

单词 dope
dope verb
dope noun


poison ♦︎ drug ♦︎ lace ♦︎ dopeThese words all mean to give sb poison, drugs or alcohol, often without them knowing it and in order to harm them. 这些词均表示毒害、下毒。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to poison / drug / lace / dope sb / sth with sthto poison / lace sb's drink poison [transitive] to harm or kill a person or animal by giving them poison; to put poison in or on sth 毒死;毒害;下毒He was accused of poisoning his wife.他被指控毒死了妻子。a poisoned arrow毒箭Someone had been poisoning his food.有人一直在他的食物里下毒。Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories.大段大段的河流被工厂排出的有毒废弃物污染了。 poisoning


[uncountable, countable] The police suspected poisoning.警方怀疑有人投毒。food / blood poisoning食物中毒;败血病At least 10 000 children are involved in accidental poisonings every year.每年至少有1万名儿童意外中毒。
drug (-gg-) [transitive] to give a person or animal a drug, especially in order to make them unconscious or to affect their performance in a race or sport; to add a drug to sb's food or drink to make them unconscious or sleepy 使服麻醉药;使服兴奋剂(以影响比赛或运动表现);在(食物或饮料中)投放麻醉药He was drugged and bundled into the back of the car.他被麻醉后塞入汽车后座。It is illegal to drug horses before a race.比赛前给马服用兴奋剂是违法的。Her drink must have been drugged.她的饮料里肯定被人下了麻醉药。 see also drug drug noun 1 lace [transitive] to add a small amount of alcohol, a drug or poison to drink or food 给(饮料或食物)掺(少量的酒、药或毒药)He had laced her milk with rum.他在她的牛奶里加了少量朗姆酒。 dope [transitive] (rather informal) to drug a person or animal in order to make them unconscious or to affect their performance in a race or sport 使服麻醉药;使服兴奋剂(以影响比赛或运动表现)Thieves doped a guard dog and stole $10 000 worth of goods.小偷给看门狗投了麻醉药,偷走了价值1万元的商品。 see also dope drug noun 1


take illegal drugs 吸食毒品prescribe drugs for a medical condition 根据病情开药drug ♦︎ dope ♦︎ narcotic ♦︎ stimulantThese are all words for substances, especially illegal substances, that people take and that affect the mind in some way. 这些词均表示违禁药物、毒品。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to use drugs / dope / narcotics / stimulantsto take drugs / narcotics / stimulantsto abuse drugs / narcoticsto deal drugs / dopea drug / dope testa drug / dope / narcotics dealerdrug / narcotics trafficking / traffickersthe drug / narcotics trade drug [countable] a substance that some people smoke, drink, inject, etc. to give them pleasant or exciting feelings, especially an illegal substance of this kind 毒品;麻醉剂He does not smoke or take drugs.他既不抽烟也不服用麻醉品。I found out Tim was on drugs (= regularly used drugs).我发现蒂姆已经吸毒成瘾。 (informal) I don't do drugs (= use them).我不吸毒。hard drugs (= very harmful drugs, such as heroin) 硬毒品(毒性大)soft drugs (= drugs that are not considered so harmful) 软毒品(毒性较小)drug and alcohol abuse吸毒和酗酒a drug addict / dealer吸毒成瘾的人;毒贩子Drugs have been seized with a street value of 2 million dollars.黑市价值200万元的毒品被查获。 dope [uncountable] (informal) a drug that is taken illegally for pleasure, especially cannabis or, in the US, heroin; a drug that is taken by a person or given to an animal to affect their performance in a race or sport 麻醉剂,毒品(尤指大麻,在美国尤指海洛因);兴奋剂He has admitted smoking dope as a teenager.他已经承认自己十几岁时吸过大麻。The athlete had failed a dope test (= a medical test showed that he had taken such drugs).这个运动员未能通过药检。 see also dope poison verb narcotic / /nɑːˈkɒtɪk; NAmE nɑːrˈkɑːtɪk/ [countable] (rather formal) a powerful illegal drug that affects the mind in a harmful way, for example heroin or cocaine 致幻毒品;麻醉品Narcotics trafficking represents 30 to 50 per cent of organized crime's take.在有组织犯罪活动的涉案赃款中,贩毒所占的比重是三到五成。a narcotics agent (= a police officer investigating the illegal trade in drugs) 缉毒警察Narcotic is used especially to talk about the illegal trade in drugs and attempts by the police to stop it. * narcotic尤用于毒品非法交易以及警方的缉毒行动。 stimulant /ˈstɪmjələnt/ / [countable] a drug or substance that makes you feel more awake and gives you more energy 兴奋剂Coffee and tea are mild stimulants.咖啡和茶是轻度兴奋剂。




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