

单词 hold out sth
hold out sth phrase


offer good facilities/prospects 提供优良的设施/良好的前景offer to help/offer sb a job 主动提出帮忙;给某人一份工作offer ♦︎ extend ♦︎ hold out sth ♦︎ tender ♦︎ volunteerThese words all mean to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth. 这些词均表示提供东西或机会。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to offer / extend a / an invitation / welcometo offer / extend aid / credit / hospitality / sympathy / condolences / congratulationsto offer / hold out the hope / possibility / prospect of sthto offer / tender adviceto offer / volunteer a / an suggestion / opinionto offer / volunteer informationto offer / tender your apologies / resignation offer [transitive] to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth 提供(东西或机会);供应The hotel offers excellent facilities for families.这家旅馆为入住的家庭提供一流的服务设施。The job didn't offer any prospects for promotion.这份工作提供不了任何升迁的希望。He did not offer any explanation for his behaviour.他没有对自己的行为作出任何解释。 extend [transitive] (formal) to offer or give sth to sb, especially as a way of welcoming sb or expressing kind feelings towards them 提供,给予(尤指为了表示欢迎或善意)We extend our sympathy to the families of the victims.我们对罹难者的家人深表同情。The bank refused to extend credit to them (= to lend them money).银行拒绝向他们提供信贷。Extend is a more formal way of saying offer when you are talking about aid, credit, hospitality, a welcome or an invitation, or expressions of feelings including greetings, congratulations, condolences and sympathy. 与aid、credit、hospitality、welcome、invitation等词搭配时,又或是与greeting、congratulation、condolence、sympathy等表示感情的词搭配时,extend是比offer较正式的说法。 ˌhold ˈout sth

phrasal verb

(held, held)to offer a chance, hope or possibility of sth 提供机会;给予希望;使有可能Doctors hold out little hope of her recovering.医生对她的痊愈不抱什么希望。Hold out is usually followed by hope, but other possible collocates are possibility, promise and prospect. * hold out通常后接hope,而其他可搭配的词还有possibility、promise和prospect。
tender [transitive] (formal) to offer or give sth to sb 提议;提供;提出He has tendered his resignation to the Prime Minister.他已向首相递交辞呈。Tender is a more formal way of saying offer when you are talking about giving your resignation or apologies. 与resignation或apology搭配时,tender是比offer较正式的说法。 volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r); NAmE ˌvɑːlənˈtɪr/ [transitive] (written) to suggest sth or tell sb sth without being asked 主动建议(或告诉)Nobody asked her, and she didn't volunteer any information.没有人问她,她也未主动提供任何信息。People typically volunteer a statement, a suggestion, information, a comment or an opinion. * volunteer通常与statement、suggestion、information、comment或opinion等词搭配。




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