

单词 hate
hate verb
hate noun


hate ♦︎ dislike ♦︎ can't stand ♦︎ despise ♦︎ can't bear ♦︎ loathe ♦︎ detest ♦︎ abhorThese words all mean to have a strong feeling of dislike for sb/sth. 这些词均表示厌恶。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达厌恶的程度
dislikehatecan't bearloathe
despisecan't standdetest
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hate / dislike / despise / loathe / detest sb / sth for sthto hate / dislike / despise / loathe / detest sth about sb / sthI hate / dislike / can't stand / can't bear / loathe / detest doing sthI hate / can't bear to do sthI hate / dislike / can't stand / can't bear it when...to hate / despise / loathe yourselfthey hate / dislike / can't stand / despise / loathe / detest each otherI really hate / dislike / can't stand / despise / can't bear / detest sb / sthI absolutely hate / can't stand / loathe / detest / abhor sb / sth hate [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to have a strong feeling of dislike for sb/sth 厌恶;讨厌;憎恶He hates violence in any form.他憎恶任何形式的暴力。I've always hated cabbage.我一直讨厌卷心菜。Sometimes I really hate her.有时我真的很讨厌她。I hated myself for feeling jealous.我恨我自己有嫉妒心。She hates making mistakes.她讨厌出错。I would hate him to think he wasn't welcome here.我很不希望他觉得自己在这儿不受欢迎。I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn't been there.我真不敢想要是你不在那里会出什么事。She hated it in France (= did not like the life there).她讨厌法国的生活。When children are taught to hate, the whole future of society is in danger.当孩子们学会憎恨,整个社会的未来就不妙了。Although hate is generally a very strong verb, it is also commonly used in spoken or informal English to talk about people or things that you dislike in a less important way, for example a particular type of food. 尽管hate的语气一般较强,但亦常用于口语或非正式英语中,谈论一些不怎么喜欢的人或事物,如某种食物等。 OPP love love verb , love like verb dislike [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (rather formal) to not like sb/sth 不喜爱;厌恶Why do you dislike him so much?你为什么那么讨厌他呢?Not only would she rather not go swimming, she actively dislikes it.她不仅仅是不愿去游泳,简直是非常讨厌这件事。The new regime is universally disliked.这个新政权不得人心。Much as she disliked asking for help, she knew she had to.尽管她很讨厌求助于他人,但她清楚她不得不这么做。 Dislike is a rather formal word; it is less formal, and more usual to say that you don't like sb/sth, especially in spoken English. * dislike是相当正式的用语,don't like sb/sth则没那么正式且较常用,尤其在口语中I don't like it when you phone me so late at night.我讨厌你晚上这么晚给我打电话。 OPP like like verb , like love verb stand [transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (rather informal, especially spoken) used in negative statements and questions to emphasize that you really do not like sb/sth (用于否定句和疑问句,强调不喜欢)忍受,容忍I can't stand his brother.他的哥哥让我受不了。She can't stand the sight of blood.她见不得血。I can't stand it when you do that.你那么做,我受不了。How could she have stood such treatment for so long?这样的待遇她怎么能忍受这么久? despise / /dɪˈspaɪz/ / [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to dislike and have no respect for sb/sth 鄙视;蔑视;看不起She despised gossip in any form.她对任何形式的流言蜚语都很不齿。He despised himself for being so cowardly.他讨厌自己如此怯懦。 see also despicable despicable bear (bore, borne) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) used in negative statements and questions to say that you dislike sth so much that you cannot accept or deal with it (用于否定句和疑问句,表示不喜欢)承受,忍受How can you bear to eat that stuff?你怎么能吃得下那种东西?I just can't bear it any more!我再也忍不下去了!The pain was almost more than he could bear.这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。She couldn't bear the thought of losing him.她一想到会失去他就受不了。NOTE 辨析 Can't stand or can't bear?In many cases you can use either word, but can't bear is slightly stronger and slightly more formal than can't stand. Bear, but not stand, has the closely related meaning of 'to accept and deal with sth unpleasant', used in positive statements. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,但can't bear比can't stand语气稍强,而且略显正式。bear用于肯定句时,有“接受并应对不喜欢的事”之义,stand则没有此义She bore it all with her usual patience.她以一贯的耐心忍受了这一切。She stood it all with her usual patience.  See also the entry for stand 2 另见stand条第2义 loathe / /ləʊð; NAmE loʊð/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to hate sb/sth very much 极不喜欢;憎恶They loathe each other.他们相互憎恨对方。Many of the people fear and loathe the new government.许多人对新政府又怕又恨。He loathed hypocrisy.他憎恶虚伪。 Loathe is generally an even stronger verb than hate, but it can also be used more informally to talk about less important things, meaning 'really don't like'. * loathe的语气通常比hate还强,但也可用于非正式的场合谈及不太重要的事,意为“确实不喜欢”Whether you love or loathe their music, you can't deny their talent.不管你喜不喜欢他们的音乐,都不能否认他们的才华。 OPP love , adore love verb , adore like verb detest /dɪˈtest/ / [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (rather formal) to hate sb/sth very much 极不喜欢;憎恶They absolutely detest each other.他们完全是相互憎恨。I detest being treated like a child.我非常讨厌被当成小孩子看待。 OPP love love verb abhor / /əbˈhɔːr/ / (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (formal) to hate sth very much, for example a way of behaving or thinking, especially for moral reasons (尤指因道德原因)憎恨,厌恶,憎恶Most decent people abhor corruption in government.大多数正派人憎恶政府的腐败行为。


