

单词 bundle
bundle verb
bundle noun


drag ♦︎ rush ♦︎ haul ♦︎ hustle ♦︎ bundle ♦︎ pack sb offThese words all mean to take or send sb somewhere, especially quickly, roughly, or to somewhere they do not want to go. 这些词均表示把某人带往某处,尤指以快速、粗暴或强行的方式。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to drag / haul / hustle / bundle sb off / away (from sth)to drag / rush / haul / hustle / bundle sb out of sthto rush / haul / hustle / bundle sb into sthto drag / haul yourself somewhere drag (-gg-) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to make sb/yourself go somewhere that they/you do not really want to go to; to move yourself slowly and with a lot of effort 迫使(某人)前往;缓慢而费力地移动(或行进)I'm sorry to drag you all this way in the heat.对不起,这么热的天硬拉着你跑了这一路。It's time you dragged yourself away from that computer!到时间了,你该离开那电脑了!I dragged myself out of bed and got a glass of water.我吃力地从床上爬起来,喝了一杯水。 rush [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to take or send sb somewhere in a great hurry 快速运输;速送Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital.救护车迅速将伤者送往医院。 haul / /hɔːl/ / [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to force sb to go somewhere they do not want to go, especially by pulling them; to move yourself somewhere slowly and with a lot of effort 强迫(某人)前往;拽走;缓慢而费力地移动(或行进)A number of suspects have been hauled in for questioning.几个嫌疑犯被带进来接受讯问。She hauled him back onto the dance floor.她把他拉回了舞池。Laura hauled herself up from the sofa.劳拉费劲地从沙发上站起来。The creature began to haul itself out of the water.那动物开始缓缓从水中挣脱出来。NOTE 辨析 Drag or haul?There is more of a sense of physical force being used with haul than with drag. You usually haul yourself somewhere when an upward movement is involved; it is used especially with up and out. * haul比drag需要更大的力量。haul yourself通常指使身体向上运动,尤与up和out连用。 hustle [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to make sb move forward quickly by pushing them in a rough or aggressive way 推搡;猛推He grabbed her arm and hustled her out of the room.他抓住她的胳膊,把她推出了房间。I was hustled into a waiting car.我被推搡进一辆等候着的汽车。 bundle [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to push or send sb somewhere quickly and roughly 匆匆送走;推搡Bodyguards quickly bundled the President into the car.几名保镖迅速将总统拥进汽车。They bundled her off on the next train.他们匆匆把她送上了下一列火车。NOTE 辨析 Hustle or bundle?There is often more aggression and force shown with hustle than with bundle. A person might be bundled somewhere in order to protect or hide them. * hustle比bundle更粗暴,bundle可以是为保护或藏匿而匆匆送走某人。 ˌpack sbˈoff

phrasal verb

(informal) to send sb somewhere, especially because you do not want them with you 把⋯打发走He was packed off to a boarding school at the age of seven.七岁时他就被打发到一所寄宿学校去上学。


roll ♦︎ bundle ♦︎ reel ♦︎ wad ♦︎ spoolThese are all words for sth that is rolled up or wrapped around sth in order to make it easier to use or carry. 这些词均表示形状为卷、捆、扎的物品。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a roll / bundle / reel / wad / spool of sthin a roll / bundle / reel / wad / spoolon a roll / reel / spoola big / thick roll / bundle / wad roll [countable] a long piece of a thin material such as paper, fabric or film, that has been wrapped around itself or a tube several times so that it forms the shape of a tube 卷;卷轴She put the new roll of film in the camera.她把新胶卷放入相机中。Wallpaper is sold in rolls.壁纸论卷销售。 (BrE) Around 600 million toilet rolls (= rolls of toilet paper) are sold each year in the UK.英国每年销售约6亿卷卫生纸。Especially in American English, a roll is also a number of round objects such as coins or pieces of candy held together in a tube shape by paper wrapped around them. 尤其在美式英语中,roll亦指一卷包起来的圆柱形物体,如硬币或糖果a roll of dimes / mints一卷面值为一角的硬币;一管薄荷糖 see also roll wrap sb/sth around/round sb/sth bundle [countable] a number of things tied or wrapped together; sth that is wrapped up 一捆,一包,一扎(物品)I dropped the bundle of papers on his desk.我把那捆报纸放到他办公桌上。He tied his belongings up in a bundle and left.他把他的东西打包后离开了。 ˌbundle sth ˈup/toˈgether

phrasal verb

He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag.他把脏衣服捆起来塞进袋子里。
reel [countable] a round object with top and bottom edges that stick out and around which you wind wire or film; the film or wire that is wound around a reel 卷轴;卷盘;卷筒;一卷胶卷(或金属丝)He wanted to buy a new fishing reel.他想买个新的渔线轮。She threaded a new reel of film into the projector.她把一卷新的电影胶片放入放映机。The hero was killed in the final reel (= in the final part of the film).主角在电影结尾被杀。In British English a reel can also be used for winding thread around. 在英式英语中,reel亦可指线轴The sewing basket and a box of cotton reels lay at her feet.她的脚边放着缝纫篮和一盒棉线轴。In American English a reel of thread is called a spool. 在美式英语中,线轴称为spool。 NOTE 辨析 Roll or reel?A roll of film is what you use in a camera for taking still pictures (= photographs). A reel of film is used for making and playing back moving pictures (= films). * a roll of film指一卷相机用的胶卷,a reel of film指一盘电影胶片。 wad /wɒd; NAmE wɑːd/ [countable] a thick pile of sth, especially paper or paper money, that has been folded or rolled together (尤指纸张或钞票的)卷,沓,捆He pulled a thick wad of notes out of his pocket.他从衣袋里掏出厚厚一沓钞票。She came in with tears streaming down her face, clutching a wad of tissues.她进来时泪流满面,手里还攥着一叠纸巾。 spool [countable] (especially NAmE) a reel for/of thread or thin wire 一轴线(或细金属丝);线辘;线轴Place a spool of thread on the sewing machine.把线轴放到缝纫机上。




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