例句 |
pallsnounpl. of pall a boxlike container for holding a dead bodybearing her husband's pall were her four brothers and two nephews an overspreading element that produces an atmosphere of glooma persistent pall of distrust has overtaken this administration and will remain until the president resigns clouds, shadows fogs, hazes, mists, murks, penumbrae(or penumbras), umbras(or umbrae)midnights, nightsmantles, shrouds, veils something that covers or conceals like a piece of clotha pall of gloom overshadowed the failing theater's last production blankets, cloaks, copes, coverings, covers, covertures, cover-ups, curtains, hoods, mantles, masks, penumbrae(or penumbras), robes, shrouds, veils, wraps blinds, concealers, screens, shieldsfig leafs(or fig leaves), Potemkin villages, Trojan horsescamouflages, disguises, facades(also façades), faces, masks, veneersglosses, varnishes pallsverbpresent tense third-person singular of pallto grow less in scope or intensity especially graduallyviewers' interest in the reality show eventually palled abates, declines, decreases, de-escalates, dies (away or down or out), diminishes, drains (away), drops (off), dwindles, eases, ebbs, falls, falls away, lessens, lets up, lowers, moderates, phases down, ratchets (down)also rachets (down), recedes, relents, remits, shrinks, subsides, tapers, tapers off, wanes compresses, condenses, constricts, contractsevaporates, fades (away), fritters (away), gives out, melts (away), peters (out), tails (off), vanishesslackens, slows (down)alleviates, relaxesflags, sinks, weakenscaves (in), collapses, deflates accumulates, balloons, builds, burgeons(also bourgeons), enlarges, escalates, expands, grows, increases, intensifies, mounts, mushrooms, picks up, rises, snowballs, soars, swells, waxes appears, emerges, shows upblows up, distends, elongates, lengthens |