

单词 agitation
agitation noun
concern (in a state of agitation) trouble1 (agitation for reform)


concern ♦︎ worry ♦︎ anxiety ♦︎ apprehension ♦︎ unease ♦︎ angst ♦︎ agitationThese are all words for the state of worrying about something, or for things that cause you to worry. 这些词均表示担心、忧虑或担忧的事。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达担忧的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配concern / worry / anxiety / apprehension / unease / angst over / about sthconcern / worry / anxiety / apprehension / unease that...great / considerable / growing concern / worry / anxiety / apprehension / unease / agitationdeep concern / anxiety / uneaseto express concern / your worries / anxiety / apprehension / uneaseto voice your concern / uneaseto share your concerns / worriesto cause concern / anxiety / apprehension / unease concern [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people; sth that worries people (尤指很多人共同的)担心,忧虑;担心(或忧虑)的事She hasn't been seen for four days and there is concern for her safety.她已四天不见踪影,大家都很担心她的安全。The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment.报告表达了对失业率居高不下的忧虑。 see also concern worry verb 2 , concerned worried worry [uncountable, countable] the state of worrying about sth; sth that worries you 担忧;忧虑;令人担忧(或发愁)的事He claims the illness was caused by stress and worry.他声称这个病是由压力和忧虑引起的。He was sick with worry.他担心得要命。financial / family worries财务上的/家庭中的烦恼 see also worried worried anxiety / /æŋˈzaɪəti/ / [uncountable, countable] the state of feeling nervous or worried; a worry or fear about sth 焦虑;忧虑;担心;害怕Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.有些住院病人十分焦虑不安。She felt a nagging anxiety that could not be relieved.她感到有一种无法缓解而又挥之不去的焦虑。 see also anxious worried NOTE 辨析 Concern, worry or anxiety? Worry is a more informal word than concern and anxiety, although in informal English it is more common to use the expression be worried than any of these nouns. Worry and anxiety are especially used to refer to personal matters; a concern often affects many people. 比起concern和anxiety,worry较不正式,尽管在非正式英语中用be worried比用这些名词更常见。worry和anxiety尤指个人问题,concern常指影响很多人的问题。 apprehension / /ˌæprɪˈhenʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) worry or fear that sth unpleasant may happen 忧虑;担心;恐惧There is growing apprehension that fighting will begin again.人们越发担心战火会重燃。She felt some apprehension at seeing him again.她对再次见到他感到有些害怕。 see also apprehensive worried unease / /ʌnˈiːz/ / [uncountable, singular] the feeling of being slightly worried or unhappy about sth 不安;忧虑He was unable to hide his unease at the way the situation was developing.他无法掩饰对局势演变的忧虑。 see also uneasy worried angst / /æŋst/ / [uncountable] a feeling of anxiety and worry about a situation, or about your life (对形势、事态、生活的)忧虑,焦虑songs full of teenage angst充满青少年焦虑的歌曲 agitation [uncountable] worry and anxiety that you show by behaving in a nervous way (表现出来的)焦虑不安,忧虑,烦乱Dot arrived in a state of great agitation.多特到达时十分焦虑不安。He started to pace up and down the room in agitation.他开始烦躁不安地在房间里踱来踱去。 see also agitate shake 4 , agitated restless


A few drunks were causing trouble. 几个醉鬼在闹事。get/run into trouble 陷入困境trouble ♦︎ unrest ♦︎ disturbance ♦︎ disorder ♦︎ anarchy ♦︎ agitationThese are all words for a situation involving violent behaviour and/or protests. 这些词均表示骚乱、骚动、动乱。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配trouble / unrest / disturbances / disorder / agitation among sbserious trouble / unrest / disturbances / disorderpublic / political unrest / disturbances / disorder / agitationviolent / civil / urban / social unrest / disturbances / disorderto cause trouble / unrest / a disturbanceto lead to unrest / a disturbance / disorder / anarchyto quell the unrest / disturbance / disordertrouble / unrest / a disturbance / disorder occurs trouble [uncountable] a situation in which people are violent and likely to fight 纷争;动乱;骚乱As the bars closed the town was full of youths looking for trouble.酒吧关门后,城里到处都是寻衅滋事的年轻人。The police were expecting trouble after the game.警方预料比赛后会有骚乱。Troops were stationed nearby in case of crowd trouble.部队驻扎在附近,以防群众闹事。 unrest / /ʌnˈrest/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) a political situation in which people are angry and likely to protest or fight (政治局势)动荡,动乱,骚动There was growing unrest among the city's ethnic minorities.这个城市的少数族裔出现日益动荡的势头。 disturbance [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a situation in which people behave violently in a public place 骚乱;骚动;动乱News of the arrests provoked serious disturbances in the streets.逮捕的消息引起了严重的街头骚乱。The army is trained to deal with riots and civil disturbance.军队受过应对暴动和内乱的训练。 disorder [uncountable] (rather formal) a situation in which large groups of people behave violently in a public place (大规模)骚乱,动乱The food crisis led to outbreaks of rioting and public disorder.粮食危机引发了暴乱和公众骚乱。OPP order peace see also disorderly wild 1 anarchy / /ˈænəki; NAmE ˈænərki/ [uncountable] a situation in a country or place in which there is no government, order or control 无政府状态;混乱;无法无天Our nation is descending into anarchy.我们国家正陷入无政府状态。A country can descend into, slide into, fall into or plunge into anarchy. 表示国家陷入无政府状态可以说descend into/slide into/fall into/plunge into anarchy。 agitation /ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) public protest in order to achieve political change (要求政治变革的)骚动,煽动,鼓动There has been widespread agitation for social reform.发生了要求社会改革的大范围骚动。His political opponents have threatened to launch a mass agitation against the agreement.他的政治对手威胁要发动反对该协定的大规模骚乱。 see also agitate campaign verb




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