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conditionsnounpl. of condition something upon which the carrying out of an agreement or offer dependsyou'll get a bonus with the condition that we meet our sales forecast contingencies, ifs, provisions, provisos(also provisoes), qualifications, reservations, stipulations strings, termspreconditions, prerequisites, requirements, requisiteslimitations, modifications, restrictionsexceptions, exemptionsdemands, essentials, musts, necessities, needs an abnormal state that disrupts a plant's or animal's normal bodily functioninga skin condition that prevents me from staying out in the sun for very long affections, ailments, ails, bugs, complaints, complications, diseases, disorders, distemperatures, distempers, fevers, illnesses, ills, infirmities, maladies, sicknesses, troubles contagions, contagious diseasescontagia, infectionsattacks, bouts, fits, spellsdebilities, decrepitudes, weaknessesmalaises, matters, pipsepidemics, pestilences, pests, plagues something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidablewater is a condition for life on Earth demands, essentials, must-haves, musts, necessaries, necessities, needfuls, needs, requirements, requisites, sine qua nons(also sine quibus non) preconditions, prerequisitesadvantages, edges, pluses(also plusses)desiderata, desiderations, wishes nonessentials, nonnecessities amenities, comforts, extras, extravagances, frills, indulgences, luxuries, superfluities, surplusages, surpluses something that limits one's freedom of action or choicetheir parents placed several conditions on their weekend plans checks, circumscriptions, constraints, curbs, fetters, limitations, restraints, restrictions, strictures exceptions, provisos(also provisoes), qualifications, reservations, stipulations, stringsbans, prohibitions, proscriptions freedoms, latitudes conditionsverbpresent tense third-person singular of conditionto bring to a proper or desired state of fitnessthe length of time that it takes for runners to condition their bodies for a marathon seasons, trains fits, habilitates, prepares, readiesacclimates, acclimatizes, accommodates, adapts, adjusts, breaks in, orientates, orients, shapesaccustoms, familiarizes, habituates, naturalizesfortifies, hardens, inures, seasons, shapes up, steels, strengthens, toughens deconditions to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situationa company that must condition its traditional ways of doing business to the realities of the global economy acclimates, acclimatizes, accommodates, adapts, adjusts, conforms, doctors, edits, fashions, fits, puts, shapes, suits, tailors readapts, readjustscustomizes, gears, matches, models, patternsattunes, corrects, harmonizes, squares, tunesestablishes, roots, settlesacquaints, familiarizes, orientates, orientsequips, prepares, primes, rehearseshardens, inures, seasons, toughensalters, converts, makes over, modifies, recasts, reclaims, recycles, redesigns, redevelops, redoes, reengineers, refashions, refigures, refits, refocuses, reinvents, rejiggers, remakes, remodels, revamps, revises, reworks, transformsaccustoms, habilitates, habituates, naturalizesreadies, seasonsbendsfiddles (with), fine-tunes, phases, registers, regulates, rigs misadjusts |