

单词 pass sb/yourself off as sb/sth
pass sb/yourself off as sb/sth phrase


pose ♦︎ do ♦︎ imitate ♦︎ impersonate ♦︎ mimic ♦︎ pass sb/yourself off as sb/sthThese words all mean to copy the way sb speaks or behaves, either in order to deceive people or to entertain them. 这些词均表示冒充、模仿。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to pose / pass yourself off as sb / sthto pose as / imitate / impersonate / mimic / pass yourself off as somebodyto pose as / impersonate / pass yourself off as a journalist / reporter / customer / doctor / scientist / police officerto do / imitate / mimic an / sb's accentto imitate / mimic sb's speech pose [intransitive] to pretend to be sb in order to deceive other people 佯装,冒充,假扮(意在欺骗)The gang entered the building posing as workmen.这伙匪徒冒充工人混进了大楼。 do [transitive] (does, did, done)to copy the way a well-known perfomer speaks or sings, especially in order to entertain people; to speak in a particular accent 仿效,扮成(知名艺人,尤指为了娱乐);模仿(口音)He does a great Elvis Presley.他模仿猫王维妙维肖。Can you do a Welsh accent?你能模仿威尔士口音吗? imitate / /ˈɪmɪteɪt/ / [transitive] to copy the way sb speaks or behaves, in order to show your lack of respect for the person, and/or to make people laugh 模仿(某人的言谈举止,以示轻视或为了逗乐)She knew that the girls used to imitate her and laugh at her behind her back.她知道那些女孩子过去常在背地里模仿她、嘲笑她。He tried to imitate my Scots accent and we both laughed.他试着模仿我的苏格兰口音,结果我俩都大笑起来。 see also imitation parody impersonate / /ɪmˈpɜːsəneɪt; NAmE ɪmˈpɜːrsəneɪt/ [transitive] to pretend to be sb in order to deceive people or to entertain them 冒充,假扮,扮演(意在欺骗或娱乐)He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard.他企图假扮警卫被抓获。They do a pretty good job of impersonating Laurel and Hardy.他们模仿劳雷尔和哈迪很成功。 see also impersonation parody mimic /ˈmɪmɪk/ / [transitive] to copy the way sb speaks or behaves, especially in order to show your lack of respect for the person, and make other people laugh 模仿(某人的言谈举止,尤指为了表示轻视或逗乐)She's always mimicking the teachers.她总是在模仿老师的言谈举止。He mimicked her accent.他模仿她的口音。NOTE 辨析 Imitate or mimic? Mimic is usually used to talk about copying sb's speech or behaviour in an unkind way; imitate may or may not be unkind. * mimic通常指恶意地模仿某人的言谈举止;imitate可以有恶意,也可以没有。 ˌpass sb ˈoff as sb/sth ˌpass yourself ˈoff as sb/sth

phrasal verb

to pretend, and make people believe, that sb is sth that they are not, or that you are sth that you are not 装作;佯装;假装He escaped by passing himself off as a guard.他伪装成看守得以逃脱。When you use pass sb/yourself off as sb/sth you place emphasis on the fact that sb has successfully managed to deceive people. * pass sb/yourself off as sb/sth强调欺骗得逞这一事实。




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