

单词 poke
poke verb
jab (poke sb in the ribs) push1 (poke your head around the door) poke fun at sb/sth laugh at sb/sth


jab ♦︎ prod ♦︎ poke ♦︎ nudgeThese words all mean to push a pointed object into sth with a sudden strong movement. 这些词均表示猛刺、猛捅、猛戳。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to jab / prod / poke sb / sth with your finger / a stick / a rifle, etc.to jab / prod / poke at sth (with sth)to jab / prod / poke / nudge sb in sthto jab / prod / poke / nudge sb in the ribs jab (-bb-) [transitive, intransitive] to push a pointed object, especially a finger, into or at sb/sth with a sudden strong movement (尤指用手指)戳,捅;刺;猛击She jabbed him in the ribs with her finger.她用手指捅了捅他的腰。He jabbed a finger in her direction.他用手朝她指了指。She started jabbing at the calculator.她开始猛按计算器。 jab


[singular] As a response he got a sharp jab in the stomach with a rifle.作为回应,他的腹部被人用步枪猛戳了一下。
prod (-dd-) [transitive, intransitive] to push sb/sth with your finger or a pointed object, usually fairly gently (轻轻地用手指或尖状物)戳,杵,捅She prodded the dry ground with a stick.她用棍子戳弄着干燥的地面。Martha prodded him awake.玛莎把他捅醒了。Dan prodded at his breakfast with a fork.丹拿叉子戳弄着早餐。 prod


[singular] She gave the pile of clothes another prod.她又捅了一下那堆衣服。
poke [transitive, intransitive] to push your finger or another pointed object hard into sb/sth (使劲用手指或尖状物)捅,戳,杵I'm sick of being poked and prodded by doctors.我讨厌医生在我身上戳戳点点。He poked at the spaghetti with a fork (= pushed at it repeatedly with small quick movements).他用叉子拨弄着意大利面条。 poke


[singular] Carrie gave him a poke in the side.卡丽捅了一下他的侧腰。
nudge [transitive] to push sb gently, especially with your elbow, in order to get their attention (尤指用肘)轻推,轻触(以引起注意)He nudged me and whispered 'Look who's just come in.'他用胳膊肘碰了我一下,低声说:“瞧,谁进来了。”The kids were giggling and nudging each other.孩子们咯咯地笑着,用胳膊肘互相推来推去。 nudge


[singular] She gave me a gentle nudge in the ribs.她用胳膊肘轻轻地顶了一下我的腰。


push sb away 把某人推开push to the front 挤到前面push ♦︎ thrust ♦︎ force ♦︎ shove ♦︎ stick ♦︎ ram ♦︎ drive ♦︎ poke ♦︎ pressThese words all mean to use your hands, arms or body in order to make sb/sth move forwards or away from you. 这些词均表示推、搡、塞。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to push / thrust / force / shove / stick / ram / drive / poke / press sth into sthto push / thrust / force / shove / stick / drive / poke sth through sthto push / thrust / force / shove sb / sth awayto thrust / force / shove / press sth into sb's hands / armsto push / thrust / force / shove sth open / shutto push / thrust / shove / ram / drive (sth) hard (into / down, etc. sth)to push / poke / press (sth) gentlyto push / thrust / drive sth deep (into sth) push [transitive, intransitive] (often used with an adverb or preposition 常与副词或介词连用) to use your hands, arms or body to move sb/sth away from you; to move part of your body into a particular position 推;搡;移动(身体部位)He walked slowly up the hill, pushing his bike.他推着自行车缓缓爬上山。Marty tried to kiss her but she pushed him away.马蒂要吻她,可她把他推开了。Stop pushing me!别推我!Push hard when I tell you to.我叫你推时,你就使劲推。You push and I'll pull.你推,我拉。OPP pull pull 1 thrust (thrust, thrust) [transitive, intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (written) to push sb/sth suddenly or violently in a particular direction; to move quickly in a particular direction 猛推;猛塞;冲;挤He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.他把婴儿往我怀里一塞就跑了。She thrust her hands deep into her pockets.她把双手深深地插进口袋里。Mike thrust her towards the staircase.迈克把她使劲往楼梯那儿一推。She thrust past him angrily.她气呼呼地从他身边挤过去。 force [transitive] (often used with an adverb or preposition 常与副词或介词连用) to use physical strength to move sb/sth into a particular position 用力,强行(把⋯移动)She forced her way through the crowds.她从人群中挤了过去。He forced the lid of his suitcase shut.他用力把手提箱的盖子合上。Someone had tried to force an entry (= enter a building using force).有人试图强行闯入。We had to force the lock (= break it open using force).我们不得不强行开锁。 see also force force noun shove / /ʃʌv/ / [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (informal) to put sth somewhere roughly or carelessly 乱放;乱丢;塞She shoved the book into her bag and hurried off.她把书胡乱塞进包里就急忙走了。Just shove your suitcase under the bed.把你的手提箱塞到床底下吧。 stick (stuck, stuck) [transitive, intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to push sth, usually a sharp object, into sth; to be pushed into sth 把⋯刺入(或插入);刺;戳The nurse stuck a needle into my arm.护士把针扎进我的胳膊。The little boy had stuck his head through the railings.那小男孩把头伸进了围栏。I found a nail sticking in the tyre.我发现轮胎上扎了根钉子。 ram (-mm-) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to push sth somewhere using force (用力)塞,挤,推She rammed the key into the lock.她把钥匙塞进锁眼。He rammed his foot down hard on the brake.他的脚使劲踩住刹车。 drive (drove, driven) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to force sth to go in a particular direction or into a particular position by pushing it or hitting it 击;打;敲He took a wooden peg and drove it into the ground.他拿起一个短桩,把它钉在地上。 poke [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to push sth somewhere or move it in a particular direction with a small quick movement 推;捅;戳;探He poked his head around the door.他从门后探出头来。Someone had poked a message under the door.有人从门底下塞进了一张纸条。 press [transitive] to put sth into or onto sth by pushing it firmly 把⋯塞进;把⋯按入He pressed a coin into her hand.他把一枚硬币塞进她手里。
laugh at sb/sth

