blow verb ⇨blow1 (The leaves were blown everywhere.)⇨blow2 (blow out smoke)⇨blow3 (blow a whistle)⇨waste (blow your chance)⇨blow the whistle on sb/sth⇨tell2blow noun ⇨blow
The leaves were blown everywhere.叶子被吹得到处都是。blow out smoke from your cigarette吸烟时吐出烟blow a whistle吹哨子blow ♦︎ flutter ♦︎ fly ♦︎ flap ♦︎ waftThese words all mean to move or make sth move in the air.这些词均表示吹起、飘扬、摇摆。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a flag flutters / flies / flaps◆to blow / flutter / flap / waft gently◆to blow / flutter / fly / flap in the wind / breeze■blow(blew, blown) [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to be moved by the wind, sb's breath or a movement of air; to move sth in this way(被)刮动,吹动◆My hat blew away in the wind.我的帽子被风吹走了。◆The door blew open.门被风吹开了。◆I was almost blown over by the force of the blast.那阵狂风刮得我快站不住了。◆She blew the dust off the book.她吹掉了书上的灰尘。■flutter [intransitive, transitive] to move lightly and quickly, for example in the air; to make sth move in this way(使)飘动,挥动,颤动◆Flags fluttered in the breeze.旗帜在微风中飘扬。◆Her eyelids fluttered but did not open.她的眼皮动了一下,但没有睁开眼。◆She fluttered her eyelashes at him(= tried to attract him).她向他送秋波。■fly(flies, flying, flew, flown) [transitive, intransitive] to display a flag, especially on a long pole; (of a flag) to be displayed in this way; (of sth light and flowing) to move around freely in the air升,悬挂(旗);(旗)飘扬;(轻盈飘逸之物)飘动◆Flags were flown at half mast(= half way down the pole, as a mark of respect to sb who has died) on all public buildings.所有的公共建筑都降半旗致哀。◆The Japanese flag flew outside the embassy.日本国旗在大使馆外飘扬。◆Her hair was flying in the breeze.她的头发随风飘拂。■flap(-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] to move up and down or from side to side in the air, often making a noise; to make sth move in this way(上下或左右)拍打,拍击,摆动;(使)拍打◆The sails flapped in the breeze.帆在微风中摆动。◆Her wet skirt flapped around her knees.她湿了的裙子拍打着膝盖。◆The man was flapping a large white sheet.那个男人挥动着一条白色的大床单。ⓘ Flap is used about sth, especially sth wide and flat, that is fixed or held at one edge. * flap用以描述一边固定或被握住的东西,尤其是宽而平的东西。 see also flap ⇨ shake1■waft /wɒft; NAmEwɑːft, wæft/ [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (of a smell or sound) to move gently through the air; to make a smell or sound move gently through the air(气味或声音)随风飘荡;使飘荡;吹拂◆The sound of their voices wafted across the lake.他们的声音飘过湖上传到了另一边。◆The scent of the flowers was wafted through the window by the breeze.花香随微风透窗而入。
The leaves were blown everywhere.叶子被吹得到处都是。blow out smoke from your cigarette吸烟时吐出烟blow a whistle吹哨子blow ♦︎ pant ♦︎ gasp ♦︎ snore ♦︎ wheeze ♦︎ sniff ♦︎ puffThese words are all ways of breathing.这些词均表示以不同的方式呼吸、呼气。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to pant / gasp with excitement, exhaustion, etc.◆to blow / pant / sniff / puff hard◆to pant / snore / sniff loudly / noisily◆to blow / snore softly / gently◆to pant / wheeze slightly◆to pant / gasp breathlessly◆to pant / gasp for breath■blow(blew, blown) [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to send out air from the mouth吹◆You're not blowing hard enough!你没有用劲吹!◆He drew on his cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke.他吸了一口烟卷,接着吐出一股烟。■pant [intransitive, transitive] to breathe quickly with short breaths, usually with your mouth open, because you have been doing some physical exercise, or because it is very hot(因运动或天气太热而)气喘吁吁◆Eventually he arrived at the gate, puffing and panting.他最终气喘吁吁地赶到了大门口。◆'Keep going, we'll get there in time!' she panted.“坚持下去,我们会按时赶到那儿的!”她气喘吁吁地说道。