

单词 loud
loud adj.
loud (a loud noise) coloured (a loud jacket)


loud ♦︎ noisy ♦︎ deafening ♦︎ roaring ♦︎ ear-splittingThese words all describe a powerful noise made by sb/sth. 这些词均表示喧闹的、响亮的、嘈杂的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a loud / a deafening / a roaring / an ear-splitting noisethe loud / deafening sound of sthloud / deafening / roaring applausea loud / deafening crash / roarloud / deafening musica loud / deafening cheera loud voice loud (of a sound) making a lot of noise (声音)喧闹的,响亮的,大声的There was a loud bang and a big puff of smoke.只听一声巨响,一股浓烟喷了出来。That music's too loud-please turn it down.这音乐太吵了,请把音量调低一点。OPP quiet , soft quiet 2 loud


(rather informal) Do you have to play that music so loud?你非得把音乐放那么大声吗?You'll have to speak louder-I can't hear you.你得说大声点-我听不见你说什么。


She screamed as loudly as she could.她声嘶力竭地尖叫。
noisy (often disapproving) (of a person or thing) making a lot of noise; (of a place) full of noise (人或物)吵闹的,聒噪的,嘈杂的;(场所)充满噪音的The field was full of noisy children running around.田野里到处是吵闹着跑来跑去的孩子。The engine is very noisy at high speed.这台发动机高速运转时噪音非常大。A noisy classroom is a poor learning environment.吵闹的教室不是好的学习环境。OPP quiet quiet 1 noisily


The children were playing noisily upstairs.孩子们在楼上吵闹着玩耍。
deafening / /ˈdefnɪŋ/ / so loud that it makes you temporarily unable to hear anything else 震耳欲聋的;极喧闹的The team was greeted by deafening applause from the audience.这个队博得了观众雷鸣般的掌声。The noise of the machine was deafening.机器的轰鸣声震耳欲聋。 roaring making a continuous loud deep noise 咆哮的;呼啸的;轰鸣的All we could hear was the sound of roaring water.我们能听到的只有汹涌澎湃的涛声。 ˈear-splitting (rather informal) so loud or high that it hurts your ears 极响的;震耳欲聋的The ear-splitting noise made him feel quite light-headed.那震耳欲聋的噪音使他感觉头昏目眩。
coloured (BrE) (NAmE colored)


coloured ♦︎ colourful ♦︎ flamboyant ♦︎ lurid ♦︎ gaudy ♦︎ garish ♦︎ loudThese words all describe things that are a bright colour or that have a lot of different colours. 这些词均表示颜色鲜艳的、五彩缤纷的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a lurid / gaudy / garish / loud coloura gaudy / garish / loud pattern / green / pink / red, etc.colourful / flamboyant / gaudy / loud clothescolourful / flamboyant / loud designs coloured (BrE) (NAmE colored) (often used in compounds 常用于复合词) having a particular colour or different colours 有⋯色的;色彩⋯的The street was ablaze with coloured lights.那条街被彩灯照得一片辉煌。brightly coloured balloons色彩鲜艳的气球She was wearing a cream-coloured suit.她身着米色套装。 colourful (BrE) (NAmE colorful) (often approving) full of bright colours; having a lot of different colours 颜色鲜艳的;五彩缤纷的The male birds are more colourful than the females.这种鸟雄性比雌性色彩更加艳丽。a small but colourful garden面积不大却五彩缤纷的花园 OPP colourless drab NOTE 辨析 Coloured or colourful?On its own, coloured describes things which have a particular colour when they are normally white or clear. * coloured单独使用时指通常为白色或透明的东西带有颜色coloured glass / lights / paper有色玻璃;彩灯;彩纸Otherwise it is used in compounds. 此外,它还用于复合词中brightly coloured颜色鲜艳的cream-coloured米色的 Colourful is always used on its own. * colourful总是单独使用。 flamboyant / /flæmˈbɔɪənt/ / (often approving) bright, colourful and noticeable 艳丽的;绚丽夺目的a flamboyant silk tie艳丽的丝绸领带 lurid / /ˈlʊərɪd, ˈljʊərɪd; NAmE ˈlʊrɪd/ (disapproving) too bright in colour, in an unpleasant way 俗艳的;花哨的She was wearing a lurid orange and green blouse.她穿着一件花哨的橙绿两色的衬衫。 gaudy /ˈgɔːdi/ / (disapproving) too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste 俗艳的;花哨俗气的She wore gaudy colours and lots of gold jewellery.她穿得花里胡哨,戴着许多黄金首饰。 garish /ˈgeərɪʃ; NAmE ˈgerɪʃ/ (disapproving) very brightly coloured in an unpleasant way 俗艳的;花哨的;刺目的I can't stand those garish Christmas lights.我受不了那些花里胡哨的圣诞灯饰。 loud (sometimes disapproving) very brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste (颜色)俗艳的,花哨俗气的He wore a loud checked jacket and a green tie.他穿着花哨的格子夹克,系了一条绿领带。NOTE 辨析 Lurid, gaudy, garish or loud? Gaudy is used to describe bright colours when you want to suggest that they have been chosen by sb lacking good taste (= the ability to choose things that are attractive and of good quality). Garish is used more to describe bright colours that are ugly. Loud mainly describes clothes with bright, ugly patterns and suggests less disapproval and more humour. Lurid is the most unpleasant of all, used especially to describe lighter colours that reflect light, such as yellow, orange, green and pink. * gaudy指艳丽而缺乏品味。garish更多指颜色鲜艳而难看。 loud主要指衣服图案花哨难看,不太含贬义,倒有些幽默意味。本组词中,lurid最令人不悦,尤用于描述反光的浅亮色,如黄色、橙色、绿色和粉红色。




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