

单词 tether
tether verb
tether noun


restrain ♦︎ bind ♦︎ handcuff ♦︎ chain ♦︎ tie sb up ♦︎ tether ♦︎ hold sb downThese words all mean to stop a person, animal or thing from moving or escaping by using physical force or by fastening them with sth. 这些词均表示强行制住、扣住、捆绑住。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to bind / handcuff / chain / tie up / tether sb / sth to sthto bind / handcuff / chain sb / sth togetherto bind / tie up sb with sthto handcuff / chain yourself to sthto bind / handcuff sb's handsto firmly bind / tie up / tether sb / sth restrain / /rɪˈstreɪn/ / [transitive] to stop sb/sth from moving, especially by using physical force (尤指用武力)制止,阻止,扣住The prisoner had to be restrained by the police.警方不得不强行制住囚犯。 bind / /baɪnd/ / (bound, bound) [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to tie sb/sth with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together firmly 捆绑;系She was bound to a chair.她被捆在椅子上。They bound his hands together.他们把他的双手绑在一起。He was left bound and gagged (= tied up and with a piece of fabric tied over his mouth).他被捆了起来并封住了嘴。 handcuff / /ˈhændkʌf/ / [transitive, usually passive] to put handcuffs on sb; to fasten sb to sb/sth with handcuffs 用手铐铐住Her hands were handcuffed behind her back.她的双手被反剪铐住。Protesters handcuffed themselves to the railings.抗议者将他们自己铐在栏杆上。 chain [transitive, often passive] to fasten sb/sth to sb/sth with a chain, so that they cannot escape or be moved 用锁链拴住(或束缚、固定)The dog was chained up for the night.夜间那条狗用链子拴了起来。She chained her bicycle to the gate.她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。 ˌtie sb ˈup

phrasal verb

to tie sb's arms and legs tightly so that they cannot move or escape 把某人捆绑起来The gang tied up a security guard.那群歹徒把一名保安人员捆绑起来。
tether / /ˈteðə(r)/ / [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to tie an animal to a post so that it cannot move very far 拴(牲畜)She tethered her horse to a tree.她把她的马拴到树上。 see also tether rein noun ˌhold sb ˈdown

phrasal verb

(held, held)to stop sb from moving using physical force, especially keeping them on the ground or on another surface 将某人按住(尤指按到地上或其他表面上)It took three men to hold him down.三个人上去才把他制伏了。


rein ♦︎ leash ♦︎ lead ♦︎ bridle ♦︎ harness ♦︎ tether ♦︎ halterThese are all words for a piece of leather, rope or chain used for controlling or holding an animal, such as a dog or horse. 这些词均表示动物的拴绳、拴链、缰绳等。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配on / off a / the leash / lead(a) leather reins / harnessto attach a leash / lead / harness / halterto pull on the reins / leash / leadto keep a dog on a leash / lead rein / /reɪn/ / [countable, usually plural](in horse riding) a long, narrow leather band that is fastened to the bit (= metal bar) in the horse's mouth and is held by the rider in order to control the horse (骑马的)缰绳She pulled gently on the reins.她轻轻地拉着缰绳。 leash / /liːʃ/ / [countable] (especially NAmE) a long piece of leather, chain or rope attached to a dog's collar, used for holding and controlling the dog 拴狗链;拴狗带Once she was away from the road, she could let the dogs off the leash.一旦离开公路后,她便可以给狗解开链子了。 lead / /liːd/ / [countable] (BrE) a leash 拴狗链;拴狗带Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park.公园里狗必须系上拴狗带。 bridle / /ˈbraɪdl/ / [countable] a set of leather bands, attached to reins, which is put around a horse's head and used for controlling it 马勒;马笼头;辔She held his stirrup for him while Adam took the bridle.亚当接过辔头时她替他扶着马镫。 harness / /ˈhɑːnɪs; NAmE ˈhɑːrnɪs/ [countable] a set of leather bands and metal pieces which is put around a horse's head and body so that the horse can be controlled and fastened to a cart, carriage, etc. 马具;挽具The sight of horses in harness hauling timber was common a hundred years ago.一百年前,套着挽具的马匹拉木材的情景很常见。 harness


[transitive] We harnessed two ponies to the cart.我们把两匹矮种马套到车上。
tether /ˈteðə(r)/ / [countable] a rope or chain used to tie an animal to sth, allowing it to move around in a small area (拴动物的)拴绳,拴链The goat had got loose from its tether.那只山羊挣脱了拴绳。 see also tether restrain verb halter /ˈhɔːltə(r), BrE also ˈhɒltə(r)/ [countable] a rope or leather band put around the head of a horse for leading it with (马的)笼头,缰绳He led the mare by the halter towards the gate.他手拉缰绳牵着母马朝大门走去。




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