■gasp / /gɑːsp; NAmEgæsp/ [intransitive, transitive] to have difficulty breathing or speaking透不过气;气喘吁吁地说◆He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.他浮出水面,急促地喘着气。◆She managed to gasp out her name.她终于气喘吁吁地说出了自己的名字。 see also gasp ⇨ breathnoun■snore [intransitive] to breathe noisily through your nose and mouth while you are asleep打鼾;打呼噜◆I could hear Paul snoring in the next room.我听见保罗在隔壁房间里打呼噜。■wheeze /wiːz/ / [intransitive, transitive] to breathe noisily and with difficulty喘;喘息;喘鸣◆He was coughing and wheezing all night.他整夜又咳又喘。◆'I have a chest infection,' she wheezed.“我肺部受到了感染。”她呼哧呼哧地说。■sniff [intransitive] to breathe air in through your nose in a way that makes a sound, especially when you are crying or have a cold抽鼻子(尤指哭泣或患感冒时出声地用鼻子吸气)◆She sniffed and wiped her nose with a tissue.她抽了抽鼻子,然后用纸巾擦拭。 see also sniff ⇨ breathnoun■puff [intransitive] (ratherinformal) to breathe loudly and quickly, especially after you have been running(尤指跑步过后)急促喘息,气喘吁吁◆He hurried down the street, huffing and puffing.他上气不接下气地沿街疾走。
The leaves were blown everywhere.叶子被吹得到处都是。blow out smoke from your cigarette吸烟时吐出烟blow a whistle吹哨子blow ♦︎ blare ♦︎ sound ♦︎ honk ♦︎ blastThese words all mean to make a sound like the sound made by a car horn.这些词均表示鸣响、发出鸣笛声。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to blow / blare / sound / honk / blast a horn◆a horn blows / blares / sounds / honks / blasts◆to blow / sound a whistle◆a whistle blows / sounds◆music blares / blasts■blow(blew, blown) [transitive, intransitive] to make a sound with a whistle, car horn or musical instrument such as a horn or trumpet; (of a whistle, car horn, etc.) to make this sound吹(哨子);吹奏(号、喇叭等乐器);鸣(汽车喇叭);(哨子、汽车喇叭等)鸣响◆The referee blew his whistle.裁判吹响了哨子。◆The sound of trumpets blowing grew louder.喇叭的吹奏声变大了。■blare [intransitive, transitive] to make a loud unpleasant noise, especially the noise made by car horns or electrical equipment such as radios and televisions(尤指汽车喇叭或收音机、电视机等电器)发出响亮刺耳的声音◆Police cars sped past with their lights flashing and sirens blaring.闪着警灯、鸣着警笛的警车呼啸而过。◆The radio was blaring out rock music.收音机高声播放着摇滚乐。▸blare
[singular] ◆She was woken by the blare of car horns from outside the window.她被窗外刺耳的汽车喇叭声吵醒了。■sound [transitive] to make a sound with a car horn, whistle or musical instrument, especially as a warning or signal使(汽车喇叭、哨子或乐器)发出声音(尤指作为警报或信号)◆Passing motorists sounded their horns in support.开车路过的人按响喇叭以示支持。 see also sound ⇨ ringverb■honk [intransitive, transitive] to make a loud noise with a car horn; (of a car horn) to make a loud noise按响(汽车喇叭);(汽车喇叭)鸣响◆She rushed from the room at the sound of the taxi honking.一听到出租车的喇叭声她就从房间里冲了出来。◆Why did he honk at me?他为什么冲我按喇叭?◆People honked their horns as they drove past.人们开车经过时大按喇叭。■blast [intransitive, transitive] to make a loud unpleasant noise, especially the noise made by loud music or a car horn发出刺耳的高音,轰鸣(尤指音乐或汽车喇叭)◆Music suddenly blasted out from the speakers.喇叭中突然响起了轰鸣的音乐。◆The radio blasted out rock music at full volume.收音机开到了最大音量播放摇滚乐。
waste ♦︎ lose ♦︎ throw sth away ♦︎ squander ♦︎ blow ♦︎ splurgeThese words all mean to use or spend a lot of sth, especially on sth that is not necessary or useful.这些词均表示浪费、挥霍。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to waste / lose / throw away / squander / blow / splurge sth on sth◆to waste / lose / throw away / squander / blow / splurge money◆to waste / lose / throw away / squander / blow a fortune◆to waste / lose / throw away / squander / blow a / an chance / opportunity◆to waste / throw away / squander your life■waste [transitive] (disapproving) to use more money, time, food, energy, etc. than is necessary or useful; to not make good or full use of a person or opportunity; to offer or say sth good where it is not valued浪费(金钱、时间、食物、精力等);未充分利用(某人或机会);白费(好意)◆Why waste money on clothes you don't need?为什么浪费钱买你不需要的衣服呢?◆You're wasting your time trying to explain it to him(= because he will not understand).你跟他解释是在浪费时间。◆His talents are wasted in that job.他做那工作太屈才了。◆You're wasted as a sales manager-you should have been an actor.你做销售经理太可惜了-你应该当演员。◆Don't waste your sympathy on her-she got what she deserved.别把你的同情心浪费在她身上-她是咎由自取。 see also wasteful ⇨ extravagant▸waste
