

单词 teen
teen noun
childhood (in your teens) girl (awkward teens)
teen adj.


childhood ♦︎ youth ♦︎ adolescence ♦︎ teens ♦︎ infancy ♦︎ pubertyThese are all words for the period of sb's life when they are a child or young person. 这些词均表示童年或青少年时期。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达年少的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in (sb's) childhood / youth / adolescence / teens / infancyduring (sb's) childhood / youth / adolescence / teens / infancy / pubertyfrom (sb's) childhood / youth / infancysince / throughout (sb's) childhood / youth / adolescence / teens / infancy(sb's) early childhood / youth / adolescence / teens / infancy(sb's) late childhood / adolescence / teensa / an happy / unhappy childhood / youthto reach adolescence / your teens / pubertyto spend your childhood / youth / adolescence / teens... childhood [uncountable, countable] the period of sb's life when they are a child 童年;幼年;孩童时期From her earliest childhood she'd had a love of dancing.她从小就喜欢跳舞。She had a very happy childhood.她有一个非常幸福的童年。childhood memories / experiences童年记忆/经历 youth [uncountable, singular] the period of sb's life when they are young, especially the time before a child becomes an adult; the quality or state of being young 青年时期(尤指成年以前);青春;朝气He had been a talented musician in his youth.他年轻时很有音乐天赋。His lack of qualification was taken as a sign of a misspent youth (= having wasted his time when he was young).他缺乏学历资格被看成是虚度了青春。She brings to the job a rare combination of youth and experience.她很年轻,又有做这份工作的经验,这很难得。A youth can also be a young person. * youth亦指年轻人。 see also youth girl adolescence / /ˌædəˈlesns/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) the time in sb's life when they develop from a child into an adult 青春期;青春Adolescence brings about major changes in a young person's body.在青春期时身体会发生很大变化。She developed the problem in early adolescence.她的问题形成于青春期早期。Adolescence is often used when talking about the problems that young people have when they are becoming adults. * adolescence常用于谈论青少年在转为成人过程中出现的问题。 see also adolescent girl teens [plural] the years of a person's life when they are between 13 and 19 years old 十几岁(13至19岁之间)She began writing poetry in her teens.她从十几岁开始写诗。An eyewitness described a boy in his mid to late teens wearing a dark jacket.一名目击者描述,一个男孩穿着深色夹克,年龄在15至19岁左右。 Teens is always used after my, his, her, etc. * teens常置于my、his、her等代词之后I met him in teens. see also teen girl infancy [uncountable] the time when a child is a baby or very young 婴儿期;幼儿期Tragically, she died in infancy.她在婴儿时不幸夭折。The vaccination is given in early infancy.出生不久就要接种这种疫苗。 Infancy is often used to talk about babies being ill or dying. * infancy常用于谈及婴儿患病或夭折to survive infancy渡过婴儿期存活下来deaths during infancy婴儿期死亡 puberty /ˈpjuːbəti; NAmE ˈpjuːbərti/ [uncountable] the period in sb's life when their sexual organs develop and their body changes from a child's to an adult's body 青春期He reached puberty at the age of fourteen.他十四岁时进入青春期。The body undergoes many changes during puberty.青春期时身体发生很多变化。Puberty is used more in medical or scientific contexts than in personal accounts of childhood. * puberty多用于医学和科学语境中,不常用于叙述童年生活。



