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care noun ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ attention 另见attention条care ♦︎ caution ♦︎ prudenceThese are all words for attention or thought that you give to sth in order to avoid mistakes or accidents. 这些词均表示对某事小心、谨慎,以避免错误或事故。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to do sth with care / caution / prudence◆great / extreme care / caution / prudence◆due / the utmost care / caution◆to use / exercise care / caution / prudence◆to need / call for / urge / advise / proceed with care / caution■ care [uncountable] attention or thought that you give to sth that you are doing so that you will do it well and avoid mistakes or damage 小心,谨慎(以做好某事并避免错误、损害)◆She chose her words with care.她措辞谨慎。◆Extreme care should be taken to ensure that the equipment is clean.要特别仔细确保设备清洁。◆He takes excessive care of his appearance.他过度关注自己的外表。◆Fragile-handle with care (= written on a container holding sth which is easily broken or damaged).易碎物品-小心轻放。OPP carelessness ⇨ careless ▸ careful adjective [not before noun] ◆Be careful!小心!◆Be careful not to wake the baby.小心别弄醒宝宝。◆Please be careful with my glasses (= Don't break them).请当心别打碎我的眼镜。◆Be careful you don't bump your head.留神别碰到头。 see also careful ⇨ detailed ▸ carefully adverb ◆Please listen carefully.请仔细听。◆She put the glass down carefully.她小心翼翼地放下玻璃杯。◆Drive carefully.小心驾驶。■ caution / /ˈkɔːʃn/ / [uncountable] care that you take in order to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks 谨慎,小心(以避免危险或错误);慎重◆These statistics should be treated with some caution.对待这些统计数字要小心。◆We urge caution in the use of this medication.我们呼吁慎用此药。◆It is better to err on the side of caution (= to be too cautious rather than not cautious enough).宁可过于谨慎,不可疏忽大意。 OPP recklessness ⇨ reckless ▸ cautious adjective ◆He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。◆They've taken a very cautious approach.他们采取了十分谨慎的态度。◆They expressed cautious optimism about a solution to the crisis.他们对解决危机持谨慎乐观态度。▸ cautiously adverb ◆She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house.她小心地环视四周后才离开屋子。■ prudence / /ˈpruːdns/ / [uncountable] (formal) being sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks (判断和决策时的)谨慎,审慎;慎重◆As a matter of prudence, agreement on these issues should be reached at an early stage in the partnership.为慎重起见,在合作初期应就这些问题达成协议。◆Maybe you'll exercise a little more financial prudence next time.也许下次你能在财务方面再谨慎点。ⓘ Prudence is used especially in financial contexts. * prudence尤用于金融财务方面。 see also prudent ⇨ wise |