. A road or exit can be cleared. * unblock a pipe/drain指疏通管道/下水道。clear a road/an exit指疏通道路/出口。 see also clear clear verb seal [transitive, often passive] to close a container tightly or fill a crack or hole, especially so that air or liquid cannot get in or out 密封(容器)The containers must be carefully sealed so that no air can get in.这些容器必须仔细封好,不能让空气进去。The windows and doors had been sealed up with bricks.门窗已经用砖块封严了。The samples are kept in sealed plastic bags.这些样本保存在密封的塑料袋里。 clog (-gg-) [transitive, intransitive, often passive] to block sth or to become blocked, especially by a number of objects or a substance gradually collecting in one place (尤指因东西不断积聚而)阻塞,堵塞The narrow streets were clogged with traffic.狭窄的街道上交通堵塞。The wheels got clogged up with mud.车轮让烂泥糊住了。Within a few years the pipes began to clog up.没几年管子就开始堵塞了。 stop (-pp-) [transitive] to deliberately block, close or fill a hole or opening (刻意)堵塞,塞住,阻塞Stop up the other end of the hose, will you?你把管子的另一头堵上好不好?I stopped my ears but still heard her cry out.我捂上耳朵,但还能听见她大声喊叫。 dam (-mm-) [transitive] to build a dam across a river, especially to make a reservoir (= a lake to store water) 在(河)上筑坝Locals strongly opposed plans to dam the river.当地人强烈反对在河上筑坝的计划。 plug (-gg-) [transitive] to fill a hole with a substance or object that fits tightly into it, especially to stop liquid from coming out 堵塞,封堵(以防液体流出)He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag.他用一块旧破布把管子上的洞塞住了。Divers succeeded in plugging the leaks from the tanker.潜水员成功地堵上了那艘油轮的几处漏洞。 choke [transitive, often passive] to block or fill a passage or space so that it is difficult for anything to move through it 阻塞,塞满,堵塞(通道或空间)The pond was choked with rotten leaves.池塘里塞满了腐烂的叶子。 ˌblock sth ˈup

phrasal verb

[often passive] to completely fill a hole or opening and stop anything from passing through it 塞住,封住(孔或洞)One door had been blocked up.一扇门被封死了。My nose is really blocked up.我鼻塞很严重。


block plans 阻碍计划的实施block the drain 堵塞下水道block sb's exit 挡住某人的去路block ♦︎ be/get in sb's/the way ♦︎ obstruct ♦︎ barricade ♦︎ cut sth off ♦︎ block sth off ♦︎ seal ♦︎ barThese words all mean to stop sb from going somewhere by standing in front of them or putting sth across their path. 这些词均表示挡住去路。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to block / obstruct / bar an entranceto block / obstruct / bar sb's path / wayto block / cut off / bar sb's retreatto block / barricade / block off a roadto block / bar sb's progress / exitto block / cut off sb's escapeto block / obstruct sb's viewto deliberately block / obstruct sb / sth block [transitive] to stop sb from getting past or seeing sth by standing in front of them or in their path 堵住(某人的路);挡住(某人的视线)She had her back to the door, blocking his exit.她背抵着门,不让他出去。An ugly new building blocked the view from the window.一座难看的新大楼把窗外的景物遮住了。 be in sb's way be in the way get in sb's way get in the way


to stop sb from moving or doing sth by standing in front of them or in their path 挡⋯的路;妨碍You'll have to move-you're in my way.你得让开,你挡了我的路。Do you want me to move my bike-is it getting in your way?需要我挪一下自行车吗-它是否挡你的道?OPP get out of sb's/the way
obstruct / /əbˈstrʌkt/ / [transitive] (formal) to block a road, entrance, passage, etc. so that sb/sth cannot get through or see past 阻挡;阻塞;遮断You can't park here, you're obstructing my driveway.你不能在这里停车,你挡住了我家的车道。First check that the accident victim doesn't have an obstructed airway.首先要确保事故受伤者的气道通畅。 barricade / /ˌbærɪˈkeɪd/ / [transitive] to place a line of objects across a road or door to stop people from getting past 设路障阻挡They barricaded all the doors and windows.他们用障碍物堵住了所有门窗。He had barricaded himself inside his room.他把自己关在房间里。 see also barricade barrier ˌcut sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

