

单词 olect_get_1


get tickets/a job/some sleep 弄到票;找到工作;睡会儿觉get a letter/shock 收到信;大吃一惊Go and get help. 去找人帮忙。We got there at 9. 我们9点钟到了那里。get the bus 搭公车get ♦︎ receive ♦︎ accept ♦︎ derive sth from sth ♦︎ reap ♦︎ collectThese words all mean to obtain sth by being given or sent it. 这些词均表示收到、接到。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to get / receive / accept / derive / reap / collect sth from sb / sthto get / receive / accept / collect a / an medal / award / prizeto get / receive / accept / collect (your) winnings / compensationto get / receive / accept treatment / payment / helpto get / receive / accept a / an call / message / complaint / invitation / request / answerto get / receive / derive / reap (a / the) benefitto get / receive / reap the dividends / profits / rewardsto get / receive a / an reply / letter / impression / shock / prison sentenceto get / derive amusement / enjoyment / pleasure / satisfaction / comfort from sth get [transitive] (getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) [no passive] (rather informal, especially spoken) to obtain sth by being given or sent it 收到;得到;接到I got a letter from Dave this morning.今天早上我收到戴夫的一封来信。He gets (= earns) about $40 000 a year.他一年挣4万元左右。This room gets very little sunshine.这个房间几乎照不进阳光。I get the impression that he is bored with his job.我的印象是他厌倦自己的工作。I got a shock when I saw the bill.我看到账单时大吃一惊。She got great satisfaction from seeing his embarrassment.看到他困窘的样子,她感到非常满足。 receive [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to obtain sth by being given or sent it 收到;得到;接到I've just received this letter from an old friend.我刚从一个老朋友那里收到这封信。Please let me know as soon as you receive payment.请一收到付款就告诉我。He received an award for bravery from the police service.他因勇敢行为受到警方的嘉奖。NOTE 辨析 Get or receive?The main difference between these words is register. Receive is rather formal, used especially in written English; get is the more usual word in spoken English. You can get or receive a sudden feeling such as a shock or an impression; but feelings that you experience over a period of time such as enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction you usually get, not receive. 这两个词的主要区别在于语体风格不同。receive相当正式,尤用于书面语;get更常用于口语。get和receive都可与shock或impression等表示突然的感觉的词搭配;但如果是enjoyment、pleasure和satisfaction等表示持续一段时间的感觉,则通常用get,不用receive。 accept [transitive] (rather formal) to receive sth as suitable or good enough (认为合适或足够好而)接受My article has been accepted for publication.我的文章已获采用准备发表。This machine only accepts coins.这台机器只接受硬币。Will you accept a cheque?你收支票吗? deˈrive sth from sth

phrasal verb

(formal) to get a good feeling or result from doing sth 从⋯中得到,获得(好的感觉或结果)He derived great pleasure from painting.他从绘画中得到极大的乐趣。People typically derive amusement, benefit, comfort, enjoyment, fulfilment, inspiration, pleasure or satisfaction from sth. * derive一般与amusement、benefit、comfort、enjoyment、fulfilment、inspiration、pleasure或satisfaction搭配。
reap [transitive] (especially written) to obtain sth, especially sth good, as a direct result of sth that you have done 取得(成果);收获They are now reaping the fruits of all their hard work.现在,他们正在收获全部辛劳的成果。People typically reap dividends, fruits, profits or rewards from their work. When people obtain sth bad as a result of sth bad they have done, you can say that they reap the consequences of their actions. * reap一般与表示工作成果或回报的词搭配,如dividend、fruit、profit或reward。表示做了坏事得到报应可以用reap the consequences。 collect [transitive] to win or receive a prize, or money in compensation for an injury or damage that you have suffered 收到,赢得,获得(奖项或补偿金)We were invited to London to collect our prize.我们受邀到伦敦领奖。She collected £25 000 in compensation.她得到了25 000英镑的赔偿金。




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