

单词 superior
superior adj.
better (be superior to sb/sth) good1 (of a superior quality) patronizing (a superior manner) top (your superior officer)


 See also the entry for good 1 另见good条第1义better ♦︎ superior ♦︎ preferableThese words all describe sb/sth that is better than sb/sth else. 这些词均表示较好的、更佳的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配superior / preferable to sb / sthbetter than / superior to / preferable to the restfar / greatly / vastly / infinitely better / superior / preferableslightly better / superior better (comparative of good * good的比较级) of a higher standard or less poor quality; not as bad as sb/sth else 较好的;更好的The weather should get better towards the end of the week.临近周末时天气应该会转好。Her new movie is much better than her last one.她的新影片比上一部好得多。Your work is getting better all the time.你的工作越做越好。Her work is getting better and better.她的工作干得越来越好。There's nothing better than a long soak in a hot bath.没有什么比好好泡个热水澡更舒服的了。If you only exercise once a week, that's better than nothing (= better than no exercise at all).即便是一个星期只锻炼一次,也比完全不锻炼好。OPP worse Things that are worse are of a lower standard or less high quality. * worse表示较差的、更糟的、更坏的The weather got worse during the day.日间天气变得更恶劣了。The interview was much worse than he had expected.这次面试比他预想的要糟得多。 superior / /suːˈpɪəriə(r), sjuːˈpɪəriə(r); NAmE suːˈpɪriər/ (rather formal) better in quality than sb/sth else; greater than sb/sth else (在品质上)更好的;占优势;更胜一筹This model is far superior to its competitors.这一款式远胜于与之竞争的产品。Her superior intellect makes her the ideal candidate for the position.她超群的智力使她成为这一职位的理想人选。This computer is technically superior to the others, but it's not as user-friendly.这台计算机在技术上优于其他机器,但操作不如其他机器简易。They won the battle because of their superior numbers.他们由于在人数上占优而取得了战斗的胜利。OPP inferior poor 2 preferable /ˈprefrəbl/ / more attractive or more suitable than sb/sth else; preferred to sb/sth else 较适合;更可取Anything was preferable to the tense atmosphere at home.什么都比家里的紧张气氛好。It would be preferable to employ two people rather than one.雇两个人比雇一个人更合适。 preferably


We're looking for a new house, preferably near the school.我们正在找新房子,最好是靠近学校的。


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗 See also the entries for better, excellent, great 1 and wonderful 另见better条、excellent条、great条第1义和wonderful条good ♦︎ fine ♦︎ quality ♦︎ high quality ♦︎ sterling ♦︎ prime ♦︎ superiorThese words all describe sth that is of a good quality. 这些词均表示优质的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(of) good / fine / sterling / prime / superior qualitya good / fine / quality / high quality / sterling / superior performance / servicea good / fine / quality / high quality / superior product good of a high quality or an acceptable standard 好的;优质的;符合标准的I think that make of car's pretty good.我认为那个牌子的汽车很好。The old piano was in good condition.这台旧钢琴状况良好。Your work is just not good enough.你的工作真是不够好。This is as good a place as any to spend the night.有这么个地方过夜就很好了。Good is used especially about everyday things and places and work that people do. * good尤用于修饰日常事物、地点及工作。OPP bad poor 2 fine [usually before noun] of a high quality 优质的;高质量的It's a particularly fine example of Saxon architecture.这是撒克逊式建筑尤为优秀的范例。They enjoy good food and fine wines.他们喜欢美酒佳肴。people who enjoy the finer things in life (= for example, art, good food etc.) 享受生活中美好事物的人It was his finest hour (= most successful period) as manager of the England team.那是他作为英格兰队教练的鼎盛时期。Fine is used especially about art, culture and food. * fine尤用于修饰艺术、文化和食物。OPP poor poor 2 quality [only before noun] (rather informal) of a high quality 优质的;高质量的We specialize in quality furniture.我们专营高档家具。We offer a quality service to all customers.我们为所有顾客提供优质服务。Quality is used especially in advertising and selling. * quality尤用于广告和销售语境中。 see also quality value noun 1 high quality [only before noun] of a good quality 优质的;高质量的We always use the highest quality ingredients.我们总是使用最优质的原料。High quality TV shows are getting rarer all the time.优质的电视节目总是越来越少。NOTE 辨析 Quality or high quality?These words have the same meaning but quality is more informal than high quality and is only used by people trying to advertise or sell sth. 这两个词意思相同,但quality没有high quality正式,仅用于广告或销售语境中。 sterling [usually before noun] (especially BrE, formal) of very good quality 优秀的;杰出的He's done some sterling work.他做了一些杰出的工作。Thanks to all your sterling efforts, we've raised over £12 000.由于你们的出色工作,我们已募集到超过12 000英镑。She has some sterling qualities.她有一些优秀品质。 prime [only before noun] of the best quality 最优质的;上乘的Use only prime cuts (= pieces) of beef.只使用上等的牛肉块。a prime location in the centre of town位于市中心的黄金地段 superior /suːˈpɪəriə(r), sjuːˈpɪəriə(r); NAmE suːˈpɪriər/ [usually before noun] of a very good quality; better than other, similar things 上佳的;出类拔萃的;超群的The hotel offers superior accommodation and leisure facilities.这家旅馆提供上等的膳宿和休闲设施。Superior is used especially in advertisements. * superior尤用于广告文案中。 OPP inferior poor 2
patronizing (BrE also patronising)


