

单词 suck
suck verb


drink ♦︎ sip ♦︎ suck ♦︎ drain ♦︎ booze ♦︎ swigThese words all mean to take liquid into the body through the mouth. 这些词均表示喝或饮。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to sip / suck / swig at sthto drink / sip / swig from a bottle / glass of sthto drink / suck sth upto drink / sip / drain your drink / pintto drink / sip / swig beer / wineto drink / sip tea / coffee / water drink (drank, drunk) [transitive, intransitive] to take liquid into the mouth and swallow it; to drink alcohol, especially regularly 喝;饮;喝酒(尤指经常喝)What would you like to drink?你想喝点什么?I don't drink coffee.我不喝咖啡。He was drinking straight from the bottle.他直接对着瓶口喝。He doesn't drink (= doesn't drink alcohol).他不喝酒。Don't drink and drive (= drive a car after drinking alcohol).切勿酒后驾车。She's been drinking heavily since she lost her job.她失业后便常常酗酒。I drank far too much last night.我昨天晚上喝得酩酊大醉。 see also drink sip noun , drunk drunk sip (-pp-) [transitive, intransitive] to drink sth, taking a very small amount each time 小口喝;抿He slowly sipped his wine.他慢酌浅饮。 (BrE) She sat there, sipping at her tea.她坐在那儿抿着茶。 see also sip sip noun suck [transitive, intransitive] to take liquid or air into your mouth by using the muscles of your lips; to keep sth in your mouth and pull on it with your lips and tongue 吮吸;咂;含在嘴里吸食She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.她正用吸管咕嘟嘟地喝着牛奶。He sucked a mint.他嘴里含着一粒薄荷糖。He sucked on a mint.他嘴里咂着一粒薄荷糖。 drain [transitive] to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it 喝光;喝干In one gulp, he drained the glass.他一口喝干了杯中的水。She quickly drained the last of her drink.她一下子就把最后一点儿酒喝掉了。 booze [intransitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) (informal) to drink alcohol, especially in large quantities 喝酒(尤指狂饮)He's out boozing with his mates.他和朋友们喝酒去了。 swig (-gg-) [transitive] (informal) to take a quick drink of sth, especially alcohol 大口喝(酒)They sat around swigging beer from bottles.他们闲坐在一起,对着瓶子大口地喝啤酒。 see also swig sip noun




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