

单词 best
best adj.
best (the best man for the job) the/your best bet option noun
best noun
make the best of sth accept verb
best verb


 See also the entries for favourite and ideal 另见favourite条和ideal条best ♦︎ wise ♦︎ desirable ♦︎ sensible ♦︎ advisableThese are all words for describing the most appropriate thing to do in a particular situation. 这些词均表示最恰当的、明智的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be best / wise / desirable / sensible / advisable to do sththe best / a wise / a sensible choice / thing to do / use of sththe best / a wise / a sensible course (of action) / investmentit is / it might be best / wise / desirable / sensible / advisable (to do sth) best most suitable or appropriate 最合适的;最恰当的What's the best way to cook steak?牛排怎么做最好?The best thing to do would be to apologize.最恰当的做法应该是道歉。He's the best man for the job.他是担任这项工作的最佳人选。I'm not in the best position to advise you.给你提建议,我不是很合适。It's best if you go now.你最好现在就走。 OPP worst Worst describes the thing, person, course of action, etc. that is least suitable or appropriate. * worst表示事物、人、行动等最不合适的或最不恰当的Going back now is just about the worst thing you could do.现在回去可说是最不合适的做法了。 wise based on or showing good judgement 明智的;高明的Locking your car doors is always a wise precaution.锁上车门总是明智的防范措施。The wisest course of action is just to say nothing.最明智的做法就是缄口不言。It was very wise of you to leave when you did.你那时离开非常明智。 OPP unwise reckless wisely


He wisely decided to tell the truth.他明智地决定实话实说。
desirable / /dɪˈzaɪərəbl/ / (formal) that you would like to happen or be done 想望的;可取的It is desirable that interest rates be reduced.利率下调是可取的。It is no longer desirable for adult children to live with their parents.孩子长大成人后便不再想与父母住在一起了。An end to the hostilities remains a highly desirable objective.结束敌对行为一直是渴望达成的目标。 OPP undesirable unwanted sensible (especially spoken) based on good judgement and reason rather than feelings; practical and likely to be a good thing to do or a good way of doing sth 明智的;合理的;切合实际的That wasn't a very sensible thing to do!那么做可不太明智!The sensible thing would be to take a taxi home.还是坐出租车回家比较好。I think it's a very sensible idea.我看这个主意很妥当。Choose a sensible diet and stick to it.选择合理的饮食,并且坚持下去。OPP stupid crazy sensibly


Try to drive carefully, courteously and sensibly.开车尽量要小心、礼让、稳妥。
advisable / /ədˈvaɪzəbl/ / [not usually before noun] (rather formal) a good idea in order to achieve sth 明智;可取Early booking is advisable.预订宜早。It is advisable to practise each exercise individually at first.开始时宜把每个动作分开来做。OPP inadvisable Inadvisable describes a course of action that is not sensible and you would advise against. * inadvisable表示某种做法不明智、不可取It is inadvisable to bring children on this trip.这次旅行不适宜带小孩。


option ♦︎ choice ♦︎ alternative ♦︎ possibility ♦︎ best/good/safe betThese are all words for sth that you choose to do in a particular situation. 这些词均表示某种情况下的选择。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配with / without the option / choice / possibility of sth(a / an) real / realistic / viable / practical / obvious option / choice / alternative / possibility(a / an) good / acceptable / reasonable / healthy / available / possible / preferred / cheap / expensive option / choice / alternativethe only option / choice / alternative / possibility open to sbto have / give sb / offer (sb) several options / choices / alternatives / possibilitiesto have a / an / the option / choice of doing sthto have no option / choice / alternative (but to do sth)to look at / limit the options / choices / alternatives / possibilitiesa number / range of options / choices / alternatives / possibilities option [countable, uncountable] something that you can choose to have or do; the freedom to choose what you do 可选择的事物;选择;选择权As I see it, we have two options...据我看,我们有两种选择⋯We are currently studying all the options available.我们现在正研究所有可能的选择。Going to college was not an option for me.上大学不在我的选择之列。Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year.学生在二年级时可以选择出国学习。It is important at this stage to leave your options open (= avoid making a decision so that you still have a choice in the future).在这个阶段保留选择余地很重要。 Option is also the word used in computing for one of the choices you can make when using a computer program. * option亦指计算机程序里的选项、选择Choose the 'Cut' option from the Edit menu.从编辑选单上选“剪切”项。 see also opt choose , optional voluntary 1 choice [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the freedom to choose what you do; something that you can choose to have or do 选择权;可选择的事物;选择If I had the choice, I would stop working tomorrow.如果让我选择,我明天就不工作了。She's going to do it. She doesn't have much choice, really, does she?她就要那么做了。她真的没有多少选择的余地,不是吗?The choice is yours: a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach.由你来选:在酒吧里安静地喝一杯,去跳夜场迪斯科,还是到海滩漫步?There is a wide range of choices open to you.你有很大的选择余地。 see also choice choice 1 2 , choose choose , choose decide alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv; NAmE ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv/ [countable] something that you can choose to have or do out of two or more possibilities 可供选择的事物;其中一种选择You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly: those are the two alternatives.你的报酬可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。We had no alternative but to (= we had to) fire Gibson.我们别无他法,只有辞退吉布森。There is a vegetarian alternative on the menu every day.每天的菜单上另有素食可供选择。NOTE 辨析 Option, choice or alternative? Choice is slightly less formal than option, and alternative is slightly more formal. Choice is most often used for 'the freedom to choose', although you can sometimes also use option (but not usually alternative). * choice较option略为非正式,而alternative则略为正式。表示选择权或选择的自由最常用choice,不过有时也可用option,但通常不用alternativeWe had no choice / option / alternative but to...我们别无选择,只有⋯If I had the choice / option, I would...如果让我选择,我会⋯She doesn't have much choice / option.她没有多少选择的余地。If I had the alternative, I would... She doesn't have much alternative. parental choice in education父母在教育方面的选择权The choice is yours.选择权在你。parental option/alternative in education The option/alternative is yours. Things that you can choose are options, choices or alternatives. However, alternative is more frequently used to talk about choosing between two things rather than several. 表示可选择的事物用option、choice或alternative均可。不过,alternative较常指两项而非多项之间的选择。 possibility [countable] one of the different things that you can do in a particular situation (某种情况下)可选择做的事I think we've exhausted all the possibilities.我想我们已经用尽了一切可能的手段。Selling the house is just one possibility that is open to us.卖掉房子只是我们可以选择的其中一种做法。The possibilities are endless.可想的办法是无穷的。Possibility can be used in a similar way to option, choice and alternative, but the emphasis here is less on the need to make a choice, and more on what is available. * possibility的用法与option、choice和alternative相似,不过,其重点在于可供选择的内容而不是有作出选择的需要。 see also possible possible 1 the ˈbest bet your ˈbest bet a ˈgood bet a ˈsafe bet