 See also the entry for proud 2 另见proud条第2义patronizing ♦︎ superior ♦︎ condescending ♦︎ snooty ♦︎ snobbishThese words all describe a person whose behaviour or attitude shows that they think they are better than other people. 这些词均表示有优越感的、高傲的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配patronizing / superior / snooty / snobbish about sthpatronizing / condescending to / towards sba patronizing / superior / condescending attitude / tone / smile / manner / way patronizing (BrE also patronising) / /ˈpætrənaɪzɪŋ; NAmE ˈpeɪtrənaɪzɪŋ/ (disapproving) showing, especially by what you say, that you think you are better or more intelligent than sb else (尤指言语间透露出)自认为高人一等的,居高临下的He adopted a rather patronizing attitude towards his younger colleagues.对待年轻同事,他摆出一副高人一等的姿态。I didn't mean to sound patronizing.我并无自诩清高之意。 patronize (BrE also patronise)


[transitive] Some television programmes tend to patronize children.有些电视节目往往对儿童摆出说教姿态。
superior (disapproving) showing by your behaviour that you think you are better than other people 表现出优越感的;高傲的Michael's superior air had begun to annoy her.迈克尔自命不凡的神态开始让她恼火。 condescending /ˌkɒndɪˈsendɪŋ; NAmE ˌkɑːndɪˈsendɪŋ/ (rather formal, especially written, disapproving) showing by your behaviour that you think you are more important or more intelligent than sb else 表现出优越感的;居高临下的He looked around and made some condescending remark.他环顾四周,傲慢地说了几句话。 condescend


[intransitive] When giving a talk, be careful not to condescend to your audience.发表讲话时,注意别对听众表现出高人一等的样子。


[uncountable] Her smile was a mixture of pity and condescension.她的微笑中夹杂着怜悯与傲慢。
NOTE 辨析 Patronizing, superior or condescending? Superior especially describes sb's air or manner and they may show their feelings of superiority by keeping apart from other people and not being too friendly. People who are patronizing or condescending often talk to people in a way that they may think is kind or helpful, but which actually shows that they do not consider the other person to be their equal. * superior尤与air或manner搭配,形容一个人的举止态度,有时通过与人保持距离和不太友好的态度表现出他们高人一等的感觉。patronizing和condescending指常以自以为和蔼或乐于助人的态度与人说话,但实际上显露出自己高人一等。
snooty /ˈsnuːti/ / (rather informal, disapproving) treating people as if they are not as good or as important as you, and do not deserve your time or respect 傲慢的;目中无人的Reviewers are still a little snooty about self-published books.评论家对那些自筹资金出版的书仍然有点心存傲慢。 snobbish (disapproving) thinking that having a high social class is very important; feeling that you are better than other people because you are more intelligent or like things that not many people like 势利的;自命不凡的He fell into the snobbish habit of connecting high social status with moral superiority.他养成了势利的习惯,以为社会地位高,道德水平就高。She was quite snobbish about pop culture.她对流行文化的态度很是势利。 see also snobbery pretension


