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inconsiderate adj. ⇨ insensitive insensitive adjective insensitive ♦︎ unsympathetic ♦︎ uncaring ♦︎ thoughtless ♦︎ tactless ♦︎ unthinking ♦︎ inconsiderateThese words all describe sb who does not think or care about other people and their feelings, so often upsets or offends them. 这些词均表示不为别人着想的、对他人的感受漠不关心的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆insensitive / unsympathetic to sb / sth◆thoughtless / tactless / inconsiderate of sb to do sth◆an unsympathetic / uncaring / inconsiderate attitude◆an insensitive / a thoughtless / a tactless remark◆thoughtless / unthinking words■ insensitive / /ɪnˈsensətɪv/ / (disapproving) not realizing or caring how other people feel, and therefore likely to upset or offend them (对他人的感受)未意识到的,漠不关心的◆Many of the institutions were insensitive to the needs of their patients.许多机构对病人的需要漠不关心。◆It was a really insensitive thing to say.那样说实在冷漠无情。OPP sensitive ⇨ sensitive 1 ■ unsympathetic (disapproving) not feeling or showing any sympathy 无同情心的;不表示同情的;冷漠的◆I told him about the problem but he was totally unsympathetic.我把麻烦事告诉了他,但他完全无动于衷。 OPP sympathetic ⇨ sensitive 1 ■ uncaring (disapproving) not sympathetic about the problems or suffering of other people 冷漠的;无同情心的◆He was so totally uncaring of anyone's feelings.他全然不顾别人的感受。◆We seem to be living in an increasingly uncaring society.我们似乎生活在一个日益冷漠的社会里。OPP caring ⇨ loving ■ thoughtless (disapproving) not thinking or caring about the possible effects of your words or actions on other people 粗心大意的;欠考虑的;轻率的◆It was thoughtless of him to take the car without checking first.他不先检查一下就买下那辆车,真是太轻率了。OPP thoughtful ⇨ kind adj. ■ tactless (disapproving) saying or doing things that are likely to annoy or upset other people 言行不得体的;得罪人的;没策略的◆It had been tactless of her to mention it.她提那件事,真是冒昧。◆It was so obviously a tactless question.那显然是个欠考虑的问题。OPP tactful ⇨ tact ■ unthinking (written) not thinking about the possible effects of your words or actions 不计后果的;考虑不周的◆Unthinking, he started to cross the road.他想也不想就开始横穿马路。◆She blushed at being caught out in such unthinking prejudice.她因被指出怀有这样轻率的偏见而脸红。NOTE 辨析 Thoughtless or unthinking?A thoughtless action or comment is one that might have a negative effect on other people. It suggests that the person who made it should have thought more carefully about others. Unthinking is used more often when the bad effect of sth is only felt by the person doing the action. In this case, the action was just stupid and not thought about properly. * thoughtless可修饰行为或评论,指言行可能对他人产生负面影响,暗示有此言行的人本应更仔细地替别人考虑。unthinking多表示草率行事者自己身受其害。在这种情况下,该行为只是愚蠢和考虑不周。■ inconsiderate / /ˌɪnkənˈsɪdərət/ / (rather formal, disapproving) not giving enough thought to other people's feelings or needs 不为别人着想的;不体谅别人的;考虑不周的◆It was inconsiderate of you not to call.你连个电话也不打,不够体谅人。 OPP considerate ⇨ kind adj. |