evil ♦︎ wicked ♦︎ bad ♦︎ dark ♦︎ satanic ♦︎ base ♦︎ demonic ♦︎ sinfulThese words all describe cruel or morally bad people or behaviour.这些词均表示恶毒的、邪恶的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an evil / a wicked / a bad / a sinful man / woman / person / life / act / thought◆an evil / a wicked / a bad character◆an evil / a wicked / a base / a sinful creature◆an evil / a wicked demon◆a wicked / bad child◆an evil / a wicked / a bad / a dark / a sinful deed◆an evil / a wicked crime◆an evil / a bad / a satanic influence◆an evil / a bad omen◆evil / dark / demonic forces / powers■evil(of people or actions) very bad; showing great enjoyment in hurting or killing others; connected with the Devil(人或行为)邪恶的;恶毒的;恶魔的◆He gave an evil laugh.他邪恶地大笑。◆In his speech he described the evil effects of racism.他在演讲中描述了种族主义的恶劣影响。◆It was an ancient charm to ward off evil spirits.这是古代驱赶邪灵的一种做法。OPPgood ⇨ good5■wicked(of people or actions) very bad; showing great enjoyment in being bad and hurting others(人或行为)邪恶的;恶毒的◆She despised herself for being selfish, even wicked.她因自私甚至邪恶而鄙视自己。◆That was a wicked thing to do!那可是伤天害理的事!◆The wicked witch casts a spell on the princess.邪恶的女巫给公主施了魔咒。OPPgood ⇨ good5NOTE辨析 Evil or wicked?These are both very strong words to describe people and actions that are very bad: they should be used with great care. Evil is stronger than wicked. Wickedness is bad behaviour, caused by sb's pleasure in being bad, and it is basically a human characteristic. Evil is a force outside a person that makes them do bad things, and is often connected with the Devil. A wicked person enjoys being bad and hurting other people's feelings. An evil person enjoys hurting people physically and does not even consider their feelings. Children, witches and stepmothers are wicked, especially in children's stories. Spirits, forces, monsters, killers and masterminds are evil, especially in stories for adults and popular news reports.这两个词的语气都很强烈,应慎用。evil比wicked语气更强。wickedness指恶行,由那些本性就是以作恶为乐的人所为,与人的劣根性有关。evil指驱使人去做坏事的外部力量,常与恶魔有关。wicked指喜欢做坏事并伤害他人感情,evil指喜欢伤害他人身体而根本不考虑他们的感受。wicked可描述人,搭配的词有child、witch和stepmother,尤见于童话故事;evil可搭配的词有spirit、force、monster、killer和mastermind,尤见于成人小说和大众新闻。■badcriminal or morally unacceptable犯罪的;不道德的◆The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys.主人公得以击毙所有坏蛋。◆He said I must have done something bad to deserve it.他说我肯定是罪有应得。OPPgood ⇨ good5■darkevil or frightening邪恶的;阴险的;凶恶的◆There was a darker side to his nature.他本性中有阴险的一面。◆There are dark forces at work here.这里有邪恶力量作祟。■satanic ( Satanic) /səˈtænɪk, NAmE alsoseɪˈtænɪk/ connected with the worship of the Devil崇拜撒旦的◆There was no evidence of satanic rituals.没有证据表明有人组织崇拜撒旦的仪式。■base (formal) not having moral principles or rules卑鄙的;不道德的◆He acted from base motives.他的行为动机卑鄙。■demonic /diˈmɒnɪk; NAmEdiˈmɑːnɪk/ connected with, or like, an evil spirit恶魔的;魔鬼般的◆This was a society in which demonic possession was greatly feared.在这个社会里人们都对魔鬼附身怀有极大的恐惧。■sinful (formal) morally wrong; against the rules of a religion不道德的;违背教义的;有罪的◆He tried to keep his sinful thoughts to himself.他想方设法不让别人知晓他那些邪恶的想法。