

单词 accent
accent noun


voice ♦︎ accent ♦︎ tone ♦︎ pronunciation ♦︎ speech ♦︎ intonationThese are all words for the way in which people say words or the sounds produced when they speak. 这些词均表示嗓音、发音、读音、说话声。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to speak in a / an... voice / accent / toneto speak with a / an ... accent / intonationto have (a / an) excellent / good / poor accent / pronunciation / intonation(a) clear voice / pronunciation / speech(a / an) English / foreign accent / pronunciation / intonationa rising / falling tone / intonation voice [countable, uncountable] the sound or sounds produced through the mouth by a person speaking or singing 嗓音;说话声;歌唱声I could hear voices in the next room.我能听见隔壁说话的声音。He recognized Sarah's voice.他听出了萨拉的声音。to speak in a deep / soft / loud / husky voice低沉/轻柔/大声/沙哑地说to raise / lower your voice (= to speak louder / more quietly) 提高/压低嗓门Keep your voice down (= speak quietly).说话轻一些。Her voice shook with emotion.她激动得声音颤抖。'There you are,' said a voice behind me.“你来啦。”我身后有个声音说道。He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice (= could not speak).他患了流感,嗓子都哑了。She has a good singing voice.她有一副很好的歌喉。 accent /ˈæksent/ [countable, uncountable] a way of pronouncing the words of a language that can show which country, area or social class a person comes from 口音;腔调;土音He's got a strong / broad Scottish accent (= one that is very noticeable).他说话带有浓重的苏格兰口音。She puts on a posh accent when she answers the phone.她接电话时装出一副上等人的腔调。His French is excellent, without a trace of accent (= without a trace of a foreign accent).他的法语说得很棒,丝毫没有外国口音。 tone [countable] the quality of sb's voice, especially expressing a particular emotion (尤指表达某种感情的)语气,口气,腔调,口吻His tone was faintly mocking.他的口吻略带一丝嘲弄。She answered him in a brisk, businesslike tone.她以一副公务口吻干脆利落地回答了他的问话。Don't speak to me in that tone of voice (= in that unpleasant or critical way).别用那种语气跟我说话。Don't you take that tone with me.别这样拿腔拿调地跟我说话。 pronunciation [uncountable, countable] the way in which a language or a particular word or sound is pronounced; the way in which a particular person pronounces the words of a language (语言或词语的)发音,读音;(某人的)发音a guide to English pronunciation英语发音指南There is more than one pronunciation of 'garage'.garage的读音不止一种。She doesn't like having her pronunciation corrected.她不喜欢别人纠正她的发音。 speech [uncountable] the way in which a particular person speaks, especially how clearly they speak 说话方式(尤指说话的清晰度)Her speech was slurred-she was clearly drunk.她说话含混不清,显然是喝醉了。Clear speech with crisp consonant sounds is very important.说话清楚、辅音干脆是很重要的。 intonation [uncountable, countable] (phonetics 语音学) the rise and fall of the voice in speaking, especially as this affects the meaning of what is being said 语调She's studying intonation patterns in children's speech.她在研究儿童说话时的语调类型。In English, some questions have a rising intonation.英语中有些疑问句使用升调。




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