(informal) the best action to take to get the result you want; something that is likely to succeed or be suitable 最好的办法;有望成功的事;合适的东西If you want to get around London fast, the Underground is your best bet.如果你想在伦敦快速地转一转,最好是乘地铁。Clothes are a safe bet as a present for a teenager.送礼物给十几岁的孩子,衣服是不错的选择。 OPP gamble risk 2


accept ♦︎ face ♦︎ come to terms with sth ♦︎ live with sth ♦︎ face up to sth ♦︎ make the best of sth ♦︎ resign yourself to sth ♦︎ reconcileThese words all mean to recognize that a difficult situation exists and cannot be changed, and that you must continue or deal with it. 这些词均表示困境无法改变时只得将就、面对或容忍。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to accept / face / come to terms with / live with / face up to / resign yourself to / reconcile yourself to the fact that...to accept / face / come to terms with / make the best of a situationto accept / face / come to terms with / face up to the truth / the reality of sthto accept / face / come to terms with / live with the consequencesto accept / face / face up to the facts / your responsibilitiesfinally accept / face / come to terms with / resign yourself to sth accept [transitive] to be willing to continue in a difficult situation without complaining, because you realize that it cannot be changed 接受;容忍,忍受(困境)They accept the risks as part of the job.他们甘冒风险,视之为工作的一部分。He refused to accept that his father was no longer there.他拒不相信父亲已经不在了。Most people had come to accept that war was inevitable.大部分人渐渐认识到这场战争已不可避免。 face [transitive] to accept that a difficult or unpleasant situation exists, although you would prefer not to 承认,正视(现实)She had to face the fact that her life had changed forever.她得正视现实,她的生活已经永远改变了。Face facts-she isn't coming back.面对现实吧-她不会回来了。Let's face it, we're not going to win.必须承认,我们赢不了啦。 come to ˈterms with sth


(came, come)to accept sth unpleasant by learning to deal with it 迁就;适应She is still coming to terms with her son's death.她还没有从儿子死去的阴影中走出来。
ˈlive with sth

phrasal verb

to accept sth unpleasant and continue without complaining 容忍;忍受You get used to jet lag in the sense that you learn to live with it.学会适应时差反应,也就习以为常了。
ˌface ˈup to sth

phrasal verb

to accept and deal with sth difficult or unpleasant, especially after ignoring it 敢于面对,勇于正视(困难或不快之事)You have to face up to your responsibilities.你要敢于面对责任。
make the best of sth


(made, made) (rather informal) to accept a bad situation and do as well as you can 尽力而为She was a pragmatic woman who always made the best of things.她很务实,总是尽力而为。Conditions were harsh, but we made the best of it.条件很艰苦,但是我们尽了力。
reˈsign yourself to sth

phrasal verb

to accept sth unpleasant that cannot be changed or avoided 听任;顺从She resigned herself to her fate.她听天由命。We have to resign ourselves to making a loss on the sale.我们只好接受销售上的亏损。 see also resignation patience resigned


