

单词 plaque
plaque noun


a sign of stress/trouble/sth wrong 紧张的迹象;问题的征兆;差错的预兆a road/street/shop sign 道路标志;商店招牌sign ♦︎ board ♦︎ plaque ♦︎ notice ♦︎ plate ♦︎ noticeboard ♦︎ bulletin boardThese are all words for a piece of metal, wood or stone that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions or a warning. 这些词均表示标牌、指示牌、标志。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配on a sign / board / plaque / notice / plate / noticeboard / bulletin boardto put up / see / read a sign / board / plaque / notice / plate / noticeboard / bulletin boarda sign / board / plaque / notice appears / goes upa sign / plaque / notice says / reads sth sign [countable] a piece of metal, wood or paper that has writing or a picture on it that gives information, instructions or a warning 招牌;标牌;指示牌All the road signs are in both languages.所有的路标都采用两种语言。A sign on the wall said 'Now wash your hands'.墙上有块招牌,上面写着“请洗手”。Follow the signs for the Performing Arts Centre.按照标牌的指示到表演艺术中心。 board [countable] (often in compounds 常用于构成复合词) a large flat piece of wood or other strong material, that is used for displaying information or for teachers to write on in class 写字板;布告牌The exam results went up on the board.考试成绩张贴在布告牌上。I'll write it up on the blackboard / whiteboard.我会把它写在黑板/白板上。 plaque /plæk, BrE also plɑːk/ [countable] a flat piece of metal or stone, usually with a name and dates on, attached to a wall in memory of a person or event (纪念性的)匾牌,匾额;纪念匾A bronze plaque marks the house where the poet was born.一块纪念铜匾标示出诗人出生的那所房屋。 notice [countable] a board or sign giving information, an instruction or a warning 公告牌;警示牌There was a notice saying 'Keep off the Grass'.有一块公告牌,上面写着“勿踏草地”。NOTE 辨析 Sign or notice?A notice always gives its information, instruction or warning in words. Signs often use pictures or symbols. In this meaning sign is a more frequent word, used in a wider range of contexts. * notice总是以文字形式给出信息、指示或警告,sign常采用图画或符号的形式。表达此义时sign更常用,使用范围也更广a road / traffic / street / shop / pub sign道路/交通/街道标志;商店/酒吧招牌a road/traffic/shop/pub notice However, notice also has the closely related meaning of 'a piece of paper giving written or printed information'. 不过,notice也可表示“通告、布告、通知”,与本义密切相关。 see also notice poster plate [countable] a flat piece of metal or plastic with some information on it, for example sb's name or the registration number of a car (刻有名字等的)金属(或塑料)牌子;车牌A brass plate beside the door said 'Dr Alan Tate'.门旁的铜牌上写着“艾伦•泰特医生”。A nameplate was fitted to the side of the boat.有一块名称牌装在船的一侧。 (BrE) a vehicle's number plates车辆的牌照 (NAmE) a vehicle's license plates车辆的牌照 noticeboard /ˈnəʊtɪsbɔːd; NAmE ˈnoʊtɪsbɔːrd/ [countable] (BrE) a board for putting notices on 告示牌;布告板Please check the noticeboard by the library for news of future events.有关未来活动讯息,请查看图书馆旁的告示牌。 ˈbulletin board [countable] (NAmE) a noticeboard 告示牌;布告板Please keep an eye on the bulletin board for further details.请留意布告板以了解更多详细情况。




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