例句 |
pessimistnoun one who emphasizes bad aspects or conditions and expects the worstshe's such a pessimist that she's convinced she'll fail every test defeatist Cassandra, Jeremiahcynic, fatalist, nihilisthardnose, pragmatist, realistanti-utopianknocker, naysayerworrier, worrywart optimist, Pollyanna Don Quixote, dreamer, fantast, idealist, idealizer, ideologue(also idealogue), romantic, romanticist, utopian, visionarysentimentalist a person who distrusts other people and believes that everything is done for selfish reasonsa true pessimist, he's convinced that there will be wars as long as there are people to wage them cynic, misanthrope, naysayer misandrist, misogynistdoubter, negativist, skepticbelittler, critic, derider, detractor, scoffermalcontentdefeatist, quitter optimist, Pollyanna, positivistidealist, sentimentalist in 1789 |