He was resigned to never seeing his birthplace again.他认命了,甘愿永不再去他的出生地。
reconcile / /ˈrekənsaɪl/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to make sb/yourself accept an unpleasant situation that cannot be changed 将就;妥协He could not reconcile himself to the prospect of losing her.一想到有可能失去她,他就觉得难以忍受。


 See also the entry for win 另见win条defeat ♦︎ beat ♦︎ overcome ♦︎ vanquish ♦︎ get the better of sb ♦︎ rout ♦︎ trounce ♦︎ best ♦︎ prevail ♦︎ thrashThese words all mean to win against sb in sport or in a contest or conflict. 这些词均表示在比赛或对抗中战胜某人。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达胜出的程度
get the better of sbdefeatvanquish
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to defeat / beat / rout / trounce / thrash sb by 10 points / 4 goals, etc.to defeat / beat / overcome / vanquish / get the better of / rout / trounce / thrash an opponentto defeat / beat / overcome / vanquish / trounce a rivalto defeat / beat / overcome / vanquish / rout an enemyto defeat / beat / vanquish a foeto finally defeat / beat / overcome / get the better of / rout sbto totally defeat / overwhelm / thrash sbto easily defeat / beat / overcome sb defeat [transitive] (especially written) to win against sb in a war, competition, sport or vote 战胜;击败The English were heavily defeated here by the Scots in 1314.1314年,英格兰人在这里惨败给苏格兰人。He defeated the champion in three sets.他胜了冠军三盘。The government was defeated by 200 votes to 83.投票结果是政府以83:200败北。 defeat


[countable, uncountable] The battle ended in humiliating defeat.那次战斗以屈辱的失败告终。He was gracious in defeat, acknowledging his opponent's greater skill.面对失败他豁达大度,承认对手技高一筹。The Prime Minister conceded defeat and resigned.首相承认失败并辞职。They finally had to admit defeat (= stop trying to be successful).他们最后只得认输。 OPP victory victory see also defeat victory
beat (beat, beaten) [transitive] (especially spoken) to win against sb in sport, a game, an election or a war 战胜;打败;赢He beat me at chess.他下棋赢了我。He was beaten into second place by the American.他输给了那个美国人,屈居第二。She beat him hands down (= easily).她轻而易举就打败了他。Their recent wins have proved that they're still the ones to beat (= the most difficult team to beat).他们最近的胜利证明,他们仍然是一支最难以战胜的队。NOTE 辨析 Defeat or beat? Defeat is more often used when talking about winning against one opponent in a particular contest or battle and finishing as the winner. * defeat更常指在特定的竞赛或战斗中战胜对手、赢得最终的胜利He defeated the incumbent president.他击败了现任总统。 Beat can be used to talk about winning against one opponent or several opponents in a game, competition or race. * beat可指在游戏、竞争或赛跑中战胜一个或多个对手She won the 100 metres, beating a number of top Europeans.她在一百米赛中获胜,战胜了几名顶尖的欧洲选手。 Beat is more common in everyday spoken language and defeat is used more in written language. * beat更常见于日常口语,defeat更多用于书面语。 overcome / /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm; NAmE ˌoʊvərˈkʌm/ [transitive] (written) to defeat sb, especially when it is difficult (尤指艰难地)战胜;力克She overcame strong opposition to take the title.她力克强大的对手,夺得了冠军。In the final, Sweden easily overcame France.在决赛中,瑞典队轻松战胜了法国队。 vanquish /ˈvæŋkwɪʃ/ / [transitive] (literary) to defeat sb completely in a war or competition 彻底击败;完全征服Government forces vanquished the rebels.政府军彻底击败了叛乱分子。 get the better of sb


(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) [intransitive] to defeat sb or gain an advantage over them in a fight, argument or contest 挫败(某人);占上风No one can get the better of her in an argument.跟她辩论没有人能辩得过她。
rout / /raʊt/ / [transitive] (written) to defeat sb completely in a battle or contest 彻底击败;使溃败The Royalist forces were routed.保皇派军队被击溃。 rout


[singular] The offensive into rebel-held territory had ended in a rout.对叛军领地的进攻以彻底失败告终。
trounce / /traʊns/ / [transitive] (written) to defeat sb completely, especially in a sport (尤指体育运动中)彻底打败,击溃Brazil trounced Italy 5-1 in the final.决赛时巴西队以5:1狂胜意大利队。 best [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to defeat or be more successful than sb 打败;胜过A great colonial power was nearly bested by a few farmers.一个殖民强国差点儿被几个农场主打败。 prevail / /prɪˈveɪl/ / [intransitive] (formal) to defeat sb, especially after a long struggle (尤指长期斗争后)战胜,挫败Ultimately, Rome prevailed over her neighbours.最终,罗马战胜了周边邻国。In a one-sided final, Spain prevailed against title-holder Croatia 40-34.在一场实力悬殊的决赛中,西班牙队以40:34挫败了卫冕的克罗地亚队。 see also prevail win thrash [transitive] (especially BrE, informal) to defeat sb very easily in a sport or game (赛事中)轻易击败,一举战胜They were thrashed 5-0 in the League.他们在联赛中以0:5被彻底击败。




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