

单词 fuming
fuming adj.


 See also the entry for angry 另见angry条furious ♦︎ outraged ♦︎ enraged ♦︎ incensed ♦︎ fuming ♦︎ seethingThese words all mean very or extremely angry. 这些词均表示狂怒的、异常愤怒的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配furious / outraged / incensed / fuming / seething about / at / over sthfurious / outraged / incensed that...a furious / an outraged expressionabsolutely furious / outraged / incensed / fuming furious / /ˈfjʊəriəs; NAmE ˈfjʊriəs/ extremely angry 狂怒的;暴怒的I was furious at the way we'd been treated.我们所遭受的待遇令我气愤难当。She was furious with me when she found out.她弄清情况后,非常生我的气。He was furious with himself for letting things get so out of control.他对自己很恼火,怪自己竟让事情变得如此不可收拾。 see also fury anger noun furiously


furiously angry大发雷霆He banged the door furiously.他狂怒地砰地使劲甩上门。
outraged /ˈaʊtreɪdʒd/ / very shocked and angry, especially about sth that you think is unfair or morally wrong (尤指对不公正或不道德的事)感到震怒的I was outraged when I heard of the decision.我得知这个决定后怒不可遏。a group of outraged customers / residents / passengers一群愤怒的顾客/居民/旅客She wrote an outraged letter to the newspaper.她给报纸写了一封义愤填膺的信。 see also outrage anger noun , outrage anger verb , outrageous outrageous enraged (written) extremely angry, especially when this makes you lose control or be violent 异常愤怒的(尤指使人失控或诉诸暴力)She was enraged at his stupidity.她对他的愚蠢大为光火。an enraged mob愤怒的暴民 see also rage anger noun , enrage anger verb incensed / /ɪnˈsenst/ / extremely angry, especially because you think you have been treated or judged unfairly (尤指因遭受不公正的待遇或评判)异常愤怒的Workers were incensed by the decision to lengthen working hours.工人被延长工时的决定激怒了。 see also incense anger verb NOTE 辨析 Outraged or incensed?In many cases you can use either word; however, outraged suggests a stronger feeling that sth is morally wrong; incensed suggests a stronger feeling that you have personally been badly treated. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。不过,outraged暗指基于道德义愤的强烈情感,incensed暗指因个人受到了恶劣的对待而大怒。 fuming [not before noun] extremely angry, especially when you have no effective way of expressing your anger or doing anything about the cause of your anger 大为生气的,十分恼火的(尤指怒火无处发泄或对愤怒的原因无可奈何)She sat in the car, silently fuming at the traffic jam.她坐在汽车里,对交通堵塞一肚子火。 seething [not before noun] extremely angry but trying not to show other people how angry you are 强压怒火的;生闷气的Inwardly seething, she did as she was told.虽然心里大为恼火,她还是照吩咐的做了。




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