

单词 glamour
glamour noun
interest1 (add glamour to the occasion) style (Her long dark hair lent her a certain glamour.)


places of interest 风景名胜Her interests are music and gardening. 她的爱好是音乐和园艺。interest ♦︎ attraction ♦︎ appeal ♦︎ glamour ♦︎ magic ♦︎ charm ♦︎ spell ♦︎ fascinationThese are all words for a feature or quality that makes sth seem attractive, interesting or exciting to people. 这些词均表示吸引力、魅力、魔力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an interest / an attraction / an appeal / a fascination for sb / stha special interest / attraction / appeal / magic / charm / fascinationgreat / considerable interest / attraction / appeal / charm / fascinationobvious / growing interest / attraction / appeal / fascinationa powerful attraction / appeal / spellsth loses its attraction / appeal / glamour / magic / charm / fascinationto have an interest / an attraction / an appeal / glamour / a magic / charm / a fascinationto hold an interest / an attraction / an appeal / a magic / a charm / a fascinationto exert an attraction / an appeal / a spell / a fascinationthe attraction / appeal / fascination (of sth) lies in sthto be part of the attraction / appeal / magic / charm / fascination interest [uncountable, singular] the quality that sth has when it attracts sb's attention or makes them want to know more about it 引人关注的性质;吸引力;趣味There are many places of interest around Oxford.牛津附近有许多名胜。The subject is of no interest to me at all.我对此课题一点也不感兴趣。These plants will add interest to your garden.这些植物会给你的花园增色。His books have a special interest for me.他的著作对我有一种特殊的吸引力。 attraction [uncountable, countable] a feature, quality or person that makes sth seem interesting and enjoyable, and worth having or doing 有吸引力的特征(或品质、人)I can't see the attraction of sitting on the beach all day.我看不出整天坐在海滩上有什么乐趣。And there's the added attraction of free champagne on all flights.此外在所有班机上还有免费香槟供应。She is the star attraction of the show.她是节目中耀眼的明星。 see also attractive popular appeal [uncountable, singular] a quality that makes sb/sth seem attractive or interesting to people 吸引力;感染力;魅力We are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music.我们正努力让更多的人喜欢古典音乐。Her stories have a universal appeal.她的小说深受大众喜爱。 see also appealing popular glamour / /ˈglæmə(r)/ / [uncountable] the attractive and exciting quality that makes a person, job or place seem special, often because of wealth or status 吸引力,魅力,诱惑力(多因财富或地位所致)Hopeful young actors are drawn by the glamour of Hollywood.满怀希望的年轻演员为好莱坞的魅力所吸引。 see also glamorous fashionable magic [uncountable] a mysterious and wonderful quality or ability that sb/sth has that makes them/it seem very special 魔力;魅力;神奇The show is three hours of pure magic.这三小时的演出真是太神奇了。Like all truly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women.像所有真正富有魅力的人一样,他让男人和女人都着迷。 charm [uncountable, countable, usually plural] the quality that a place or thing has of being pleasing or attractive, especially in a way that is slightly old-fashioned; a pleasing or attractive feature (尤指略带古风的)魅力,魔力;迷人的特征The hotel is full of charm and character.这家旅馆风格独特,极具吸引力。The route certainly had its charms.这条路线自有其迷人之处。 see also charming beautiful 2 spell [singular] a quality that sb/sth has that makes them/it so attractive or interesting that they/it have a strong influence on you 魅力;魔力Since last century, the spell of the pyramids has drawn tourists to Egypt.自上世纪起,金字塔的魔力就把游客吸引到了埃及。I completely fell under her spell.我完全被她迷住了。 fascination / /ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃn/ / [countable, usually singular] a very strong attraction that makes sth very interesting to people 魅力;极大的吸引力Water holds a fascination for most children.水对多数孩子有极大的吸引力。


 See also the entry for fashion 另见fashion条style ♦︎ elegance ♦︎ flair ♦︎ class ♦︎ grace ♦︎ glamourThese are all words for the quality of being pleasing to look at and/or doing things in an attractive and imaginative way. 这些词均表示优雅、品味、魅力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to do sth with style / elegance / flair / gracegreat style / elegance / flair / class / gracesheer style / elegance / class / gracereal style / elegance / flair / classnatural style / elegance / flair / gracea certain style / elegance / flair / class / grace / glamourto give sb / sth style / elegance / class / grace / glamourto lend sb / sth style / elegance / grace / glamourto have / lack style / elegance / flair / class / grace / glamourto add style / elegance / flair / class / glamoura touch of style / elegance / class / glamour style [uncountable] (approving) the quality of doing sth well, with ease, control and good judgement, in a way that is pleasing to see; the quality of being attractive and made to a high standard of design 优雅格调;品味;风度;气派She does everything with style and grace.她凡事都做得优雅得体。The hotel has been redecorated but it's lost a lot of its style.旅馆已重新装修,但昔日的优雅格调所剩无几。 see also stylish elegant elegance / /ˈelɪgəns/ / [uncountable] (approving) (in people) the quality of being attractive because you show care and good judgement about your appearance, clothes and behaviour; (in places and things) the quality of being designed or arranged with care and good judgement, in a way that is pleasing to the eye or mind (人)文雅,优美;(地点及物品)漂亮雅致,陈设讲究,精美She dresses with casual elegance.她穿着随意而不失优雅。His writing combines elegance and wit.他的文章典雅而又风趣。 see also elegant elegant flair [uncountable] (approving) the quality of being able to do things in an interesting and imaginative way 才华;资质She dresses with real flair.她的穿着真有品位。His designs are all right, but he lacks artistic flair.他的设计还不错,可他缺乏艺术品位。 class [uncountable] (approving) an elegant quality or a high level of skill that is impressive 优雅;典雅;高超She has class all right-she looks like a model.她的确丰姿娴雅,看上去像模特儿一样。There's a real touch of class about this team.这个队确实技艺超群。 Class is used especially in the phrase a touch of class. Things that have associations with impressive lasting quality are often used to add a touch of class to sth. * class尤用于短语a touch of class中。add a touch of class指增添高雅情调A real parquet floor will add a touch of class to the room.真正的拼花地板会使这个房间更显典雅。 see also classy fashionable , classic elegant grace [uncountable] (approving) an attractive quality of movement that is smooth, elegant and controlled 优美;优雅She moves with the natural grace of a ballerina.她的动作具有芭蕾舞演员自然优雅的丰姿。 see also graceful elegant glamour / /ˈglæmə(r)/ / [uncountable] (approving) physical beauty that also suggests wealth or success (表现出财富或成就的)迷人的美,魅力Add a cashmere scarf under your jacket for a touch of glamour.在夹克衫里面围一条开司米围巾会使你更有魅力。Glamour is often used when people are talking about the fashion and elegance associated with famous people. * glamour常指与名人有关的时尚和典雅。 see also glamorous fashionable




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