

单词 trim
trim verb
cut3 (trim sb's beard) decorate (trimmed with fur)


cut taxes 减税cut the bread 切面包have your hair cut 理发cut your finger 割破手指cut ♦︎ trim ♦︎ shave ♦︎ mow ♦︎ lop ♦︎ shear ♦︎ snip ♦︎ crop ♦︎ clipThese words all mean to make sth shorter or neater by removing part of it with a sharp tool. 这些词均表示剪短或修剪。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to cut / trim / shave / lop / snip / clip sth off sthto cut / trim / shave / lop / shear / snip / clip sth offto cut / shave / lop / shear / snip / clip sth from sthto cut / trim / shave / shear / snip / crop / clip hairto cut / trim / clip a hedgeto cut / clip your / sb's nailsto cut / mow the grass / lawnto cut / trim / clip sth neatly cut (cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to make sth shorter by cutting; to remove sth from sth larger by cutting 剪短;修剪;割下;切掉I'm going to get / have my hair cut really short.我要把头发理得很短。He had his finger cut off in an accident at work.他在工作时出了意外,切掉了一根手指。 cut


[countable] Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在这块布料上剪一个小口。to have a haircut理发
trim (-mm-) [transitive] to make sth neater, smaller or better by cutting parts from it; to cut away unnecessary parts from sth 修剪;割掉,剪下(不必要的部分)Trim the edges with a sharp knife.用锋利的刀修修边。His beard was neatly trimmed.他的胡子修剪得很整齐。Trim some of the fat off the meat.把多余的肥膘从肉上切掉。 trim


[countable, usually singular] The hedge needs a trim.树篱需要修剪了。
shave [transitive, intransitive] to cut hair from the skin, especially the face, using a razor (= a special instrument that cuts close to the skin) 剃(须发);(尤指)刮脸He has completely shaved his head.他剃了一个光头。I cut myself (= made myself bleed) when I was shaving.我刮胡子时把脸划破了。 shave


[countable, usually singular] I need a shave.我需要刮胡子了。
mow /məʊ; NAmE moʊ/ (mowed, mown or mowed, mowed) [transitive] to cut grass, etc. using a machine or tool that has a special blade or blades 刈;割,修剪(草等)The lawn needs mowing every week in summer.夏天每周都要修剪草坪。 lop (-pp-) [transitive] to remove part of sth by cutting it, especially to remove branches from a tree 砍掉;剪掉;(尤指)修剪(树枝)The men began lopping branches from a row of beech trees.那些人开始修剪一排山毛榉的树枝。 shear /ʃɪə(r); NAmE ʃɪr/ (sheared, shorn or sheared, sheared) [transitive] to cut the wool off a sheep; to cut off sb's hair 剪(羊毛或头发)It was time for the sheep to be shorn.是剪羊毛的时节了。 (formal) The prisoners' hair was shorn.那些囚犯的头发被剪掉了。 snip (-pp-) [transitive] to cut sth with scissors using short, quick strokes (用剪刀快速)剪,剪断,剪开Snip a tiny hole in the paper.在纸上剪一个小孔。She snipped at the stitching.她把针脚剪掉。Snip off the end of the tube.把管子末端剪掉。 snip


[countable] Make a series of snips along the edge of the fabric.顺着布边细碎地剪。
crop (-pp-) [transitive] to cut sb's hair very short 将(头发)剪得很短His hair was closely cropped.他的头发剪得很短。 clip (-pp-) [transitive] to cut sth with scissors, etc. in order to make it shorter or neater; to remove sth by cutting it off 剪(掉);修剪The trees had been clipped into formal shapes.那些树已经修剪成整齐的形状了。He clipped off a piece of wire with the pliers.他用钳子剪掉了一段电线。


decorate ♦︎ adorn ♦︎ garnish ♦︎ illustrate ♦︎ edge ♦︎ hang ♦︎ festoon ♦︎ deck ♦︎ ornament ♦︎ trimThese words all mean to make sth look more attractive by putting things on it. 这些词均表示装饰、装潢、装点。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to decorate / adorn / garnish / illustrate / edge / hang / festoon / deck / ornament / trim sth with sthto decorate / festoon / deck sth in sthrichly decorated / adorned / ornamented decorate [transitive] to make sth look more attractive by putting things on it; to be placed on sth in order to make it look more attractive 装饰;装潢;点缀;装点They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.他们用花和气球装饰了房间。The cake was decorated to look like a car.那蛋糕装饰得像一辆汽车。Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant.一些演员照片点缀在餐馆的墙壁上。 see also decoration ornament adorn [transitive, often passive] (formal) to make sb/sth look more attractive by decorating it or them with sth 装饰;装扮The walls were adorned with paintings.墙壁上装饰着油画。 garnish [transitive] to decorate a dish of food with a small amount of another food (为菜肴)加装饰;加饰菜于Garnish the chicken with almonds.在鸡肉上面加杏仁点缀一下。soup garnished with croutons加了油炸面包丁的汤 illustrate [transitive, usually passive] to use pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book, etc. 给(书籍等)加插图,做图表a beautifully illustrated book有精美插图的书His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition.他的演讲中穿插了探险时拍摄的幻灯片。 see also illustration diagram edge [transitive, usually passive] to put sth around the edge of sth, especially as a decoration 给⋯镶边(尤作为装饰)The handkerchief was edged with lace.那条手帕镶了蕾丝边。 hang (hung, hung) [transitive, usually passive] (always used with with 总是与with连用) to decorate a place by placing paintings, etc. on a wall 在(墙上)挂装饰The room was hung with tapestries.那个房间装饰着挂毯。 see also hanging curtain festoon / /feˈstuːn/ / [transitive, usually passive] (literary) to decorate sb/sth with flowers, lights or coloured paper, often as part of a celebration 给⋯饰花彩,结彩于(常作为庆典的一部分)The streets were festooned with banners and lights.大街上装饰着彩旗和彩灯。 deck [transitive, usually passive] to decorate sb/sth with sth, especially colourful clothes, fabric, flowers or plants (尤指用彩色服装、织物、鲜花或植物)装饰,装点,打扮The Conservative candidate and his supporters were decked in blue rosettes.保守党候选人及其支持者佩戴着蓝色玫瑰形饰物。The room was decked out in flowers and balloons.房间里装点着鲜花和气球。In everyday language, deck is only used in the phrase decked (out) in/with sth. It is only used in the active in literary or poetic contexts. 在日常用语中,deck仅用于短语decked (out) in/with sth中,只有在文学作品或诗歌中才用主动语态Deck the halls with boughs of holly!用冬青树枝来装饰大厅吧! ornament /ˈɔːnəmənt; NAmE ˈɔːrnəmənt/ [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to add decoration to sth 装饰;点缀;美化The room was richly ornamented with carving.房间雕饰得富丽堂皇。 see also ornament ornament noun trim (-mm-) [transitive, usually passive] to decorate sth, especially a piece of clothing, especially around its edges (尤指给衣服)点缀,加饰边,镶边She wore gloves trimmed with fur.她戴了一副毛皮镶边的手套。 trimming


[uncountable, countable, usually plural] a white blouse with navy-blue trimming有深蓝色饰边的白色女衬衫




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