

单词 glaring
glaring adj.
open (a glaring omission) strong3 (glaring sunshine)


 See also the entries for clear adj. 1 and marked 另见clear形容词词条第1义和marked条open ♦︎ overt ♦︎ blatant ♦︎ under sb's nose ♦︎ glaringThese words all describe sth that is done in a very obvious way without any attempt to keep it secret. 这些词均表示公开的、不隐瞒的、明显的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an open / an overt / a blatant attemptopen / overt / blatant discriminationovert / blatant sexualitya blatant / glaring examplequite open / overt / blatant open known to everyone; not kept hidden 人人皆知的;非秘密的;公开的an open display of affection公开示爱One more border skirmish could lead to open war.再有一次边境冲突,就可能导致公开的战争。We need more open government, starting with a Freedom of Information Act.我们需要更加透明的政府,首先是要通过知情权法案。OPP secret secret 1 openly


The men in prison would never cry openly (= so that other people could see).狱中犯人从不当众哭泣。
overt / /əʊˈvɜːt, ˈəʊvɜːt; NAmE oʊˈvɜːrt, ˈoʊvɜːrt/ [usually before noun] (rather formal) done in an open way and not secretly 公开的;明显的;不隐瞒的There was little overt support for the project.对这个项目公开表示支持的很少。Her overt sexuality shocked cinema audiences.她不加掩饰的性行为令电影观众震惊。 OPP covert secret 2 Overt is a less general word than open and is only used to talk about actions and behaviour, not feelings, events or systems. * overt含义不及open宽泛,只用于描述行为和举止,不用于描述感情、事件或制度an overt display of affection公开示爱overt admiration/war/government overtly


Charities are not allowed to be involved in overtly political activities.慈善机构不得参与明显属于政治的活动。
blatant /ˈbleɪtnt/ / (disapproving) (of an action that is considered wrong) done in an obvious and open way without caring if people object or are shocked, or if laws are broken (错误的行为)明目张胆的,公然的The opposition party made a blatant attempt to buy votes.反对党公然企图贿选。It was a blatant lie.那是个赤裸裸的谎言。 blatantly


a blatantly unfair decision明显不公正的裁决
under sb's ˈnose


(informal) if sth happens under sb's nose, they do not notice it, even though it is not being done secretly 当着某人的面,就在某人眼皮底下(却没有被察觉)The police didn't know the drugs ring was operating right under their noses.警方不知道贩毒集团就在他们眼皮底下运作。
glaring /ˈgleərɪŋ; NAmE ˈglerɪŋ/ [usually before noun] (disapproving) (of a mistake or sth bad) very easily seen (错误或负面的事物)显眼的,明显的,易见的The failure to mention the role of Italy was a glaring omission in the book.未提到意大利的作用是书中一个明显的疏漏。 glaringly


The mistakes were glaringly obvious.那些错误显而易见。


strong arms 强健的胳膊strong cheese/coffee 味重的奶酪;浓咖啡strong sunshine 强烈的阳光 See also the entry for bright 另见bright条strong ♦︎ dazzling ♦︎ harsh ♦︎ glaringThese words all describe light that is so powerful that it is unpleasant or difficult to see. 这些词均表示光线强的、刺眼的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配strong / dazzling / harsh / glaring lightstrong / dazzling / harsh coloursstrong / dazzling / glaring sunshine strong (of light or colour) bright and/or powerful (光线或颜色)明亮的,强烈的Stay indoors in the middle of the day, when the sun is strongest.中午阳光最强,就在屋里待着。 OPP weak dim 1 dazzling (of light or colour) so bright that you cannot see for a short time (光线或颜色)使人目眩的,使人眼花的The sunlight was dazzling after being in the gloom for so long.在昏暗中待得久了,觉得阳光刺眼。He arrived wearing a dazzling white suit.他到达时穿着一套耀眼眩目的白色西装。OPP soft dim 1 harsh (disapproving) (especially of light or colour) too strong and bright, in a way that is ugly or unpleasant to look at (尤指光线或颜色)强烈刺眼的She was caught in the harsh glare of the headlights.她遭到了车前灯强烈刺眼的照射。The view was spoiled by the harsh lines of concrete towers.那里的景致被一座座混凝土高楼的刺眼线条给破坏了。OPP soft dim 1 , soft pale 2 glaring /ˈgleərɪŋ; NAmE ˈglerɪŋ/ [usually before noun] (disapproving) (of light) very bright and unpleasant (光线)刺眼的,炫目的The room was lit by the glaring white light from a naked bulb.那间屋子有一个无罩灯泡发出刺眼的白光。




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