 See also the entry for child 另见child条girl ♦︎ youth ♦︎ lad ♦︎ teenager ♦︎ teen ♦︎ adolescent ♦︎ juvenileThese are all words for young people who are not yet adults. 这些词均表示未成年人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a young girl / lad / teenager / adolescentan older girl / youth / teenagera local girl / youth / lad / teenageran awkward teenager / teen / adolescentyouth / juvenile crime / unemployment girl [countable] (sometimes offensive) a young woman 年轻女子;女孩;姑娘Alex is not interested in girls yet.亚历克斯对女孩子还不感兴趣。One of the girls at work told me about it.单位里的一个女孩把这件事告诉了我。He married the girl next door.他和隔壁的女孩结婚了。Girl is often used to refer to a young woman in informal or friendly contexts. However, some young women find it offensive and lacking in respect when sb refers to them as a girl in a more formal or professional context. * girl常用于非正式或友善地指年轻女子。不过,一些年轻女性认为,在较为正式或工作的场合被称为girl有冒犯意,有失尊重。 OPP guy man 1 see also girl child , girl son youth [countable] (often disapproving) a young man, especially one who is behaving badly or doing sth illegal (尤指行为不端或做违法之事的)青年男子;小混混The fight was started by a gang of youths.这场打斗是一帮年轻人挑起来的。 Youth or the youth [plural] are used in phrases to mean 'young people considered as a group'. * youth或the youth用在短语中指“年轻一族”The Royal Family is facing an uncertain future, according to the nation's youth.这个国家的年轻人认为,皇室正面临不确定的未来。Many people think the youth of today are not taught proper standards of behaviour.许多人认为当今的年轻人没有受到正确的行为规范教育。youth politics / culture青年政治/文化an increase in youth unemployment青年失业率的增长In this meaning (the) youth is always used as part of a longer phrase, not on its own. 表达此义时,(the) youth总是用在较长的短语中,不单独使用The youth are not taught proper standards of behaviour. see also youth childhood lad [countable] (especially BrE, informal) a boy or young man 男孩;少年;小伙子He's a nice lad.他是个好小伙儿。Things have changed since I was a lad.从我年少时至今,很多事都发生了变化。 teenager [countable] a person who is between 13 and 19 years old (13至19岁之间的)青少年,少男少女a magazine aimed at teenagers以青少年为对象的杂志Many teenagers are embarrassed by their parents.许多青少年因父母而难为情。 see also teenage young NOTE 辨析 Youth, lad or teenager?A teenager can be a boy or a girl but must be aged between 13 and 19; youth is less specific and can describe sb up until their early twenties; lad is also less specific but is not usually used about sb older than 19. When it refers to a young person, youth is more negative than lad or teenager, and collocates are often (but not always) negative. * teenager可以是男孩或女孩,但年龄必须在13至19岁之间;youth则没那么明确,可指直至二十出头的人;lad也不那么明确,但通常不指19岁以上的人。在指年轻人时,youth比lad或teenager更具贬义,搭配词常为(但不总是)贬义angry / drunken / masked youths气愤的/喝醉的/蒙面的年轻人The collocates of lad are mostly positive. * lad的搭配词多为褒义a handsome / decent / fine / good / great / lovely / nice / smashing / bright / sensible lad英俊的/举止得体的/优秀的/善良的/杰出的/可爱的/友善的/很好的/聪明的/明智的年轻人To talk about young people in general, youth is more common than teenagers, especially in newspapers or more formal English. 指年轻一族时,youth比teenagers更常见,尤其是在报纸和比较正式的文体中unemployed / modern / educated youth失业的/当代的/受过教育的年轻人youth crime / employment青少年犯罪;青年就业 teen [countable] (informal, especially NAmE) a teenager (13至19岁之间的)青少年,少男少女Two plain-looking teens were sitting on the couch watching TV.两个相貌平平的十几岁少年坐在沙发上看电视。 see also teen young adj. , teens childhood adolescent / /ˌædəˈlesnt/ / [countable] (rather formal) a young person who is developing from a child into an adult 青少年adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18, and the problems they face13至18岁的青少年以及他们面临的问题Stop acting like an adolescent!别再表现得像个孩子一样! see also adolescence childhood , adolescent young adj. juvenile /ˈdʒuːvənaɪl; NAmE ˈdʒuːvənl/ [countable] (formal or law 法律) a young person who is not yet an adult, especially one that has done sth illegal or is accused of doing sth illegal (尤指违法或被控违法的)少年,未成年人Most of the suspects were juveniles under the age of 17.犯罪嫌疑人大多是未满17岁的未成年人。 see also juvenile young adj.


young ♦︎ teenage ♦︎ juvenile ♦︎ junior ♦︎ adolescent ♦︎ teenThese words all describe sb/sth that has lived or existed for only a short time and is therefore not yet fully developed. 这些词均表示幼小的、未成熟的、青少年的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a young / a teenage / an adolescent boy / girla young / juvenile offendera young / teenage fana teenage / teen idol young having lived or existed for only a short time; not yet old; consisting of young people or young children 幼小的;年轻的;由年轻人(或儿童)构成的;青少年的young babies / children / animals小婴儿;幼童;动物幼崽Caterpillars eat the young leaves of this plant.毛毛虫吃这种植物的嫩叶。Fruit Fresh is a young company that is growing fast.“鲜果”是一家成立不久、发展迅速的公司。The team is full of talented young players.该队荟萃了才华横溢的年轻选手。I am the youngest of four sisters.我是四姐妹当中最小的。They married young (= at an early age).他们很早就结婚了。This cottage would be perfect for a couple with a young family (= a couple with young children).这栋小别墅对家里有幼儿的夫妇来说非常理想。OPP old , elderly , aged old 2 teenage / /ˈtiːneɪdʒ/ / [usually before noun] between 13 and 19 years old; connected with people of this age 十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的The place was full of giggling teenage girls.这地方到处都是咯咯笑的妙龄少女。He went through a brief period of teenage rebellion when he was 16.他16岁时有过一段短暂的青春叛逆期。 see also teenager girl juvenile / /ˈdʒuːvənaɪl; NAmE ˈdʒuːvənl/ [only before noun] (formal or law 法律) connected with young people who are not yet adults 少年的;未成年的What can be done to help these juvenile deliquents turn away from crime?究竟能做些什么来帮助这些少年犯远离犯罪呢?The government has failed to deal with the problem of juvenile crime.政府没处理好青少年犯罪的问题。OPP adult adult see also juvenile girl junior [only before noun] connected with young people below a particular age, rather than with adults, especially in sports 青少年的(尤用于体育语境)The world junior tennis championships will be held in Paris next month.世界青少年网球锦标赛将于下月在巴黎举行。In Britain junior also describes a school or part of a school for children between the ages of 7 and 11 or 13. 在英国,junior亦用以描述为7至11岁或7至13岁儿童设立的学校或学校的小学部My daughter goes into the junior school next year.我女儿明年上小学。the junior department小学部 adolescent /ˌædəˈlesnt/ / of the age when a child develops into an adult, at some point between 12 and 18 years old 青少年的(指12至18岁)the attitudes of adolescent girls青春期女孩的态度 see also adolescent girl teen [usually before noun] (especially NAmE, informal) teenage 十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的It was a teen magazine, full of glossy pictures of the latest pop idols.那是一本青少年杂志,里面净是最新流行偶像的光彩夺目的照片。 see also teen girl




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