

单词 print
print verb
publish1 (print sb's comments) publish2 (print a book)
print noun
photograph picture2 (a framed set of prints)


publish results 公布结果publish a novel 出版小说publish ♦︎ issue ♦︎ release ♦︎ advertise ♦︎ print ♦︎ publicize ♦︎ circulateThese words all mean to make information known to the public. 这些词均表示公布、发布。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to issue / release / circulate sth to sbto publish / issue / release / print / circulate a report / detailsto publish / issue / release / print a document / statement / descriptionto publish / issue / print an apologyto publish / print a / an picture / photo / articleto publish / advertise / publicize / circulate sth widelyto publish / issue / release / advertise sth formallyto publish / issue / release sth officially publish [transitive] to print a letter, article, photograph, etc. in a newspaper or magazine; to make sth available to the public on the Internet (在报刊上)发表,刊登;(在互联网上)发布The editors published a full apology in the following edition.编辑在随后的一期刊登了公开道歉。The report will be published on the Internet.该报告将在互联网上公布。In formal language publish can also mean 'to make official information available to the public'. 在正式用语中,publish还表示“公布官方消息”The findings of the committee will be published on Friday.委员会的调查结果将于周五公布。 publication


[uncountable] The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs.这家报纸继续为其刊登这些照片辩解。
issue [transitive] (rather formal) to make information formally available to the public 宣布;公布;发布They issued a joint statement denying the charges.他们发表联合声明否认这些指控。The police have issued an appeal for witnesses.警方发出了寻找目击证人的呼吁。 issue


[uncountable] the issue of a joint statement by the French and German governments法德两国政府联合声明的发表
release [transitive] (rather formal) to make information formally available to the public 宣布;公布;发布Police have released no further details about the accident.关于这次事故,警方没有透露更多的细节。NOTE 辨析 Publish, issue or release?These words can all be used to talk about things such as descriptions, reports, documents and statements being formally made available to the public. However, issue has the widest range of collocates in this meaning and is often found with words relating to announcements, for example declaration, proclamation, joint/public statement, notice and communiqué, as well as legal notices, such as summons, warrant and writ. Publish, but not issue or release, is also used to talk about letters and articles. 这三个词都指正式向公众发布说明、报告、文件和声明等。但是issue在表达此义时可以搭配的词范围最广,常与表示“公告”的词连用,如declaration、proclamation、joint/public statement、notice和communiqué,也与表示“法律令状”的词连用,如summons、warrant和writ。publish还可指发表信件和文章,但issue和release不可以。 advertise [intransitive, transitive] to let people know that sth is going to happen, or that a job is available by giving details about it in a newspaper, on a notice in a public place, etc; to show or tell sth about yourself to other people (在报纸、公共场所公告牌等上)公布,征聘;展现,宣传(自己)We are currently advertising for a new sales manager.目前我们正公开征聘新的销售经理。We should have advertised the concert much more widely.我们本该为这场音乐会做更广泛的宣传。If I were you, I wouldn't advertise the fact that you don't have a work permit.我要是你,就不会到处声张没有工作许可证这件事。 see also advertise advertise advertisement


[uncountable] We are employing an assistant to help with the advertisement of the group's activities.我们雇了一个助手帮我们宣传团队活动。
print [transitive] to publish sth in printed form 登载;刊登;发表The photo was printed in all the national newspapers.这张照片刊登在全国各大报纸上。The magazine was sued for printing a libellous article about her family.这家杂志因刊登了诽谤她家人的文章而被起诉。 publicize (BrE also pressurise) / /ˈpʌblɪsaɪz/ / [transitive] to make sth known to the public 宣传;宣扬;传播They flew to Europe to publicize the plight of the refugees.他们飞往欧洲宣讲难民的惨状。In a much publicized speech (= that has received a lot of attention on television, in newspapers, etc.) she condemned the government for its inactivity.在一个受到广泛关注的演讲中,她指责政府不作为。NOTE 辨析 Advertise or publicize?People usually advertise jobs or events in print, in a newspaper, on public notices or on the Internet. People publicize events or information by talking about them a lot in public or holding special events, which then get reported on television, in newspapers and on the Internet. * advertise通常指在报纸、公告牌或互联网上刊登征聘广告或宣传活动。publicize指反复公开谈论或举办特别活动,电视、报纸和互联网等媒体随后会对其报道。 circulate /ˈsɜːkjəleɪt; NAmE ˈsɜːrkjəleɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to send information to all the people in a group 传送;传递;传阅The document will be circulated to all members.这份文件将给所有成员传阅。