to stop sb from getting somewhere by standing or moving in front of them or in their path 切断⋯的去路;阻碍;阻挡They cut off the enemy's retreat.他们切断了敌人的退路。The only other escape route was cut off by the rising tide.仅剩的另一条逃路被上涨的潮水隔断了。NOTE 辨析 Block, cut sth off or be/get in sb's/the way?You usually block sb's way deliberately by standing still in one place; you can deliberately cut off sb's escape or route by moving between them and the way they want to go; you usually get in sb's way by accident by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. * block sb's way通常指站在一个地方不动,故意挡住某人的路;cut off sb's escape/route指在某人和他前往的目的地之间移动,有意阻断其(逃)路;get in sb's way通常指在不当的时间和地点碰巧挡住某人的路。
ˌblock sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

to close a road or an opening by placing a barrier at one end or in front of it (用路障)封锁,堵住The main roads out of the city have been blocked off.城外的各主要道路已经封锁。
seal [transitive](of the police or army) to stop people from passing through a place, especially a border (警察或军队)关闭,封闭,封锁(尤指边界)Troops have sealed the border between the countries.军队已经关闭两国边界。 bar (-rr-) [transitive] to be standing or placed in sb's way on a road or path or in an entrance so they cannot get past 阻挡;拦住Two police officers were barring her exit.两名警察挡着她的出路。We found our way barred by rocks.我们发现大石块挡住了我们的路。 see also barrier barrier
fend sb/sth off

phrasal verb

fend sb/sth off ♦︎ block ♦︎ deflect ♦︎ repel ♦︎ ward sb/sth off ♦︎ parryThese words all mean to defend or protect yourself from an attack or from sth that hits you. 这些词均表示抵挡、挡开、避开。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fend off / block / deflect / repel / ward off / parry an attackto fend off / block / deflect / ward off / parry a blowto block / deflect / parry a shot / ballto fend off / repel an assault ˌfend sb/sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

to defend or protect yourself from sb/sth that is attacking you 抵挡,挡开,避开(攻击)The police officer fended off the blows with his riot shield.那名警察用防暴盾牌抵挡攻击。She used a chair to fend off her attacker.她用椅子抵挡攻击者。
block [transitive] to stop a ball or blow from reaching somewhere or hitting sb/sth by moving part of your body in front of it (用身体部位)拦截,挡住(球或打击)Terry's shot was blocked by the goalie.特里的射门被守门员挡住了。We learned some basic punching and blocking techniques.我们学了一些基本的击打和格挡技巧。 deflect / /dɪˈflekt/ / [transitive] to make sth, such as a ball or a blow, change the direction it is moving in, by moving in front of it or hitting it 使(球、打击等)转向;使偏斜He raised his arm to try to deflect the blow.他举起手臂试图挡开这一击。The defender nearly deflected the ball into his own net.防守队员差点儿把球挡进自家球门。 repel / /rɪˈpel/ / (-ll-) [transitive] (formal) to fight sb who is attacking you and drive them away 击退;驱逐Troops repelled an attempt to invade the south island.部队挫败了入侵南岛的企图。He had a great army which repelled all invaders.他拥有一支强大的军队,击退了所有的侵略者。 ˌward sb/sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

to protect or defend yourself against danger, illness or attack 防止,避免,抵御(危险、疾病或攻击)She put up her hands to ward him off.她举起双手把他挡开。The charms are meant to ward off evil spirits.这些吉祥物是用来避邪的。
parry [transitive, intransitive] to defend yourself against sb who is attacking you by pushing their hand, arm, weapon, etc. to one side 挡开,推挡,拦挡(攻击等)He parried a blow to his head.他挡开了朝他头部袭来的一击。He watched the boxers jab and parry.他看着那些拳击手又是猛击,又是格挡。


