例句 |
facelessadjective lacking in distinctive features or qualitiesit was precisely because he was a faceless individual that the serial killer was able to go on for so long without detection beige, characterless, featureless, indistinctive, neutral, noncommittal, nondescript, vanilla boring, drab, dreary, dry, dull, flat, humdrum, leaden, monotonous, pedestrian, stodgy, stuffy, tame, tedious, tiresome, tiring, uninteresting, wearisome, weary, wearying arresting, bold, catchy, dramatic, emphatic, eye-catching, flamboyant, showy, splashy, striking not named or identified by a namefaceless gossipmongers had been spreading rumors about the actor's sexual identity for years anonymous, incognito, innominate, nameless, unbaptized, unchristened, unidentified, unnamed, untitled undetermined, unspecifiedobscure, uncelebrated, unheard-of, unheralded, unknown, unsungunexceptional, unremarkable baptized, christened, dubbed, named, termed denominated, designated, specifiedlabeled(or labelled), tabbed, titledcelebrated, famed, famous, known, notable, noted, noteworthy, remarkable, renowned, well-knownexceptional in 1568 |