

单词 cake
cake verb


cover ♦︎ coat ♦︎ spread ♦︎ rub ♦︎ smear ♦︎ daub ♦︎ cakeThese words all mean to put a liquid or a soft substance onto sth. 这些词均表示将液体或稀软之物涂抹、覆盖到某物上。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to cover / coat / spread / rub / smear / daub / cake sth with sthto cover / coat / cake sth in sthto spread / rub / smear / daub sth on sthto spread / smear sth over sthto cover sth with / coat sth with / spread a layer of sthto rub / smear oil into / onto sthto be covered / coated / caked in / with dustto be covered / caked in / with dirtto be covered / smeared / caked in / with mudto be covered / coated / smeared in / with grease / oilto be covered / coated / smeared / daubed with paintto be covered / smeared / daubed / caked in / with bloodto be covered / coated / spread with chocolateliberally covered / coated / spread / smearedthickly / thinly covered / coated / spread cover [transitive, often passive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to put a layer of sth, especially sth liquid, soft or dirty, on sb/sth 覆上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、稀软或脏的东西)The players were soon covered in mud.那些运动员很快就满身泥浆。The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand.风从沙漠那边吹来,把一切都蒙上了一层沙。 coat [transitive, often passive] to cover sth with a layer of a substance 给⋯涂上一层;(用⋯)覆盖The cookies were thickly coated with chocolate.曲奇上涂了厚厚一层巧克力。A film of dust coated the table.桌上覆盖着一层灰尘。NOTE 辨析 Cover or coat? Cover is a more general word than coat. Coat is used especially when sth is deliberately covered with a fixed layer for decoration or protection. * cover比coat含义广。coat尤指出于装饰或保护目的,有意在某物上面牢固地覆盖上一层The flakes are coated with sugar (= the sugar is fixed onto them).薄片上涂了一层糖。The flakes are covered with sugar (= the sugar is not fixed onto them).薄片上沾了一层糖。When sth gets coated in dust or grease, it suggests that the dust or grease may be quite thick and hard to remove. 分词coated指某物覆盖着灰尘或油脂时,暗示灰尘或油脂可能很厚,难以去除More than 400 birds were coated with oil when 50 tonnes of crude oil spilled into the sea.50吨原油泄漏到海里后,400多只鸟身上裹了一层油污。 spread (spread, spread) [transitive, intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to deliberately put a layer of a substance onto the surface of sth; to be able to be put onto a surface 涂;敷;抹She spread butter on a piece of toast.她往烤面包片上抹黄油。Spread the cake with cream and then sprinkle flakes of chocolate on top.把奶油抹到蛋糕上,然后在上面撒些巧克力碎片。If the paint is too thick, it will not spread easily.油漆如果太稠就不容易涂抹。Spread is used about substances that you spread deliberately; it is not used about dirt or grease that gets onto sth by accident. * spread指有意涂抹,不用来指灰尘或油脂意外沾染到某物上。 rub (-bb-) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to spread a liquid or other substance over a surface while pressing firmly 涂;抹;搽She rubbed moisturizer into her skin.她把乳液揉抹进皮肤里。Rub some salt on the fish before cooking.烹制前在鱼身上抹些盐。 smear / /smɪə(r); NAmE smɪr/ [transitive] to spread a soft substance over a surface in a rough or careless way (用稀软物质)胡乱涂抹The children had smeared mud on the walls.那些孩子往墙上乱涂泥巴。His face was smeared with blood.他满脸血污。 see also smear mark noun daub /dɔːb/ / [transitive, often passive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to spread a substance such as paint or mud onto sth thickly and/or carelessly (用颜料、灰泥等)涂抹,乱涂,乱画The walls of the building were daubed with red paint.这座楼的几面墙上随意涂了一层红漆。NOTE 辨析 Smear or daub? Daub is often passive; smear is often active or passive. Daub always needs an adverb or preposition; smear can be used without. * daub常用被动形式,smear主动或被动形式均很常用。daub总是与副词或介词连用,smear可不跟副词或介词She had smeared her make-up.她胡乱化了妆。She had daubed her make-up. Daub is often used when talking about words which are written on sth; smear is not usually used in this way. 在某物上涂写字句常用daub,smear一般不这样用They found a message daubed onto the wall of the cell.他们在小房间墙上发现了一条涂写的信息。They found a message smeared onto the wall of the cell. cake [transitive, usually passive] to cover sth with a thick layer of sth soft that becomes hard when it dries (用干后变硬的稀软物质)覆盖(厚厚一层)Her shoes were caked with mud.她的鞋上沾满泥巴。




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