[uncountable, singular] ◆I hate unnecessary waste.我讨厌不必要的浪费。◆I hate to see good food go to waste(= be thrown away).我不愿看到好好的食物被扔掉。◆These meetings are a complete waste of time.开这样的会完全是浪费时间。■lose(lost, lost) [transitive] to waste time, money or an opportunity浪费(时间或金钱);错过(机会)◆We lost twenty minutes changing a tyre.我们换轮胎耽误了二十分钟。◆Hurry-there's no time to lose.快点-没时间了。◆We lost a lot of money on that deal.那笔买卖我们赔了不少钱。ⓘ Lose in this meaning is less disapproving than waste: it often suggests that time or money has been wasted through an unfortunate accident rather than through sb's fault.表达此义时,lose较waste所含贬义少,常指时间或金钱的浪费不是某人的过错造成,而是不幸事故所致。■ˌthrow sth aˈway
phrasal verb
(threw, thrown) (ratherinformal, disapproving) to waste your life or an opportunity or money in a stupid or careless way浪费(生命);错过(机会);白费(金钱)◆You had everything you ever wanted and you threw it all away.你曾有过你想要的一切,却都一一浪费了。◆The team threw away a three-goal lead.这个队白白失去了领先三个球的优势。■squander /ˈskwɒndə(r); NAmEˈskwɑːndər/ [transitive] (disapproving) to waste money, time, energy or an opportunity in a stupid or careless way浪费,挥霍(金钱、时间、精力或机会)◆The company squandered millions on two dead-end projects.这家公司在两个没有前途的项目上浪费了数百万。◆The team squandered several good scoring chances.这个队白白断送了几次得分的良机。■blow(blew, blown) [transitive] (informal, disapproving) to waste money or an opportunity in a stupid or careless way挥霍(金钱);浪费(机会)◆He inherited over a million dollars and blew it all on drink and gambling.他继承了一百多万元,全都挥霍在酗酒和赌博上了。◆You had your chance and you blew it.你本来有机会,但却没有抓住。NOTE辨析 Throw sth away, squander or blow?Blow is the most informal of these and squander the least. Throw away is used less to talk about money and more to talk about other things. Blow is mostly used to talk about money and in the phrases blow your chances and blow it. * blow是这组词里最不正式的,squander是最正式的。throw away较少指浪费金钱,较多指浪费其他东西。blow最常指挥霍钱财,也常用于短语blow your chances和blow it中。■splurge [transitive, intransitive] (informal, sometimesdisapproving) to spend a lot of money at one time on sth that you do not really need乱花钱;糟蹋钱;挥霍◆He splurged his whole week's wages on a champagne dinner.整整一周的工资,他一顿香槟晚餐就挥霍得一干二净。
tell sb the news告诉某人消息Promise you won't tell.你要保证不说出去。tell ♦︎ betray ♦︎ stab sb in the back ♦︎ blow the whistle on sb/sth ♦︎ turn King's/Queen's/State's evidence ♦︎ grass ♦︎ blab ♦︎ inform on sb ♦︎ fingerThese words all mean to let sb know a secret or give information about sb/sth to an enemy.这些词均表示泄密、告密、告发。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to tell / blow the whistle / grass / inform on sb◆to betray sb / grass / blab to sb◆to tell on / betray / inform on a friend◆to betray / blow the whistle on / inform on a colleague◆to betray / blow the whistle on your partner / husband / employer / wife / master■tell(told, told) [intransitive] (informal, especiallyspoken, oftendisapproving) to let sb know a secret泄密;告发◆Promise you won't tell.你要保证不说出去。◆'Who are you going out with tonight?' 'That would be telling!'(= it's a secret)“你今晚要和谁约会?”“那可不能讲!”◆Don't tell on me, will you?(= Don't tell anyone in authority what I have done.)别告发我,好吗?■betray [transitive] (ratherformal, disapproving) to give information about sb/sth to an enemy出卖;泄漏(秘密)◆For years they had been betraying state secrets to Russia.他们多年来一直在向俄罗斯泄漏国家机密。◆He was offered money to betray his colleagues.有人收买他出卖他的同事。 see also give sb/sth away ⇨ reveal, betray ⇨ cheatverb, betrayal ⇨ betrayal■stab sb in the ˈback
