例句 |
maundersverbpresent tense third-person singular of maunder to move about from place to place aimlesslymaundered all over town on his day off bats, cruises, drifts, floats, gads (about), gallivants(also galavants), kicks around, knocks (about), meanders, mooches, rambles, ranges, roams, roves, traipses, wanders ambles, saunters, strollsdawdles, mopesgypsies, hobos, tramps, vagabondsmills (about or around)straggles, strays to talk at length without sticking to a topic or getting to a pointask her a question and she'll maunder for half an hour blathers (on), goes on, rambles, rattles, runs on deviates, digresses, strays, wanderssidetracksblabbers, blabs, blithers, bumbles, burbles, chats, chatters, drivels, drools, gabbles, gabs, gibbers, jabbers, patters, prates, prattles, waffles runs one's mouth chiefly Britishto express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomelya couple of mates maundering over their beer in a dark corner of the pub beefs, bellyaches, bitches, bleats, carps, caterwauls, complains, crabs, croaks, fusses, gripes, grizzles, grouches, grouses, growls, grumbles, grumps, hollers, inveighs, keens, kicks, kvetches, moans, murmurs, mutters, nags, repines, screams, squawks, squeals, wails, whimpers, whines, whinges(British), yammers, yawps(or yaups), yowls objects (to), protests, quarrels (with)cavils, quibblesfrets, stews, worriesblubbers, cries, sobsbemoans, bewails, deplores, laments kicks up a fuss crows, delights, rejoices accepts, bears, countenances, endures, takes, toleratesapplauds, cheers, commends |