phrasal verb

laugh at sb/sth ♦︎ mock ♦︎ tease ♦︎ ridicule ♦︎ sneer ♦︎ make fun of sb/sth ♦︎ poke fun at sb/sthThese words all mean to make sb/sth look silly or not serious by making jokes about them/it. 这些词均表示嘲笑、讥笑。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to laugh / mock / sneer / poke fun at sb / sthto laugh at / mock / tease / ridicule / sneer at sb / sth for sthto laugh at / poke fun at yourselfto mock / tease / ridicule sb / sth mercilesslyto mock / tease sb / sth gently / a little ˈlaugh at sb/sth

phrasal verb

to make sb/sth look silly or not serious by making jokes about them/it 嘲笑;讥笑Everybody laughs at my accent.大家都取笑我的口音。She is not afraid to laugh at herself (= not be too serious about herself).她不怕拿自己来开玩笑。 Laugh at sb/sth is often used when sb accuses or suspects sb of laughing at them, or predicts that people will do so. * laugh at sb/sth常用于指责或怀疑别人在嘲笑自己,或预料别人会嘲笑自己Are you laughing at me?你在取笑我吗?I'm not wearing that hat; everyone will laugh at me!我才不戴那顶帽子呢,大家会笑我的!
mock [transitive, intransitive] (especially written) to laugh at sb/sth in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do 嘲笑,嘲弄(尤指模仿别人)He's always mocking my French accent.他总是嘲笑我的法国口音。The other children mocked her, laughing behind their hands.其他孩子学她用手捂着嘴笑的样子讥笑她。You can mock, but at least I'm willing to have a try!你可以嘲笑我,但我至少愿意试一试! see also mockery contempt , mocking contemptuous tease / /tiːz/ / [intransitive, transitive] to laugh at sb and make jokes about them, either in a friendly way or in order to annoy or embarrass them 取笑;戏弄;寻开心Don't get upset-I was only teasing.别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩儿。I used to get teased about my name.过去总有人拿我的名字开玩笑。 ridicule / /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/ / [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to make sb/sth look silly by making jokes about them/it and laughing at them in an unkind way 嘲笑;奚落;讥笑At first, his theory was ridiculed and dismissed.起初,他的理论受到人们的讥笑与摒弃。She suspected him of trying to ridicule her.她怀疑他想要嘲笑她。 see also ridicule contempt noun sneer [intransitive] (especially written) to show that you have no respect for sb by the expression on your face or by the way you speak (以表情或言语)嘲笑,讥讽,嗤笑He sneered at people who liked pop music.他嘲笑喜欢流行音乐的人。'You? A writer?' she sneered.“你?是作家?”她不屑地说。A sneer is an unpleasant type of smile, look or comment. * sneer作名词时指嘲笑、轻蔑或贬抑。 make ˈfun of sb/sth


(made, made)to make sb/sth look silly by making jokes about them/it, especially in an unkind way (尤指不友好地)拿⋯寻开心,奚落,嘲弄It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer.嘲弄口吃的人是很不厚道的。
poke ˈfun at sb/sth


to make sb/sth look silly or not serious by making jokes about them/it, especially in a gentle, friendly way (尤指温和、友好地)揶揄,取笑,拿⋯开玩笑Her novels poke fun at the upper class.她的小说揶揄上流社会。Poke fun at sb/sth is used especially to talk about making jokes about groups of people, organizations or customs, rather than individual people. * poke fun at sb/sth尤指对人群、社团或习俗进行嘲弄,而非取笑某个人。




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