例句 |
pileupsnounpl. of pileup a mass or quantity that has piled up or that has been gathered over a period of timea pileup of e-mail messages that needed to be dealt with accretions, accumulations, assemblages, collections, cumulations, cumuli, gatherings, lodgments(or lodgements) agglomerates, assortments, congeries, conglomerates, conglomerations, hodgepodges, hotchpotches, jumbles, medleys, mélanges, mishmashes, mixes, mixtures, motleys, potpourrisagglomerations, clutters, hashes, heaps, litters, masses, pilesaggregates, aggregations, sums, totalitiesbacklogs, caches, funds, hoards, inventories, kitties, nest eggs, reserves, stockpiles, stocks, stores, supplies |