building ♦︎ property ♦︎ premises ♦︎ complex ♦︎ structure ♦︎ blockThese are all words for a structure such as a house, office block or factory that has a roof and four walls. 这些词均表示建筑物、房屋、楼房。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) commercial / residential building / property / premises / complex / blocka / an factory / hospital / office building / premises / complex / blocka / an prison / apartment building / complex / blocka / an imposing / magnificent building / structurea brick / stone building / structureto build a property / a complex / a structure / a blockto erect a building / complex / structure / blockto put up a building / structure / blockto demolish a building / property / complex / structure / blockto pull down a building / a structure / a blockto restore / renovate a building / property building [countable] a structure such as a house, office block or factory that has a roof and four walls 建筑物;房屋;楼房a tall / high-rise / ten-storey building高大的/高层/十层的建筑物The Blue Mosque at Isfahan is the most beautiful building I have ever seen.伊斯法罕的蓝色清真寺是我所见过最美丽的建筑。 property [countable, uncountable] a building or buildings and the surrounding land; land and buildings 房屋及院落;庄园;房地产We have a potential buyer who would like to view the property.我们有位潜在的买主想看看这房产。The price of property has risen enormously.房地产的价格大幅上升了。a property developer房地产开发商Property is often used when talking about buying/selling houses or other buildings and land. 谈及买卖房屋或其他房地产时常用property。 premises [plural] the building or buildings and surrounding land that a business owns or uses (企业拥有或使用的)建筑及附属场地,营业场所The company is looking for larger premises.这家公司正在寻找更大的营业场所。No alcohol may be consumed on the premises.场区内禁止饮酒。Police were called to escort her off the premises.把警察召来护送她离场去了。 complex [countable] a group of buildings of a similar type together in one place (类型相似的)建筑群a leisure / sports / shopping complex休闲活动中心;综合体育场;购物中心 structure [countable] a thing that is made of several parts, especially a building 结构体;(尤指)建筑物The pier is a wooden structure and was built in 1867.该码头是木结构建筑,建于1867年。 block [countable] (especially BrE) a tall building that contains flats or offices; a building that forms part of a school, hospital, etc. and is used for a particular purpose (公寓、办公、教学、医院等)大楼;(成组建筑中的)一栋楼房 (BrE) a block of flats公寓大楼 (BrE) a tower block高层建筑the school's science block学校的理科大楼 (especially NAmE) an apartment block公寓大楼


