

单词 poison
poison verb
poison (poison sb's food) influence (poison their minds)
poison noun


poison ♦︎ drug ♦︎ lace ♦︎ dopeThese words all mean to give sb poison, drugs or alcohol, often without them knowing it and in order to harm them. 这些词均表示毒害、下毒。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to poison / drug / lace / dope sb / sth with sthto poison / lace sb's drink poison [transitive] to harm or kill a person or animal by giving them poison; to put poison in or on sth 毒死;毒害;下毒He was accused of poisoning his wife.他被指控毒死了妻子。a poisoned arrow毒箭Someone had been poisoning his food.有人一直在他的食物里下毒。Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories.大段大段的河流被工厂排出的有毒废弃物污染了。 poisoning


[uncountable, countable] The police suspected poisoning.警方怀疑有人投毒。food / blood poisoning食物中毒;败血病At least 10 000 children are involved in accidental poisonings every year.每年至少有1万名儿童意外中毒。
drug (-gg-) [transitive] to give a person or animal a drug, especially in order to make them unconscious or to affect their performance in a race or sport; to add a drug to sb's food or drink to make them unconscious or sleepy 使服麻醉药;使服兴奋剂(以影响比赛或运动表现);在(食物或饮料中)投放麻醉药He was drugged and bundled into the back of the car.他被麻醉后塞入汽车后座。It is illegal to drug horses before a race.比赛前给马服用兴奋剂是违法的。Her drink must have been drugged.她的饮料里肯定被人下了麻醉药。 see also drug drug noun 1 lace [transitive] to add a small amount of alcohol, a drug or poison to drink or food 给(饮料或食物)掺(少量的酒、药或毒药)He had laced her milk with rum.他在她的牛奶里加了少量朗姆酒。 dope [transitive] (rather informal) to drug a person or animal in order to make them unconscious or to affect their performance in a race or sport 使服麻醉药;使服兴奋剂(以影响比赛或运动表现)Thieves doped a guard dog and stole $10 000 worth of goods.小偷给看门狗投了麻醉药,偷走了价值1万元的商品。 see also dope drug noun 1


 See also the entry for affect 另见affect条influence ♦︎ sway ♦︎ prejudice ♦︎ sour ♦︎ poison ♦︎ biasThese words all mean to affect the way that sb thinks or behaves, or to change sb's opinion about sb/sth, especially in a negative or unfair way. 这些词均表示对某人的思想行为施加影响,尤指负面影响。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to influence / sway / prejudice / poison / bias sb / sth against sb / sthto influence / sway / bias sb / sth in favour of sb / sthto influence / bias sb / sth towards / toward sb / sthto influence / sway / bias the result of sthto influence / prejudice the outcome of sthto influence / sway a decisionto sour / poison relations / the atmosphereto be easily influenced / swayed (by sth) influence [transitive] to have an effect on the way that sb behaves or thinks, especially by giving them an example to follow 影响;对⋯起作用His writings have influenced the lives of millions.他的著作影响了数百万人的人生。Her parents tried to influence her in her choice of career.她的父母试图影响她的职业选择。The wording of the question can influence how people answer.问题的措辞会影响人们的回答方式。 see also influence affect verb sway [transitive, often passive] to persuade or influence sb to believe sth or do sth, especially when they are forming an opinion or making a decision (尤指在某人形成看法或作决定时)施加影响,使信服The panel was not swayed by his arguments.他的论证并未使陪审团信服。Don't allow yourself to be swayed by emotion.别让自己为感情所左右。The speech was important in swaying public opinion.这场演说在影响舆论方面很重要。 prejudice [transitive] to persuade or influence sb so that they have an unfair or unreasonable opinion about sb/sth 使怀有(或形成)偏见Some argued that the media attention had prejudiced the jury.有些人认为媒体的关注使陪审团形成了偏见。Poor handwriting might prejudice people against the applicant.字写得难看有可能让人对申请者产生偏见。 see also prejudiced biased adj. sour [intransitive, transitive] (written) (of relationships, attitudes, situations or people) to change so that they become less pleasant or friendly than before; to make sth do this (关系、态度、情况)恶化;(人)变坏;使恶化;使变坏The atmosphere in the house had soured.屋子里的气氛不对了。The disagreement over trade tariffs soured relations between the two countries.贸易关税上的分歧导致两国关系恶化。 see also sour bitter adj. 2 poison [transitive] (written) to change a relationship, situation or opinion so that it becomes unpleasant or unfriendly 使(关系或局面)恶化;使(看法)变差;败坏She succeeded in poisoning their minds against me.她如愿使他们仇视我。His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further.他的评论只是令气氛更加恶化了。NOTE 辨析 Sour or poison? Poison is usually stronger than sour. If sth sours a relationship or situation it becomes less pleasant or friendly than before. If sth poisons it, it becomes very unpleasant or unfriendly, often involving strong feelings of anger or dislike. * poison语气通常比sour强烈。sour表示使关系或情况变坏;poison表示使关系或情况变得非常糟糕,常涉及强烈的愤恨或厌恶。 bias / /ˈbaɪəs/ / [transitive] to have an unfair effect on sb's decisions or opinions; to change the result of sth so that it is not correct 使有偏见;使偏心;使结果产生偏差The newspapers have biased people against her.报章的报道使人们对她产生了偏见。The use of faulty equipment may have biased the result.可能是使用有缺陷的设备使结果产生了偏差。 see also biased biased adj.


poison ♦︎ toxin ♦︎ venomThese are all words for substances that cause death or harm if they are swallowed or absorbed into the body. 这些词均表示毒药、毒素。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a powerful poison / toxinto contain poison / toxinsto produce poison / toxins / venompoison / venom glands poison [countable, uncountable] a substance that causes death or harm if it is swallowed or absorbed into the body 毒药;毒物;毒素Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。How did he die? Was it poison?他是怎么死的?是中毒吗?The dog was killed by rat poison (= poison intended to kill rats).狗被耗子药毒死了。poison gas毒气 poisonous


poisonous substances / chemicals / plants / snakes有毒物质/化学品/植物;毒蛇This gas is highly poisonous.这种气体毒性很大。
toxin [countable] (formal or technical 术语) a poisonous substance, especially one that is produced by bacteria in plants and animals (尤指动植物体内细菌产生的)毒素The algae kills off plant and animal life and, in some cases, produces dangerous toxins.藻类会大量杀死生物体,并在某些情况下产生危险的毒素。 toxic


toxic chemicals / fumes / gases / substances有毒化学品/烟雾/气体/物质Many pesticides are highly toxic.许多杀虫剂毒性都很大。
venom / /ˈvenəm/ / [uncountable, countable] the poisonous liquid that some snakes, spiders, insects, etc., produce when they bite or sting you (毒蛇、蜘蛛、昆虫等分泌的)毒液Centipedes kill their prey by injecting venom into them with a large pair of fangs.蜈蚣杀死猎物的方法是用它那一对大尖牙把毒液注入猎物体内。Snake venoms work in several ways.蛇毒发作有多种方式。 venomous


venomous snakes毒蛇




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