

单词 leggy
leggy adj.


tall ♦︎ lanky ♦︎ leggy ♦︎ willowyThese words all describe a person who has a greater than average height or long legs. 这些词均表示人个子高的、腿长的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a tall / lanky man / teenager / youth / figurea tall / leggy woman tall (of a person) having a greater than average height (人)高的,高大的She's tall and thin with light brown hair.她身材高瘦,头发是浅棕色的。He is quite tall for his age.他的个子在同龄人中算很高了。 OPP short short 2 lanky (often disapproving) having long thin legs and arms and moving in an awkward way 四肢细长而行动笨拙的He was thin, lanky and pale-skinned.他很瘦,四肢细长,肤色苍白。 leggy (informal, usually approving but sometimes offensive) (especially of girls and women) having long legs; tall and sexually attractive (尤指女性)腿长的;高而性感的She was a leggy redhead with a terrific figure.她红发长腿,身材极佳。Although leggy is often used in an approving way by men to describe women, some women might find it offensive because it describes them purely in terms of their sexual attractiveness. 尽管男人用leggy形容女人时常为褒义,但有些女性可能会觉得受到冒犯,因其仅描述她们性方面的吸引力。 willowy /ˈwɪləʊi; NAmE ˈwɪloʊi/ (approving) (especially of women) tall, thin and graceful (尤指女人)修长苗条的,婀娜多姿的Dark and willowy, she has the natural grace of a ballerina.她一头黑发,身材苗条,具有芭蕾舞演员的天然优雅气质。Willowy is often a nicer way to describe a woman than leggy, because it suggests simple admiration, not sexual attraction. * willowy形容女人时常比leggy更得宜,因为它意味着单纯的赞赏,而非性的吸引力。




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