 See also the entries for bit and fragment 另见bit条和fragment条piece ♦︎ lump ♦︎ block ♦︎ slice ♦︎ loaf ♦︎ slab ♦︎ bar ♦︎ chunk ♦︎ length ♦︎ cube ♦︎ wedge ♦︎ hunk ♦︎ rasherThese are all words for an amount of sth, especially food or substances that things can be made from. 这些词均表示块、片、段。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a piece / lump / slice / chunk / wedge / hunk of cheesea piece / lump / slice / slab / chunk / hunk of meata piece / slice / loaf / chunk / hunk of breada piece / lump / block / slab of icea piece / lump / block of wooda piece / block / slab of stone / marblea piece / lump / slab of concretea piece / lump of coala piece / slice of cake / ham / pizza / piea piece / slab / bar of chocolatea piece / slice / wedge of lemonlemon slices / wedgesa big piece / lump / slice / loaf / slab / chunk of stha thick piece / slab / slice of stha great lump / slab / chunk / wedge of sthto cut sth into pieces / slices / chunks / lengths / cubes / wedges piece [countable] (used especially with of and uncountable nouns 尤与of和不可数名词连用) an amount of sth that has been cut or separated from the rest of it; a standard amount of sth 片;块;段;截;标准的量She wrote something on a small piece of paper.她在一张小纸片上写了点什么。He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces.他把比萨饼切成一口一块的小块。I've got a piece of grit in my eye.我眼里进了一粒沙子。You should have at least two good portions of vegetables and two pieces of fruit a day.每天至少要吃两大份蔬菜和两份水果。If you want to talk about a small amount of a substance there is a range of words you can use: you must choose the right one to go with the substance you are talking about. Piece is the most frequent of all these words and can be used to talk about a lot of different substances or things, including bread, cake, cardboard, cheese, chocolate, fabric, glass, land, meat, paper, plastic and string. 描述少量物质时有很多词可以用,必须选对能与物质搭配的词。piece在这些词中最常用,可与很多词搭配,包括bread、cake、cardboard、cheese、chocolate、fabric、glass、land、meat、paper、plastic和string。 see also piece bit lump [countable] a piece of sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape (通常为无固定形状的)块He put a few more lumps of coal on the fire.他又往火上加了几块煤。This sauce has lumps in it.这调味汁里有结块。 (BrE) She gave the pony a sugar lump.她给那匹小马一块方糖。In American English a 'sugar lump' is called a sugar cube. 在美式英语中,方糖称为sugar cube。 block [countable] a large piece of a solid material that is square in shape and usually has flat sides (有方形平面的)大块;立方体The wall was made from massive blocks of stone.这面墙由大块大块的石头砌成。 slice [countable] a thin flat piece of food that has been cut off a larger piece (切下的食物)薄片,片Cut the meat into thin slices.把肉切成薄片。Another slice of cake, anyone?谁想再要一片蛋糕? see also slice cut verb 2 loaf [countable] an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece 一条(面包)He cut several thick slices from a loaf of bread.他从一条面包上切下厚厚的几片。Two white loaves, please.请给我两条白面包。 slab [countable] a thick flat piece of stone, ice or food (石头、冰或食物的)厚片,厚块The road was paved with smooth stone slabs.这条路用光滑的石板铺成。paving slabs铺路石板They were sitting at the table, tucking into great slabs of meat.他们坐在餐桌前,狼吞虎咽大块大块地吃肉。 bar [countable] a piece of sth with straight sides, especially chocolate or soap (尤指巧克力或肥皂等长方形的)条,块a bar of soap一条肥皂 (especially BrE) a chocolate bar一条巧克力 (NAmE) a candy bar糖果棒 chunk [countable] a thick solid piece that has been cut or broken off sth 厚块;厚片;大块Chunks of masonry lay in the grass around the ruined building.大块大块的砖石躺在大楼废墟周围的杂草中。He bit a great chunk out of the apple.他咬下一大块苹果。 length [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a long thin piece of sth 细长的一段(或一节、一根)Carry a whistle and a spare length of rope.带上哨子和一根备用绳子。The timber is sold in lengths of 2, 5 or 10 metres.木料按2米、5米或10米出售。 cube [countable] a piece of sth, especially food, with six sides 立方体的东西(尤指食物)Cut the meat into cubes.把肉切成丁儿。She put some ice cubes into her lemonade.她在柠檬汽水里加了些冰块。 (NAmE) She offered the pony a sugar cube.她给那匹小马一块方糖。In British English a 'sugar cube' is called a sugar lump. 在英式英语中,方糖称为sugar lump。 wedge [countable] a piece of food that has been cut into a shape with one thick end and one thin pointed end 一角,楔形(食物)Serve the fish with salad and wedges of lemon.鱼要配上沙拉和楔形柠檬块一起上。He cut a great wedge out of the cake and began to eat it.他切下一大角蛋糕,开始吃了起来。 hunk [countable] a large piece of sth, especially food, that has been cut or broken from a larger piece (尤指食物切下或掰下的)大块,大片He offered me a hunk of bread with some cheese.他递给我一大块夹着奶酪的面包。 rasher [countable] (BrE) a thin slice of bacon (= meat from the back or sides of a pig) 火腿薄片I'd like a fried egg and two rashers of bacon, please.请给我一个煎蛋和两片火腿。




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