

单词 daring
daring adj.
daring noun


 See also the entry for brave 另见brave条bold ♦︎ adventurous ♦︎ daringThese words all describe sb/sth that is not afraid to do sth dangerous or take risks. 这些词均表示大胆的、敢于冒险的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a bold / an adventurous design / spirita bold / a daring plan / moveadventurous / daring exploits bold / /bəʊld; NAmE boʊld/ (of people or behaviour) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks (人或举止)大胆自信的;敢于表白情感的;敢于冒险的It was a bold move on their part to open a branch of the business in France.在法国开设分公司是他们的一个大胆行动。The wine made him bold enough to approach her and introduce himself.他趁着酒劲,鼓足勇气上前向她介绍自己。The slaughter of his family turned him into a bold and fearless warrior.家人惨遭杀戮让他变成了一名无畏的战士。 OPP meek passive , timid shy boldly


He stepped forward boldly to speak.他果敢地走上前,开始讲话。
adventurous /ədˈventʃərəs/ / (of a person) willing to try new things or enjoying being in exciting new situations; (of a thing) new and exciting or unusual and sometimes dangerous (人)有冒险精神的,大胆开拓的;(事物)新奇的,刺激惊险的For the more adventurous tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide.对更愿猎奇探险的旅游者,有本地向导带领进山游览。Many teachers would like to be more adventurous and creative.许多教师愿意更加进取,更富创造性。The menu contained traditional favourites as well as more adventurous dishes.这份菜单上有受欢迎的传统菜,也有较为新奇的菜肴。OPP unadventurous Unadventurous people are not willing to take risks or try new and exciting things. * unadventurous指人不愿冒险或不敢尝试新奇事物。 daring /ˈdeərɪŋ; NAmE ˈderɪŋ/ (of a person) brave and willing to do dangerous or unusual things; (of a thing) involving danger and taking risks (人)勇敢的,敢于冒险的;(事物)危险的,有风险的'Should you be drinking so much?' she asked, greatly daring.“你是不是喝得太多了?”她十分大胆地问道。There are plenty of activities at the resort for the less daring.度假胜地有许多活动供不太敢于冒险的人玩。She wore a daring strapless dress in black silk.她穿了一件大胆袒露的无吊带黑绸连衣裙。 see also daring courage , dare dare verb daringly


This house would have looked daringly modern when it was built.这栋房子落成时看上去应该是大胆前卫的。


courage ♦︎ bravery ♦︎ nerve ♦︎ guts ♦︎ heroism ♦︎ valour ♦︎ audacity ♦︎ daringThese are all words for the willingness to do things even though they are dangerous or difficult. 这些词均表示勇气、勇敢、胆量。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配great courage / bravery / nerve / heroism / valour / audacity / daringtrue courage / bravery / heroismto have the courage / bravery / nerve / guts / audacityto show courage / braverydoing sth takes courage / bravery / nerve / gutsan act of courage / bravery / heroism / valour courage [uncountable] a willingness to face danger, pain or opposition, especially when doing sth that you believe to be right (尤指做认为正确的事情时的)勇气,勇敢,胆量She displayed remarkable courage in the face of danger.她展现了面对危险时的非凡胆量。I haven't yet plucked up the courage to ask her.我还鼓不起勇气去问她。Unfortunately, they lack the moral courage to speak out against what is happening.不幸的是,他们缺乏勇气仗义执言,抗议正在发生的事。You need to have the courage of your convictions (= be brave enough to do what you believe to be right).你需要有勇气做自己认为正确的事。OPP cowardice coward see also courageous brave bravery / /ˈbreɪvəri/ / [uncountable] a willingness to face danger, pain or difficulty, especially without showing fear (尤指表现出来的)勇敢,勇气,胆量My great grandfather received the medal as an award for outstanding bravery in World War I.我曾祖父获得了一枚勋章,表彰他在第一次世界大战中杰出英勇的表现。 see also brave brave NOTE 辨析 Courage or bravery? Courage is very often about facing opposition, for moral reasons, although this may involve the threat of physical punishment, as well as threats to your career or reputation; bravery is more often a willingness to face physical danger or pain. * courage常为在面对异议时出于道义上的勇气,尽管这可能会使自己遭受体罚,以及可能影响个人的职业生涯或声望;bravery更多为敢于面对人身危险或肉体痛苦的勇气They lack the moral bravery to speak out. He received the medal as an award for courage. nerve [uncountable] the ability to control your emotions in order to do sth difficult or dangerous (做困难或危险之事的)勇气,气魄It took a lot of nerve to take the company to court.将这家公司告上法庭需要极大的勇气。I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute.我本来想尝试一下跳伞,可到最后关头却失去了勇气。She kept her nerve to win the final set 6-4.她鼓足斗志以6比4赢了最后一盘。 guts [plural] (informal) the courage and determination that it takes to do sth difficult or unpleasant (做困难或令人不快之事的)勇气,胆量,决心He doesn't have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job.他没有胆量辞去一份报酬优厚的工作。 see also gutsy brave heroism / /ˈherəʊɪzəm; NAmE ˈheroʊɪzəm/ [uncountable] very great courage, especially when you have done sth dangerous that is admired by other people (尤指做受人敬佩的危险事情的)英雄行为,英雄精神He showed great heroism in going back into the burning building.他重返燃烧的大楼,表现极为英勇。 see also heroic brave valour (BrE) (NAmE valor) /ˈvælə(r)/ / [uncountable] (literary) great courage, especially the courage shown by soldiers in a war (尤指战士在战争中表现的)英勇,勇气The purpose of the award is to recognize acts of valour by members of the armed services.这个奖项旨在表彰三军将士的英勇表现。 audacity / /ɔːˈdæsəti/ / [uncountable] brave but rude or shocking behaviour 鲁莽;莽撞;大胆无礼The sheer audacity of the plan amazed everyone.那个计划莽撞十足,每个人都感到吃惊。 daring /ˈdeərɪŋ; NAmE ˈderɪŋ/ [uncountable] willingness to take risks 大胆;勇敢;胆量He was saved by the skill and daring of the mountain rescue team.他靠着登山救援队的技能和胆量而获救了。 see also daring bold , dare dare verb




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