

单词 concession
concession noun


compromise ♦︎ concession ♦︎ trade-off ♦︎ middle ground ♦︎ sop ♦︎ give and takeThese words all refer to a balance between the needs and wishes of two people or groups, or between two opposing things, especially in order to reach an agreement or solve a problem. 这些词均表示折中、妥协、让步,尤指为了达成协议或解决问题。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a compromise / a trade-off / middle ground / give and take between sb / sth and sb / stha compromise / concession on / over stha concession / a sop to sbas a compromise / concession / trade-off / sopa necessary compromise / concession / trade-offa / an possible / obvious compromise / concession / trade-offto make a compromise / a concession / a trade-offto look for / seek / offer / reject a compromise / concession compromise / /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz; NAmE ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz/ [countable, uncountable] an agreement between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy in the end; a solution to a problem in which two things that are opposed to each other are balanced; the act of reaching such a position 妥协;折中;妥协(或折中)的方案;达成妥协(或和解)They came to a compromise over the exact amount to be paid.他们就付款的确切金额达成妥协。In any relationship, you have to make compromises.在任何关系中,作出让步是必要的。This model represents the best compromise between price and quality.这种型号是平衡了价格和质量的最佳折中方案。Compromise is an inevitable part of life.妥协是生活不可避免的一部分。 compromise


[intransitive, transitive] Neither side is prepared to compromise.双方都不愿意妥协。We are not prepared to compromise on safety standards.我们不愿在安全标准问题上放松。I refuse to compromise my principles.我拒绝在原则问题上妥协。
concession /kənˈseʃn/ / [countable, uncountable] something that you agree to or allow sb to do in order to end an argument or to make a situation less difficult; the act of agreeing to sth like this 让步;妥协;达成妥协(或和解)The management will be forced to make concessions to the union.资方将被迫向工会作出让步。The pressure group has won a number of concessions on environmental policy.压力集团在环境政策方面已经赢得了对方若干让步。Military support was offered in return for the concession of territory.提供军事援助以作为对领土让步的回报。 see also concede give sth up ˈtrade-off [countable] the act of balancing two things that you need or want but which are opposed to each other (对立两者之间的)权衡,协调There is a trade-off between the benefits of the drug and the risk of side effects.在这种药的疗效和副作用之间有个权衡利弊的问题。 ˈmiddle ground [uncountable] a set of opinions, ideas or decisions that opposing groups can agree on; a position that is not extreme 中间立场;中间观点Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground.谈判未能达成任何妥协。The ballet now occupies the middle ground between classical ballet and modern dance.这个芭蕾舞团的风格介于古典芭蕾和现代舞之间。 sop [countable, usually singular] (especially written) a small, not very important thing that is offered to sb who is angry or disappointed in order to make them feel better (为缓和某人愤怒或失望情绪而赠与的)小东西;小安抚The move was seen as another sop to the moderates in the party.这个举措被视为对党内温和派另一小小的安抚。 ˌgive and ˈtake


willingness in a relationship to accept what sb else wants and give up some of what you want 互相让步;互相迁就We must accept a certain amount of give and take.我们必须在一定程度上互相让步。




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