 See also the entry for main 另见main条top ♦︎ senior ♦︎ chief ♦︎ leading ♦︎ high ♦︎ first ♦︎ high-ranking ♦︎ premier ♦︎ foremost ♦︎ superior ♦︎ eliteThese words all describe sb/sth that is the highest in position, rank or degree. 这些词均表示最高级别的、一流的、顶尖的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a top / senior / chief / leading / high-ranking / superior officera top / senior / chief / leading adviser / aide / economist / lawyera top / senior / chief / high-ranking executivea top / senior / leading / high-ranking officiala senior / leading / high-ranking figure / memberthe chief / leading / foremost exponent of sththe leading / foremost authority / expert on stha top / senior grade / appointment / jobthe top / first / premier division / prizetop / high grades / marks top [usually before noun] highest in position, rank or degree (位置、级别或程度)最高的He lives on the top floor.他住在顶层。She's one of the top players in the country.她是国内顶尖运动员之一。The car was travelling at top speed.那辆汽车全速行驶。This is top quality silk.这是最优质的丝绸。 Top can be used after a linking verb, but only in British English. * top可用于连系动词后,但仅在英式英语中有此用法 (BrE) He finished top in the exam.他考试得了第一名。They're top of the league.他们在联赛中位居榜首。 top


[countable] She was standing at the top of the stairs.她站在楼梯的顶端。Write your name at the top.把你的姓名写在上端。He's at the top of his profession.他正处于事业的巅峰。This decision came from the top (= the most important person in an organization).这一决定是由最高领导作出的。OPP bottom bottom
senior high in rank or status; higher in rank or status than others 级别(或地位)高的She's a senior lecturer at the university.她是那所大学的高级讲师。I'm looking for a more senior position.我在寻找更高的职位。He is senior to me.他的职位比我高。OPP junior A person in a junior position is low in rank or status, or lower than others. * junior指级别或地位低的junior employees初级员工She is junior to me.她的职位比我低。 chief ( often 常作 Chief) [only before noun] highest in rank 最高级别的;为首的;首席的Who is the new Chief Education Officer?谁是新的首席教育官?The chief financial officer of the company paid us a visit.那家公司的财务总监访问了我们。Detective Chief Inspector Williams侦缉总督察威廉斯Chief is mainly used in names of positions. * chief主要用于职务名称。 leading [only before noun] most important or most successful 最重要的;一流的She was offered the leading role in the new TV series.她获邀在那部新的电视连续剧中扮演主角。He's a leading business analyst.他是顶尖的商业分析员。 Leading is often used in publicity for companies that produce products or provide services. * leading常用于生产产品或提供服务的公司的宣传材料中a leading brand / manufacturer / supplier领先的品牌/制造商/供应商 see also prominent famous high [usually before noun] near the top in rank or status 上层的;地位高的She has held high office under three prime ministers.她曾在三任首相手下任过要职。The case was referred to a higher court.案件被提交上级法院审理。He has friends in high places (= among people of power and influence).他有位高权重的朋友。In this meaning high is used in a fairly limited range of collocations 表达此义时,high仅用于有限的几种搭配high status / rank / position / office高的地位/等级/职位/职务and in some more particular names of very important people and things. 另外也用于一些非常重要的人或机构的特定名称中a high court / magistrate / commissioner / priest高等法院;高级地方执法官/专员;祭司长 first