hatred ♦︎ dislike ♦︎ hate ♦︎ aversion ♦︎ loathingThese are all words for a strong feeling of not liking sb/sth. 这些词均表示憎恨。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达憎恨的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配hatred / dislike / hate / loathing for / of sb / sthdeep hatred / dislike / aversion / loathingabsolute hatred / hate / loathingto be filled with hatred / hate / loathingto develop a hatred / an aversion / a loathingfear and hatred / hate / loathing hatred [uncountable, countable] a very strong feeling of not liking sb/sth 憎恨;仇恨;厌恶She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker.她对攻击她的人只有恨。He was accused of stirring up racial hatred.他被控挑起种族仇恨。The debate simply revived old hatreds.这场辩论只不过再次挑起了夙仇。OPP love love noun 2 dislike [uncountable, countable] a feeling of not liking sb/sth; a thing that you do not like 不喜爱;厌恶;讨厌的事物He did not try to hide his dislike of his boss.他没有想要掩饰自己对上司的不满。She took an instant dislike to the house and the neighbourhood.她一下子就对那栋房子和邻近地区产生了反感。I've told you all my likes and dislikes.我喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,都对你说了。 OPP liking love noun 2 , likes Your likes are the things that you like, but the word is only really used in the phrase sb's likes and dislikes. * likes指喜欢的事情,但只用于短语sb's likes and dislikes中。 hate [uncountable] a very strong feeling of dislike for sb, that makes you want to harm them (对某人的)厌恶,憎恶,仇恨His eyes were flashing with hate and anger.他的眼睛喷发着仇恨和愤怒的火焰。He had received racist hate mail.他收到了充满种族仇恨的诋毁信件。OPP love love noun 2 NOTE 辨析 Hatred or hate? Hatred is more frequent, slightly more formal and used especially in writing. Although it can be used to refer to the abstract concept, it is more often used to describe a very strong feeling of dislike for a particular person or thing. * hatred较常见,稍正式,尤用于书面语。尽管可以指抽象的概念,但hatred更多指对具体的人或事物的憎恨或厌恶Her deep hatred of her sister was obvious.很明显她对她姐姐恨之入骨。a cat's hatred of water猫对水的厌恶You are more likely to use hate when you are talking about this feeling in a general way. * hate多用于泛指厌恶或憎恨a look of pure hate纯然憎恨的目光people filled with hate充满仇恨的人们 Hate is more often used in informal or spoken contexts. It can also be used before another noun, as in a hate campaign or a hate figure. * hate较常用于非正式或口语语境,还可修饰其他名词,如a hate campaign(中伤行动)或a hate figure(眼中钉)。 aversion /əˈvɜːʃn; NAmE əˈvɜːrʒn/ [countable, uncountable] a strong feeling of not liking sb/sth, that makes you want to avoid them/it 厌恶,憎恶(以致想要极力避免)He had an aversion to getting up early.他十分讨厌早起。She has a deep-rooted aversion to dogs, almost amounting to a phobia.她对狗厌恶至极,几乎到了恐惧的地步。 loathing /ˈləʊðɪŋ; NAmE ˈloʊðɪŋ/ [singular, uncountable] (formal) a very strong feeling of hatred and disgust for sb/sth 憎恨;憎恶;仇恨Many soldiers returned with a deep loathing of war.许多士兵回来时都对战争深恶痛绝。She looked at her attacker with fear and loathing.她看着袭击她的歹徒,既怕又恨。




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