

单词 fat
fat adj.
fat noun


fat ♦︎ overweight ♦︎ plump ♦︎ obese ♦︎ chubby ♦︎ stoutThese words all describe people who have too much flesh on their body and weigh too much. 这些词均表示肥胖的、过重的。NOTE 辨析 Although people talk a lot about their own size or weight, it is generally not considered polite to refer to a person's large size or their weight when you talk to them. 虽然人们常谈论自己的身材和体重,但一般认为与人谈话时提及对方的胖大身材或体重是不礼貌的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达肥胖的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a fat / an overweight / a plump / an obese / a chubby / a stout man / womana fat / an overweight / a plump / an obese / a chubby childa fat / an overweight / a plump / a chubby babya fat / plump / chubby boy / girla fat / plump / chubby / stout body / facefat / plump / chubby arms / cheeks / fingers / legs / hands fat (of a person or part of the body) having too much flesh and weighing too much (人或身体部位)肥胖的A big fat man walked into the room.一个胖大汉走进房间。You'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate.你如果吃这么多巧克力会发胖的。I was ashamed of my fat flabby legs.我为自己发胖松弛的双腿感到羞愧。Fat is the most common and direct word, but it is not polite to say to sb that they are fat. Fat is used more frequently in spoken English than in written English. * fat最通用,意思最直接,但当面用fat说某人胖不礼貌。fat较常用于口语而非书面语中。 OPP thin thin fatness


[uncountable] Fatness tends to run in families.肥胖往往有遗传性。
overweight (of a person) too heavy and fat; weighing more than you should to be perfectly healthy (人)太胖的,超重的;过胖而不健康的She was only a few pounds overweight.她只是超重几磅而已。A number of medical conditions are due to being overweight.一些疾病的起因是体重超标。It is less offensive to talk about sb being overweight than to talk about them being fat, but it is still not polite to say to sb that they are overweight. 与fat相比,overweight冒犯的意味较轻,但当面用overweight说某人胖仍然是不礼貌的。 OPP underweight thin plump (of a person or part of the body) having a soft, round body; slightly fat (人或身体部位)丰腴的,微胖的;丰满的Our new teacher was a short, plump woman.我们的新老师是位女士,个子不高,身材圆润。His plump face was pink with embarrassment.他圆鼓鼓的脸庞因尴尬而涨得绯红。Plump suggests that a person is slightly fat in an attractive way. * plump指体态丰腴迷人。 OPP slim thin obese / /əʊˈbiːs; NAmE oʊˈbiːs/ (rather formal or medical 医学) (of a person) very fat, in a way that is not healthy (人)痴肥的,臃肿的,病态肥胖的Obese patients are given dietary advice.给过于肥胖的病人提了饮食方面的建议。Obese is used by doctors to describe people who are so fat that they are unhealthy. It is also used in a general way to mean 'very fat'. * obese是医学用语,指患肥胖症的,亦可泛指十分肥胖。 obesity


[uncountable] Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease.肥胖会增加患心脏病的危险。
chubby (often approving) (of a person or part of the body) slightly fat in a way that people usually find attractive (人或身体部位)胖乎乎的,圆胖的Aah, look at his chubby little hands!啊,看看他胖乎乎的小手!She was eleven years old and pretty in a chubby sort of way.她十一岁,胖乎乎的,很可爱。Chubby is used mainly to describe babies and children. * chubby主要用以形容婴儿和儿童。 OPP skinny thin stout /staʊt/ / (especially BrE, rather formal) (of a man or woman) rather fat (男人或女人)肥胖的,肥壮的He was a stout man with a red face.他是个红脸壮汉。 stoutly


He was tall and stoutly built.他长得五大三粗的。


fat ♦︎ butter ♦︎ oil ♦︎ margarine ♦︎ lard ♦︎ grease ♦︎ blubber ♦︎ spreadThese are all words for soft solid or liquid substances from animals or vegetables which are used for cooking or spreading on bread. 这些词均表示脂肪、油脂。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配low fat margarine / spreadvegetable fat / oil / margarineto spread butter / margarine on sthto fry / cook sth in fat / butter / oil / margarine / lardto heat the fat / butter / oilbread and butter / margarine fat [uncountable, countable] a white or yellow substance in the bodies of animals and humans, stored under the skin; a solid or liquid substance from animals or plants, treated so that it becomes pure for use in cooking; these fats, when you are thinking of them as a part of what sb eats 脂肪;肥肉;(烹调用的)动植物油Aerobic exercise will help you burn off excess body fat.做有氧运动有助于消耗体内多余的脂肪。Cook the meat in shallow fat.用少许油煎肉。Stick to foods which are low in fat.坚持食用低脂肪食物。You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates.你应该减少摄入脂肪和碳水化合物。Fat is a general word which can be used instead of butter, oil, margarine, lard or grease but you only use it when you do not know or it is not important which kind of fat you are talking about. * fat泛指油脂。但只有在不知道所指为哪种油脂或油脂的种类不重要时才用fat,否则要用butter、oil、margarine、lard或grease等具体的词。 butter [uncountable] a soft yellow food made from cream or milk, used in cooking and for spreading on bread 黄油;奶油Fry the onions in butter.用黄油炒洋葱。If you're still hungry, have some bread and butter.你要是还觉得饿,就吃点涂黄油的面包片吧。 butter


[transitive] She buttered four thick slices of bread.她将黄油涂在四片厚厚的面包上。
oil [uncountable, countable] a smooth thick liquid that is made from plants and is used in cooking (植物性)食用油Heat a little olive oil in a non-stick frying pan.用不粘锅加热一点儿橄榄油。 margarine / /ˌmɑːdʒəˈriːn; NAmE ˈmɑːrdʒərən/ [uncountable] a yellow substance like butter made from vegetable fat, used in cooking or spread on bread 人造黄油;人造奶油She took some margarine and spread it on the bread.她拿了一些人造黄油涂在面包上。 lard [uncountable] a firm white substance made from the melted fat of pigs, that is used in cooking (烹调用的)猪油Use sunflower oil instead of lard.用葵花籽油,不要用猪油。 grease /griːs/ / [uncountable] (disapproving) animal fat that has been softened by cooking or heating (炼过的)动物油脂He collected the plates, which were covered with grease.他收走那些油腻的盘子。 Grease is unwanted fat that comes out of food; it is not used to talk about fat used for cooking in. * grease指食物中多余的油脂,而非烹调用的油脂Heat a little grease in the pan. greasy


The hotel smelt of stale smoke and greasy food.这家旅馆有股难闻的烟味和油腻食物的气味。
blubber [uncountable] the fat of some sea animals such as whales 鲸脂;海兽脂A thick layer of blubber helps insulate seals against the cold.海豹身上厚厚的脂肪层有助于抵御寒冷。 spread [countable, uncountable] a soft food, like margarine, that you put on bread 面包抹酱(如人造黄油)Use a low-fat spread instead of butter.不要抹黄油,用低脂的抹酱吧。They offered me some crackers with cheese spread.他们给了我一些涂有奶酪酱的薄脆饼干。




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