publish results 公布结果publish a novel 出版小说publish ♦︎ issue ♦︎ print ♦︎ releaseThese words all mean to produce sth such as a book, magazine or CD, and sell it to the public. 这些词均表示出版、发行。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to publish / issue / print / release a bookto publish / issue / print a booklet / brochure / newsletter / leaflet / pamphletto publish / issue / release a new title / editionto issue / release a / an CD / single / albumto issue / print banknotesto publish / release sth on CD-ROMto issue / release sth on CDto be newly / recently published / issued / releasedto be privately published / printed publish [transitive, intransitive] to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM, etc. and sell it to the public; (of an author) to have your work printed and sold to the public 出版,发行(书籍、杂志、光盘等);(作者)发表(作品)He works for a company that publishes reference books.他在一家工具书出版公司工作。Most of our titles are also published on CD-ROM.我们的大部分书籍也制成光盘发行。She hasn't published anything for years.她好几年没有发表作品了。University teachers are under pressure to publish.大学教师有发表文章的压力。 publication


[uncountable] the publication of his first novel他第一部小说的出版
issue [transitive] (rather formal) to produce sth such as a magazine, new book or CD and sell it to the public; to offer new stamps, coins or shares in a company for sale to the public 出版,发行(杂志、新书、光盘等);发售(邮票、硬币或股票)We issue a monthly newsletter.我们出版通讯月刊。The Royal Mail issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion.英国皇家邮政为这一盛事特别发行了一套纪念邮票。 issue


[uncountable] I bought a set of the new stamps on the date of issue.我在首发日购买了一套新邮票。
NOTE 辨析 Publish or issue? Publish is the usual word for talking about producing books for sale to the public. * publish是表示出版发行书籍的常用词a company that publishes reference books一家工具书出版公司a company that issues reference books However, if you are talking about a particular book, especially a new one, you can use either word. 但如果指某本书,尤其是新书出版或发行,两个词可以通用They have just published / issued a new edition.他们刚刚发行了新版。 Issue is used more frequently with words relating to smaller publications produced by organizations, such as booklet, newsletter, leaflet or pamphlet, although publish can also be used with these. * issue较多与由组织机构制作的小规模出版物连用,如booklet、newsletter、leaflet或pamphlet。当然publish也可与这些词连用。 print [transitive] to produce books, newspapers, etc. by printing them in large quantities 印刷They printed 30 000 copies of the book.这本书他们印了3万册。The firm specializes in printing calendars.这家公司专门印制日历。 release [transitive] to make a film, book, CD or other product available to the public 发行(电影、书籍、光盘等)When was the film first released?这部影片什么时候首映?There have been a lot of new products released onto the market.已经有很多新产品投放市场。 release


[uncountable] The movie goes on general release (= will be widely shown in cinemas) next week.这部影片将于下周公开放映。


 See also the entry for picture 另见picture条photograph ♦︎ picture ♦︎ photo ♦︎ shot ♦︎ slide ♦︎ snapshot/snap ♦︎ printThese are all words for a picture that has been made using a camera. 这些词均表示照片。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a colour photograph / picture / photo / slide / snap / printto take a photograph / picture / photo / shot / snapshota photograph / picture / photo / shot / slide / snapshot shows sb / sth photograph [countable] a picture that has been made using a camera 照片;相片aerial / satellite photographs飞机航拍/卫星照片Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself.请附寄一张近照,护照相片大小的。I spent the morning taking photographs of the city.我用了一上午拍摄这座城市的照片。 see also photograph record verb 2 picture [countable] a photograph 照片;相片We had our picture taken in front of the hotel.我们在酒店前照了相。His picture appeared in the local paper.他的照片上了当地的报纸。 picture


[transitive, usually passive] She is pictured here (= shown in a picture) with her parents.这张是她和父母在一起的照片。
photo [countable] (rather informal) a photograph 照片;相片a colour / black-and-white / passport photo彩照;黑白照;护照照片a photo album相册Stand there and I'll take your photo.站那儿,我给你拍张照。NOTE 辨析 Photograph, picture or photo?These words all have the same meaning. Photograph is slightly more formal and photo is slightly less formal. Picture is used especially in the context of photographs in newspapers, magazines and books. In American English it is more common to talk about taking pictures, although take photographs/photos is also used. 这几个词的词义相同。photograph略显正式,photo略显非正式。picture尤指报纸、杂志和书籍中的照片。在美式英语中,尽管也用take photographs/photos,但taking pictures较常用。 shot [countable] a photograph 照片;相片I tried to get a shot of him in the water.我试着给他在水里拍了张照片。publicity shots宣传照Shot often places more emphasis on the process of taking the photograph, rather than the finished picture. * shot常强调拍照过程,而不是照片本身。 slide [countable] a small piece of film held in a frame that can be shown on a screen when you shine a light through it 幻灯片a talk with colour slides用彩色幻灯片作辅助的讲话a slide show / projector幻灯放映;幻灯机 snapshot /ˈsnæpʃɒt; NAmE ˈsnæpʃɑːt/ (BrE also , informal snap) [countable] an informal photograph that is taken quickly, usually with a small, hand-held camera and not by a professional photographer (尤指非专业摄影师拍的、抢拍的)照片snapshots of the children孩子们的照片 (BrE) She showed us her holiday snaps.她给我们看了她度假时拍的照片。 print [countable] a copy of a photograph that is produced from film or from a digital camera (用底片或数字图像洗印的)照片How many sets of prints would you like?你要洗印多少套照片?a colour print彩色照片 see also print picture print