(-bb-) (informal) to do or say sth that harms sb who trusts you暗算某人;陷害(或中伤)信任你的人◆It was very competitive and everyone was stabbing everyone else in the back.竞争太激烈了,所有人都在暗中相互算计。■blow the ˈwhistle on sb/sth
(blew, blown) (informal, oftenapproving, especially journalism尤用于新闻) to tell sb in authority about sth wrong or illegal that sb is doing检举,告发(不当或违法之事)◆It is getting more difficult for people to blow the whistle on their employers.人们要告发雇主越来越难了。■turn King's ˈevidence■turn Queen's ˈevidence (BrE) (NAmEturn State's ˈevidence)
to give information against other criminals in order to get a less severe punishment提供同犯的罪证,揭发其他案犯(以求减轻惩罚)◆Two of the prisoners agreed to turn Queen's evidence.两名囚犯愿意揭发其他案犯。■grass [intransitive] (BrE, slang, disapproving) to tell the police about sb's criminal activities(向警方)告密,告发◆Who grassed on us?谁向警方告发了我们?◆You wouldn't grass up your mates, would you?你不会告发你的同伴,对吧?■blab(-bb-) [intransitive, transitive] (informal, disapproving) to tell sb sth that should be kept secret(向某人)透露秘密,告密◆Someone must have blabbed to the police.一定有人向警方告密了。◆Try not to blab the whole story.整件事都不要说出去。■inˈform on sb
phrasal verb
(ratherformal, oftendisapproving) to tell the police or sb in authority about sb's criminal activities告发;检举◆He informed on his own brother.他告发了他的亲弟弟。■finger [transitive] (especially NAmE, informal) to accuse sb of doing sth illegal and tell the police about it(向警方)告发,告密◆Who fingered him for the burglaries?谁告发他入室盗窃的?
blow ♦︎ setback ♦︎ hitch ♦︎ hiccup ♦︎ knockThese are all words for a problem or other event which has a damaging effect on sth or which delays it.这些词均表示挫折、障碍、耽误。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a blow / setback to / for sb / sth◆a setback / hitch / hiccup in sth◆a serious blow / setback / hiccup◆a slight / minor setback / hitch / hiccup◆to suffer a blow / setback / knock■blow [countable] a sudden problem or event which has a damaging effect on sb/sth, causing sadness or disappointment(突发的)打击,挫折◆It was a shattering blow to her pride.那事彻底摧毁了她的自尊心。◆Losing his job came as a terrible blow to him.失业给他造成了沉重的打击。◆Can you stay with Cathy tonight? She's had a bit of a blow.你今晚能陪陪凯茜吗?她受了点儿打击。■setback / /ˈsetbæk/ / [countable] a difficulty or problem which delays or prevents sth or makes a situation worse挫折;阻碍◆These closures are a further setback for the coal industry.这些倒闭进一步打击了煤炭工业。◆The team suffered a major setback when their best player was injured.这支队伍最优秀的队员受了伤,实力大打折扣。 see also set sb/sth back ⇨ hold sb/sth up■hitch [countable] a problem or difficulty that causes a short delay暂时的困难(或问题);故障;障碍◆The ceremony went off without a hitch.仪式进行得很顺利。◆There are always a few last-minute hitches at the dress rehearsals.彩排时总会有几个最后关头才冒出来的问题。◆There was a slight technical hitch which delayed the plane's take-off.一个微小的技术故障延误了飞机起飞。■hiccup ( hiccough) / /ˈhɪkʌp/ / [countable] (ratherinformal) a small problem or sth that causes a short delay小问题;暂时性耽搁◆Apart from the occasional hiccup, things ran pretty well.除了那个偶然出现的小问题外,事情进展得颇为顺利。■knock [countable, usually singular] an experience or event that makes sb/sth less confident or successful困难;挫折;打击◆Industry in the area has taken a knock with the closure of two factories.该地区的工业因两家工厂的关闭而受到打击。◆Her confidence took a knock when she lost her job.她丢了工作,自信心受到打击。ⓘ In this meaning knock is always used with the verb take.表达此义时,knock总是与动词take连用。