most important or best 最重要的;首要的;最优秀的Your first duty is to your family.你首先要对家庭尽责。She won first prize in the competition.她在竞赛中获得头等奖。When first means 'most important', typical collocates are duty, importance and consideration. When first means 'best in a competition', typical collocates are prize and place. 当first表示“最重要”时,常见搭配词有duty、importance和consideration。当first表示“在竞争中表现最佳”时,常见搭配词有prize和place。
ˌhigh-ˈranking [usually before noun] high in rank or status; important 职位高的;显要的He's a high-ranking officer in the army.他是部队的高级军官。She's been offered a high-ranking post in the police force.她获得了警察机关中的高层职位。High-ranking is often used to talk about positions in the areas of politics and the military. Typical collocates are (army/military) officer, bureaucrat, official, and (party) member. * high-ranking常指政治和军事领域的高级职位。常见搭配词有(army/military) officer、bureaucrat、official和(party) member。 premier /ˈpremiə(r); NAmE prɪˈmɪr, prɪˈmjɪr/ [only before noun] (especially written or journalism 新闻) most important, famous or successful 首要的;最著名的;一流的;顶尖的The new Institute of Contemporary Art is one of Boston's premier attractions.新的当代美术馆是波士顿首屈一指的旅游景点。 (BrE, sport 体育) They've just moved up to the Premier League (= in football).他们刚刚晋级超级联赛。 Premier is often used in journalism and advertising to talk about popular and successful events or places, especially in relation to the country or place they can be found in. * premier常用于新闻和广告,谈论出名及成功的事件或地方,尤与举办国或发生地相关Scotland's premier resort / hotel / exhibition / tourist attraction苏格兰首屈一指的度假胜地/酒店/展览/旅游景点 foremost /ˈfɔːməʊst; NAmE ˈfɔːrmoʊst/ (rather formal, especially written) most important, famous or successful; in a position at the front 最重要的;最著名的;一流的;最前的I'd like to introduce you to the world's foremost authority on the subject.我想向你介绍该学科全世界首屈一指的权威。The President was foremost among those who condemned the violence.总统带头谴责暴力行为。This question has been foremost in our minds recently.近来我们心目中一直认为这个问题最重要。NOTE 辨析 Premier or foremost? Premier is used more to describe places and events; foremost is used more to describe people. Foremost is a more formal word and suggests greater seriousness; premier suggests greater popularity. * premier多修饰地方和事件,foremost多修饰人。foremost比较正式,含意更为严肃;premier意味着更为人熟知the world's foremost authority on / expert on / exponent of sth某方面全世界最重要的权威/专家/倡导者Britain's premier chef英国名厨 superior /suːˈpɪəriə(r), sjuːˈpɪəriə(r); NAmE suːˈpɪriər/ higher in rank or status (级别或地位)更高的I'll need to check with my superior officer.我需要和我的上级长官核实一下。In this meaning, superior typically collocates with officer, status, position and power. 表达此义时superior通常与officer、status、position和power搭配。 OPP inferior An inferior officer or position is lower in rank or status. * inferior指级别或地位较低的。NOTE 辨析 Senior or superior? Superior is used more than senior when there is a strong sense of status in a system or organization, for example in the army. In an everyday office or work situation it is more usual to talk about a senior colleague/manager/adviser/clerk/editor/designer/teacher. 在等级观念较强的系统或组织,如军队中,superior比senior更常用。在日常办公或工作场合中较常用senior,如a senior colleague/manager/adviser/clerk/editor/designer/teacher(资深同事;高级经理/顾问/文员/编辑/设计师/教师)。 elite /eɪˈliːt, ɪˈliːt/ [only before noun] powerful, and having a lot of influence, because of wealth, ability, family or business connections 掌权的;上层的;社会精英的The secret was known only by an elite group of senior executives.那个秘密仅限于一批掌权的高级主管知晓。He was trained at an elite military academy.他曾在精英军事学院受训。 Elite is often used in texts relating to the army or education. * elite常用于与军队或教育有关的文字中elite troops / force / corps精锐部队an elite force / corps一支精锐部队an elite education / private school精英教育;英才私立学校 Elite is also often used to describe a group of people who share special knowedge or secrets. * elite亦常用来修饰拥有专业知识或知晓某些秘密的群体。 see also elite elite noun , elitist exclusive




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