[transitive] I'm having the pictures developed and printed.我去把照片洗印出来。


 See also the entry for photograph 另见photograph条picture ♦︎ painting ♦︎ drawing ♦︎ portrait ♦︎ graphics ♦︎ print ♦︎ sketch ♦︎ image ♦︎ artwork ♦︎ cartoonThese are all words for a scene, person or thing that has been represented on paper by drawing, painting, etc. 这些词均表示图画、绘画。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to draw a picture / portrait / sketch / cartoonto paint a picture / portraitto make a painting / a drawing / a portrait / a print / a sketch / an imageto do a painting / drawing / portrait / sketchto show / display / exhibit a picture / painting / drawing / portrait / printto frame / hang a picture / painting / portrait / printa picture / painting / drawing / portrait / print / sketch / cartoon shows sb / sth picture [countable] a scene, person or thing that has been represented on paper using a pencil, a pen or paint (用铅笔、钢笔或颜料绘成的)图画,绘画The children were drawing pictures of their pets.孩子们在画他们的宠物。She got a famous artist to paint her picture (= a picture of herself).她请了一位名画家为自己画像。He likes books with lots of pictures in them.他喜欢看有大量插图的书。 see also illustration diagram painting [countable] a picture that has been made using paint 绘画;油画a collection of paintings by American artists美国画家绘画作品集cave paintings洞穴里的壁画 see also paint draw verb drawing [countable] a picture that has been made using a pencil or pen, not paint (铅笔或钢笔)画;素描画a pencil / charcoal drawing铅笔画;炭笔画a drawing by Paul Klee保罗•克利的画He did a drawing of a yacht.他画了一条帆船。 see also draw draw verb portrait / /ˈpɔːtreɪt, ˈpɔːtrət; NAmE ˈpɔːrtrət/ [countable] a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders 肖像;半身像;半身照Vermeer's 'Portrait of the artist in his studio'弗美尔的《画室里的艺术家肖像》She had her portrait painted.她让人给她画了一幅画像。a self-portrait (= a painting that you do of yourself) in pen and ink用钢笔和墨水画的自画像a portrait painter肖像画家 see also portrait description graphics /ˈgræfɪks/ / [plural] designs or pictures that are used in the production of books and magazines and on television and computer screens (书、杂志、电视或电脑屏幕上的)图案,绘图,图像computer graphics电脑图像Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined.文本和绘图分别制作后再排在一起。 print [countable] a picture that has been copied from a painting using photography (用照相制版法制作的)绘画复制品a Renoir print一幅雷诺阿油画的复制品a framed set of prints一组镶框的复制画 see also print photograph sketch [countable] a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details 素描;速写;草图I usually do a few very rough sketches before I start on a painting.我通常在开始作画前先打几个很粗略的草图。He drew me a quick sketch.他为我画了张素描。 see also sketch draw verb image [countable] (formal) a copy of sb/sth in the form of a picture or statue 画像;雕像;塑像Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls.洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。a wooden image of the Hindu god Ganesh印度教神灵象头神的木雕像An image can also be a picture of sb/sth seen on a television or computer screen. * image也可以指电视或电脑屏幕上的影像、图像。 see also image image artwork /ˈɑːtwɜːk; NAmE ˈɑːrtwɜːrk/ [uncountable] pictures that are prepared for books, advertisements and magazines (书刊或广告上的)插图,图片Can you let me have the finished artwork by Friday?你能在星期五前做完插图给我吗?NOTE 辨析 Graphics or artwork? Artwork places more emphasis on the process of producing the picture (for example by painting or drawing); graphics places more emphasis on the finished items. Artwork is pictures or photographs; graphics can also be designs, diagrams or tables. * artwork较强调绘图或画图的过程,而graphics较强调成品本身。artwork是图片或照片,graphics也可以是设计图、图表或表格。 cartoon /kɑːˈtuːn; NAmE kɑːrˈtuːn/ [countable] an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine, especially one about politics or events in the news (报刊中尤与政治或时事有关的)漫画,讽刺画a political cartoon政治漫画A cartoon is also a series of drawings that tell a story. * cartoon也指连环画或动画片a strip cartoon连环漫画a full-length Disney cartoon一部迪斯尼动画片的完整版




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